The reason is given at the close; not only "by thy sorcery were all the nations deceived," but above all "in her was found [the] blood of prophets and saints, and of all the slain upon the earth.". Now the Lord in the end here is really putting a lot of emphasis upon the fact that these are true sayings. Revelation 19 explained (every verse) - YouTube The fine linen, clean and But "out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron." Such is the meaning of the verse "The rest of the dead lived not again till the thousand years were finished. Acts 10:25-26). 19:6-8 And I heard a voice which sounded like the voice of a vast multitude, and like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of mighty crashes of thunder. The betrothal takes place on earth during the church age; (2) I can hardly wait. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God ( Revelation 19:1 ): The judgment of the earth, as far as God's wrath being poured out, has been completed on Babylon. ", 2. "Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him: for the ___________ of the _______ is come". The mighty angel. faith during the Tribulation (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zech. chapters "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away." "And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, gather yourselves together unto the great supper of God; that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiliarchs, and flesh of strong [men], and flesh of horses, and of those that sit on them, and flesh of all, both free and bond, both small and great." Do it not (compare 22:8-9). The seven Spirits of God (Greek: , ta hepta pneumata tou theou) are mentioned four times in the Book of Revelation, and in the Book of Isaiah it names each Spirit.Revelation 1:4: John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven . The armies of heaven are the hosts of the angels. Verse 10. From generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever" ( Isaiah 34:9-10). Verses 6-10: Omnipotent: God is all-powerful, and reigneth over His God doesn't want you taking credit for the work that He does, receiving glory for His work. This section bridges the Tribulation and the millennial kingdom. Nothing of the sort can be plainer. "* There is no thought of making such a paradox to perplex the mind. V. An invitation given to the fowls of heaven, that they should come and see the battle, and share in the spoil and pillage of the field (Revelation 19:17; Revelation 19:18), intimating that this great decisive engagement should leave the enemies of the church a feast for the birds of prey, and that all the world should have cause to rejoice in the issue of it. It calls God the Almighty. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; It is the judgment of the dead as such, who now rise and give account of their deeds. But no; it was an absolute decree that went forth, and this indisputably, from a single head of the undivided empire. In the Ascension of Isaiah ( Isaiah 9:5) there is a saying: "Thou canst not bear his name until thou shalt have ascended out of the body." These angels are going to be interesting creatures to meet, aren't they? The same imagery of a wedding picture's the Lord's relationship with His Church. pure and faithful, never a harlot, like Israel was (see Hosea chapter 2). John saw heaven opened and a RIDER UPON A WHITE HORSE verse 11. . Judas returned the money to the priests saying, "I betrayed innocent blood" ( Matthew 27:4 ). These were simply the characters of provisional judgment that filled the interval after the church was gone, and before the reign with Christ. They will be gathered together at the inspiration of Satan. In the . It is an evident contrast with the state supposed in the wheat-and-tare field of Christendom which is found at the end of the age. Afterwards we come to the description of itself, of its wall, its building, its foundations, and its gates. There is a reassuring tone here telling the Lord that He was justified in His And though they are but a seed, a But it was no such evil which astounded the prophet. there is a son in the family, who, instead of being admonished by his father's wickedness, takes license from it to indulge the same. This is what drove men to the idea of making the pope to be the beast. The things in the present and in the future are all designed to help God's children. "Why are you red in your apparel, and your garments like the ones that have been treading in the wine vat?" Such is the hard bondage which mere historical tradition imposes on its votaries. . It was not merely a vocable or sound dropped heedlessly from unthinking lips. Verse 2. His Earthly Kingdom (see article . But in the time really contemplated here all this political shuffling will be over. For true and righteous are his judgments ( Revelation 19:2 ): All the way through we have had this affirmation that the judgments of God are true and righteous. The four living creatures, respectively like a lion, an ox, a man and an eagle, stand for two things, for all that is bravest, strongest, wisest and swiftest in nature--and for the cherubim. Revelation 19 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise) - Christianity 3:12-15; 2 Cor. What makes it the more notable is this, that the rod of iron is promised to us not the sword. With this agrees His coming out of heaven in judgment of the earth, described inRevelation 19:1-21; Revelation 19:1-21. WATCH ON YOUTUBE Book of Revelation Explained 2: The Last Days (Revelation 1:1-5) In other words, this is the characteristic title for God in the Revelation. church (Acts 2:1ff). So all the forces hostile to God assemble themselves; but the warrior Christ is to conquer. No one really knows what the vowels in Y-H-W-H were. So for the most part in the book of Revelation, there will be the angel speaking to John and revealing to him the things that were being revealed to him by Jesus Christ. ], "Those who believe in the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ must also look for his return." The word used here for crown is diadema ( G1238) , which is the royal crown, as opposed to stephanos ( G4735) which is the crown of victory. Here we find the term "Alleluia" used really for the first in the New Testament and it is used four times here. Many suggestions have been made. this great multitude begin to praise God, the volume would be so great as to THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY ( Revelation 19:10 b). Afrikaans; Alemannisch; ; ; ; Azrbaycanca; ; Bn-lm-g; ; Bikol Central A lot of the persecution against the Christian has come from religion, religious leaders. The marriage feast will take place on earth following Christ's return with the So, darkness covered the face of the deep and God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He is, as H. B. Swete puts it, "a royal commander followed by a dazzling retinue." And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). To the Christian this book is not sealed. We have not to learn what the other mystery means; we know well that it is according to God and godliness. Again, death and hades are said to come to their end, personified as enemies. cum cdd. The events that are described within its pages were written for us today. Then there is the reigning power, but not the execution of judgment in this awful fashion which is attributed to the Lord Himself. God uses them for this object,-the setting aside of her, the great religious corruptress, whose centre is found at Rome. Chapter 19 of Revelation is the only place in the Bible that this name describing God is used. This First, then, this is the praise of the prophets and the martyrs who have witnessed for God with their voices and with their lives. You can trust in this that these are the true sayings of God. 13:20), and will be presented to Him at the Rapture (John If so, we can define the true prophet as the man who has received from Christ the message he brings to men, and whose words and works are at one and the same time an act of witness to Christ. But now He is ready to return and establish His kingdom and take us unto Himself and the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife, or bride, has made herself ready. It is written to be believed, not to be ignored or explained away. Observe another very important fact. The very name indeed shows something similar; not of course that the church can ever be earthly. 4:6). Accordingly the rapture of the church with the Old Testament saints must have already taken place, all (as I have no doubt) being caught up at the self-same time to be with the Lord above. Revelation 19:5 "And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. We find that Jesus is called the faithful witness. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy: The central theme of both There was never a time when the Christian was called upon to undergo such suffering and to accept so continually the prospect of a cruel death. And there shall in nowise enter into it anything that defileth, nor making abomination and a lie: but only those written in the book of life of the Lamb." Book of Revelation Explained Scripture by Scripture - In his cross and resurrection, Christ won a great victory over the powers of evil; by his second coming, he will execute that victory. "And the angel said unto him, Wherefore didst thou wonder? (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16; sharp . 14:15-24). The abusso or abyss is probably in the very center of the earth, because it is called and correctly translated "bottomless pit." The angelic host sings a second Hallelujah. There never has been a like experience. And so the first two inhabitants of Gehenna will be the antichrist and his prophet and they will be the soul inhabitants, it would seem, for a thousand years. The cosmic drama is drawing to a close. This "great voice" here is "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. If you'd like to financially support VBVMI, please do so here. We have already met this description in Revelation 1:14 and Revelation 2:18. Revelation 19:1. But you can go ahead and do these things without pangs of conscience trying to destroy God out of our society, out of our lives. Lit. The prevalence of all this in Judaism is underlined by the fact that certain Rabbis insisted that prayers must always be offered direct to God, and not to Michael or to Gabriel. There are not enough adjectives in the dictionary His instructions are to praise God. If you understand the testimony of Jesus, what must you do. Here is one of the most dramatic moments in the Revelation, the emergence of the conquering Christ. Supposing, for instance, a drunken father: if the sons had one spark of right feeling, not only must they feel the utmost shame and pain on account of their parent, but they would endeavour (like the sons of Noah who had a due sense of what was proper to their father) to cast some mantle of love over that which they could not deny, yet would not look at, but surely above all things they would watch against that shameful sin. Verse 9. In this way there never has been anything of the kind before. When God is so gracious, His word rich, full, and deep, it does seem sad to see His children content with just enough to save their souls, or keep them from positive starvation. Revelation 1 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - "Let him that is unrighteous be unrighteous still: and let the filthy be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."
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