Email us at And while we certainly value the opinions of doctors and sexperts on this topic, we want to know: what do ~normals~ have to say on the hot-button issue? At some point, we seem to have forgotten that a vagina is supposed to smell and taste like a vagina, not a tropical paradise-scented air freshener. It's going to taste like a vagina and that's seriously just as yummy. Jess Adkins Lives in Canada (2012-present) Author has 59 answers and 47.9K answer views Nov 4 Related pineapple and oranges, will tend to make your taste and smell a little sweeter. Taking pineapple and cranberry juice during mesntruation will ease menstrual flow and can clean the womb of stale blood. Are those clean underwear? These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste. Some food items also release compounds that can make your smell and taste grassier or more pronounced. He said. Eases menstrual flow. Thanks for signing up. He notes that pineapple, per say, isn't better than other healthy fruits and veggies, but it certainly will make a difference in your personal aroma. These food items include red meat, dairy, garlic, onion, and food and beverages packed with sugars. Keep reading to find out if pineapple juice can make oral sex more pleasant for your partner and which foods actively make your semen taste worse. When the vaginal pH is disrupted, it can cause an infection like bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomoniasis, or a yeast infection, which will cause your vagina to taste like an. Dr Shazia Malik, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, told 'There is no . , Awesome, Youre All Set! He said there was nothing wrong in eating pineapple for what ever reason because it is a healthy fruit rich in antioxidants. But what's the deal? A Cosmopolitan writer and her man each tested out the 'pineapple diet' for a few days and scheduled an oral sex date to test their hypothesisthe science project of the century, if you ask me. (While were on the subject, a note on the experiment: No, we didnt use rigorous scientific methods, and, yes, my boyfriend knew when Id eaten what foods, so that might have influenced his opinions.). Now straight to the point. This isnt something you can control directly, so your partner or significant other should deal with the fact that womens private parts will taste different depending on the time of the month. Citrus fruits, i.e. After conducting the pineapple experiment like a dictator, I decided to take a different route and make this taste test more fun. He continued: "Salty isn't bad, it's just a stronger smell.". ), you know that it's nothow shall we put thisthe most awesome taste in the world. Does Pineapple Juice Really Change the Way Your Stuff Tastes? Designed and Developed by, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But don't go crazy cleaning your genitals that can actually make things worse. I asked, kind of ruining the mood. Sorry to anyone that's been bulk-buying pineapples. 4. But again, no amount of pineapple in the world is going to make that semen taste like a pia colada, and honestly that would be a bit alarming anyway. Here's what I discovered. We recommend this for people who are almost always dehydrated. The more lubricated your vagina is, the more diluted its secretions may be, potentially cutting some of the tang from its taste. These are serious questions that people ask when theyre thinking of going down on a woman, or when theyre curious about what a good-tasting pussy tastes like. What to eat to make your vagina smell good - PPWikis - Vodo Gram When it comes to cleaning your vulva, water and mild soap is all you really need, says Gunter. "A vagina should smell and taste like a vagina," says Gunter. What Is Pineapple Poisoning? - Stellina Marfa Emily Shiffer is a former digital web producer for Mens Health and Prevention, and is currently a freelancer writer specializing in health, weight loss, and fitness. But I ate a pound of pineapple chunks and downed six ounces of pineapple juice anyway to figure it out on my own. It's not unpleasant, just smells like woman. Although there is limited research on the topic, most likely because taste is a . That's why a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods is generally linked to a healthy V (and, perhaps, "good" vaginal taste) whereas a diet lacking in those nutrients could lead to an imbalance in the bacteria in your bits and maybe a different taste, too. That being said, the myth that pineapples make your fluid tastes better might not be entirely false. The smell might be indicating that something else (like an infection) is to blame. Kourtney Kardashian's Vagina Gummies: Doctors Say You Don't Need Them So it turns out that your man doesn't really care whether you taste like fruit when he's going down on you. After a 20-minute walk home from the wine bar, John popped another Mberry, let it fully dissolve, and went down on me. A Lady's Many Scents - The New York Times It depends what you mean by taste good. Douching, over-washing, or using scented wipes or washes can all throw off your vaginal pH balance and lead to infection (which can lead to odor), she says. Answer (1 of 4): Pine apples and onions make semen taste very had. This means you dont have a lot of control over whether your taste is salty or metallic. 1 day ago, by Victoria Edel 2023 Cond Nast. However, there is some scientific evidence that suggests that pineapple may have an . Check out some of the questions we've already answered: Casey Gueren is a senior health editor for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. Pineapple - Pineapple is generally considered as one of the best foods you can eat to improve the taste of your semen. Ditto for smoking cigarettes or drinking a lot of alcohol. (It's also not that great for your overall health to ingest that much sugar at once, so try to space it out a bit.). It was more about finding out whether there's any truth to all this vaginal hearsay. So what about semen? As his tongue was furiously doing the ABCs (my favorite oldie-but-goodie technique for clitoral stimulation), I was anxious for results. . Does Eating Pineapple Really Make Your Vagina Taste Sweeter? - Trending That's true for other acidic fruits like lemons and. First, keep a healthy diet loaded with fruits and vegetables. There is no special advantage in making your vagina taste like candy, orange, garlic, pineapple or any other fruit to be candid with you. However , there is no studies that have shown that pineapple makes a lady taste sweeter down there. All of these things can play a role in how you smell vaginal secretions included. 8 vagina-cleansing foods that can make your lady bits smell good does pineapple eat you back? - Test Food Kitchen Never one to shy away from uncomfortable subjects, I decided it was incumbent upon me to get to the bottom of this issue and to investigate whether eating copious amounts of pineapple will make your spunk less funky (I'm sorry). If you have just concluded your monthly period or are currently on your monthly period, your vagina will taste largely metallic and salty because of the traces of blood. Eventhough it does not make you taste good and wet, just eat it. But your vaginal taste and odor can change based on your health, so maintaining proper hygiene and controlling illnesses can affect the taste of your vagina, says Adrienne Ton, FNP-BC, APRN-CNP, a family nurse practitioner at TBD Health, a sexual-wellness brand that provides affordable and shame-free reproductive care. When the bodys natural flora is in a good state, everything else follows suit: including the pH of the vagina. Fresh-tasting Fluid: Is it true that eating pineapples makes my vaginal Eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough fiber can all help to maintain the good bacteria in your gut, she says. 9 Foods for Your Vagina's Fertility, Lubrication, and pH Balance It's also best to stick with breathable underwear and avoid scented products, which can irritate the vagina and cause inflammation or an infection, Ton says. Do pineapples make your vagina taste good? - Quora And again, healthy bacteria is what a vagina thrives on, so a good bacterial abundance could theoretically keep a vagina from taking on a funkier or stronger odor than it typically has. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Eating 12 grapes and running around the block with a suitcase? The same applies to your semen. Though there aren't any specific studies on the connection between eating pineapple and having a vagina that tastes "good" (again, a tough thing to measure, anyway), research does support that "fermented pineapple juice can help support the growth of healthy vaginal bacteria, just as yogurt and kombucha can," says OB/GYN Amy Roskin, MD, JD, chief medical officer at birth-control provider Favor. "Experienced tastersor folks who've tasted many a lover's juicesdo report that when you eat sweet fruits [like pineapple], vegetables, and herbs, it seems to heighten the sugary flavor of vaginal fluids and ejaculate," says sexologist Jess O'Reilly, PhD, host of the Sex With Dr. Jess podcast. That being said, I notice that my body (since the beginning of teenage puberty) has a fairly pungent smelldown there. She has been a sex and dating writer for a decade and she is the author of Rough(Opens in a new tab) (Penguin Random House, 2021). Does Pineapple Really Make Your Vagina Taste Better? - Spoon University Boost female libido. On the other hand, staying well-hydrated and eating sweeter foods with a high water content can decrease the aromas coming from body fluids. We don't judge! We tested it again the next morning with zero change. 9 Ways to Make Your Semen Taste Better - Larger Loads DID YOU WIPE FRONT TO BACK? There is anecdotal evidence that coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol can hurt the smell and, subsequently, the vaginas taste. "Everything you eat changes the smell and the taste down thereeverything," Dr. Oz said on The Real. Neither did I. MORE: Are You Washing Your Vagina All Wrong? It's about more major changes to your diet," he explained. But before you head to the grocery for a cartful of pineapple products, check out this interesting piece of info: While one study found that eating large amounts of pineapple makes your juices taste sweeter, it also says that, regardless of what people eat, men enjoy the taste of women more than women like the taste of men. ALSO, the more details you give, the better answers you'll get. Trimmed and cut pineapple keeps for five to seven days when you store it in an airtight container in your fridge. Contrary to popular belief, semen isn't just made up of sperm. Just social media speculations that have no scientific basis. A Cosmopolitan writer and her man each tested out the 'pineapple diet' for a few days and scheduled an oral sex date to test their hypothesisthe science project of the century, if you ask me. Additionally, all things that are good for the body, in general, are also good for the genitals. "Naturally sugary fruits like kiwi fruits, blueberries and stone fruit (plums, peaches, dates, nectarines) also improve your taste," says Dr. Bennett. Healthy and happy vaginas have a naturally acidic pH. Does Eating Pineapple Really Make Your Vagina Taste Sweeter? - Lifestyle Vitamin A. What causes a sweet taste from my vagina? - HealthTap Well, it does. those high in fructose/glucose (for example pineapple, orange juice, kiwi).". ), Oz says you can clearly taste evidence of his claims between smokers and non-smokers, regardless of their diets. Things like red meat, garlic and coffee can also make the taste and smell down there more pungent. Cranberry Pineapple Cocktail - Easy Cocktail Ideas (Think back to your high school chemistry class.) When a person is dehydrated, urine tends to be darker and more concentrated. We could also smell it on our hands right away. "Not much research has been done on the subject, but also there are no specific indications that the composition of sperm changes after eating pineapple," said Loktionov. 4 Mistakes That Are Causing You to Waste Money on Skin-Care Serums, According to an Esthetician, These Are the Best Anti-Chafing Denim ShortsAccording to Some Very Happy Reviewers. Can pineapple juice really make your bits taste sweeter? Next on the menu? Well+Good decodes and demystifies what it means to live a well life, inside and out. Launching Your Tango page, Wednesday, May 19, pineapple juice can actually make semen taste sweeter. Oftentimes it's a little bitter. Like garlic, curry seems to stick to your skin when you cook or eat it. Oral sex can be a daunting experience especially when you find yourself stressed on how your vagina smells and tastes! That being said, the myth that pineapples make your fluid tastes better might not be entirely false. Foster added that the best thing to do is drink. and he described her lady parts as "sweet you really did taste good.". What Is Keto Crotch? - Health You know whats hot? But you can't expect one can of pineapple juice to counter the steak you ate the night before; she says it's more about your overall diet than one pre-oral encounter pineapple binge. Jess O'Reilly, PhD, sexologist. Many ladies corroborated her claims saying they have tried it too and it worked well for them. It seems like the rumor that eating pineapple makes your vaginal fluid taste sweet has been around since middle school. So, where, exactly, does that leave pineapple in the vagina-taste department? Papaya - Papaya is a fruit rich in vitamins and nutrients that has natural sugars to make your semen taste sweeter. What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for you sexually? When you eat pineapple, the bromelain enzyme breaks . Most people with a vagina have probably heard of the myth that eating pineapples or drinking pineapple juice can make their vagina taste "better" or "sweeter." Intrigued by the idea of a perfumed vagina, people have experimented with their own unscientific "taste tests" after consuming excessive amounts of the fruit and found it . Can pineapple really change the taste of your semen? Additionally, red meat, dairy, chocolate, asparagus, broccoli, spinach can make the semen taste salty, strong and sharp. "They also suggest that smoking, caffeine, and processed foods can result in a more bitter vaginal taste," she says, speaking of her clients. Before you ask: Yes, it's worth the price. And does pineapple really sweeten the pot? It's not supposed to smell like roses or taste like candy. The first step to feeling better is resisting the urge to ignore your grief. This is exactly why it can help maintain the vaginal pH and keep matters in control. Citrus fruits may cause sweet smell or taste. 20052023 Mashable, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Sign up for Well+, our online community of wellness insiders, and unlock your rewards instantly. 2. All things considered, my vagina smell and taste experiment definitely confirmed . While there is a movement online that states that all dairy products can make your vagina smell bad, this isnt exactly true. For some, a compliment can result in a turn-on. This is because the amount of acid and sugar in the pineapple mixes with the fructose and glucose already found in semen and . As I ate about a cup and a half each of mixed vegetable curry and chana saagwala (spinach, garbanzo beans, and curry spices), I found this to be oh so true. Here's how to do it. Have all the chocolate and pineapple you want, but that's not necessarily going to make your juices taste like, well, juice. Shaving or waxing your pubic area might help, as pubic hair traps in the smell. Within a few minutes, he stopped what he was doing and said, "This is crazy. Does pineapple make your vag taste sweeter? For example, eating pungent foods, such as garlic, meat, vegetables like asparagus, and cheeses, will make for a stronger smell. The latest craze is brought to you by Lemme, Kourtney Kardashian's newest line of vitamins and botanical supplements, after it recently announced the launch of its vaginal-health gummies loaded with pineapple and vitamin C, captioning it, "Give your vagina the sweet treat it deserves (and turn it into a sweet treat). There's definitely a whiff of curry, and curry isn't really a great smell anyway, and it tastes saltier." By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. 2 hours ago, by Eden Arielle Gordon Cinnamon The more hydrated you are, the more volume you can expect, and an improved taste. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It did! ADVICE: Is it true pineapple sweetens 'down there'? - "It is not scientifically proven that pineapple can actually improve vaginal taste, even though some have anecdotally stated that this is the case," Dr. Purdy says. So it turns out that your man doesn't really care whether you taste like fruit when he's going down on you.
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