-- Did flight attendants really have to wear girdles back in the day? On November 25, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) released new guidelines for the country's airline industry, which it oversees. Flight attendants will wear the new uniforms, created by two well-known Ukrainian fashion brands, as of this autumn. Blouses with a winged collar and men's shirts are in Traveling Thistle. My first flight was in 2019, and it was magical, she says. This story has been shared 108,684 times. China's Civil Aviation Administration recommends that flight crew wear diapers onboard to avoid using airplane bathrooms in new COVID-19 guidelines. von Hayeks The Fatal Conceit. Its a foolish idea disproportionate to the risk, especially when there are less intrusive solutions available such as assigning one lavatory exclusively for crew use. Is it safe to travel for the holidays this year? I just have a lot of logistical questions. Flight attendants in China reportedly have been urged to wear disposable diapers and avoid airplane bathrooms as part of the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, according to new. While many airlines stipulate that women must wear makeup, they often restrict men from doing the same. For example back in March when a wave of people (departing from US & Europe) returning to China, HK and Taiwan many of the passengers covered themselves with PPE and wore diapers to prevent themselves from using the lavatory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWMU9vZsnCs If anything, flight attendants know their bodies the best and they can prepare for their flights by eating at certain times so they know when theyll most likely need to use the restroom, etc. There are plenty of things flight attendants wouldnt do on an airplane, but there are also things theyre simply not allowed to do. I cannot think of anything more disgusting. ). I can't speak for flight attendants. China flight attendants advised to wear diapers to avoid Covid-19 Great table manners, too." Some, such as Southwest and American Airlines, require weight to be in proportion with height. This sounds harsh, but its an airplane safety rule. On the one hand, lavatories are the highest risk part of the plane, due to the lack of air circulation. Along with vaccines, innovations in aircraft bathroomsare on the way: Japan Air Lines is working on a touchlessbathroom door. A job interview gives an organization the opportunity to get to know an applicant and see if they would be a good fit for a job. This is insane. "We were always tired, always in another time zone," laughed Waterman. I am again reminded that many choices in life come with risk, but running a cost-benefit analysis is far more important than avoiding risk. I loved everything about it: free travel to exotic locations, fun coworkers, interesting work, meeting new people. This work is the opinion of the columnist and does not reflect the opinion of ABC News. Yes, avoiding socialising with people outside my household is tough on mental health, but it's so much better than this madness around the world. But the virus is still spreading around the world and in doing so, raised concern over flight attendant actions which may contribute to that spread. The next sentence reads: "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks." While such. It worked in the US for about 150 years before the statists started eroding the nation. In the bizarre clip, the flight attendant, whose name badge is . The CAAC also recommends that airlines divide cabins into four zones, including the clean area, the buffer zone, the passenger sitting area, and the quarantine area, which each section separated by disposable curtains. While such advice may seem dramatic, it's no secret that lavatories can be the germiest place on an airplane. On both sets of flights, announcements were made during boarding and after take-off regarding the masks. Please dont call it a diaper! This is insane. Every airline has a social media policy that crew members are expected to follow. For more travelnews and insights view Rick's blog at farecompare.com. But they can wear only natural colored contactsand United Airlines even specifies that the color must be the same in both eyes. The irony: we now enjoy all of the freedom and normality in places like here in Australia that American "patriots" are screaming about not having, all because they simply refuse to do the work necessary to earn them. I agree with your last paragraph. "That little guy was a great passenger. United, for instance, allows its cabin crew to dye their hairbut only if the new hue reflects natural hair color; extremes and patterns are not permitted. This is the sixth edition of the guidance issued. And so began her six-year career with the legendary Pan American World Airways. "Modern toilets in aircraft use a vacuum system to move the waste from the lavatory to the holding tank, as a result when flushed, the vacuum system pulls air in. You already get a waft of just about everyones odor as they walk by you on a plane, since theres not exactly a lot of space between aisles and seats. Weve seen flight attendants wear all kinds of PPE to keep themselves (and others) safe when traveling. Answer (1 of 8): The choice is your so you can do that. Heres what to do if youre dealing with a delayed or canceled flight. However, outright preventing people from leaving does seem like it wouldve been a common sense measure and is perhaps one of the better arguments about how China botched things up. ", The next sentence reads: "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks.". The idea that flight attendants should wear diapers should be placed directly in the diaper bin with all the other refuse. Central planning is a recipe for disasters, but the collective action problem requires coordination in decision making. If youre considering a career as a flight attendant, one, A question that people often ask is if there is, Flight Attendant Watches (Rules, Requirements, and more), If a flight attendant has to administer CPR, they can use their watch to time the pumps they are giving the passenger, Synchronize watches during an emergency situation and perform emergency procedures at specific times, Keep track of time during the difference phases of the flight (boarding, preparing for take off or landing, etc. After this pandemic is over China will have a large corps of diaper trained flight attendants and pilots to choose from for their space missions and moon missions. But pressing the call bell every 20 minutes because you want . 20 Super Strict Rules Flight Attendants Must Follow | TheTalko 2023 Cable News Network. Her favorite route was probably the Tahiti run. However, I do want to point out that the actual way its written doesnt exactly translate 1:1 into, wear diapers. I hope you can appreciate that nuance in language matters. Flight Attendants In China Told To Wear Diapers To Prevent Spread Of Planes are stinky enough already. Generally, flight attendants are forbidden from posting anything controversial or obscene, or anything that might make the airline look bad. Which is to say airlines carea lot. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Flight attendants are being asked to wear diapers and avoid bathrooms Flight attendants have been told to wear disposable diapers rather than use onboard restrooms during high-risk flights from countries with a high prevalence of the novel Coronavirus according to new guidelines from China's official civil aviation regulator. They forbid stilettos, heels over 3 inches and cowboy bootsmakes sense, considering high heels arent the best option for emergencies. The CAAC is recommending that on charter flights to high-risk countries, flight attendants wear disposable diapers so that they can avoid using the lavatories, since thats the area of the plane where you have the highest risk of infection. It's a foolish idea disproportionate to the risk, especially when there are less intrusive solutions available such as assigning one lavatory exclusively for crew use. Clarks Women's Emslie Lulin Pump 3. Then she began to fly. Men wear a three-piece suit in Groundspeed Graphite, with a lapel or non-lapel jacket. At Southwest, this includes not wearing custom-made uniforms and being able to sit in jump seats without using seat belt extenders. Lets not get forget how this pandemic unfolded. Yes, flight attendants can wear smart watches while working. We can certainly achieve zero cases if no one was allowed outside their homes. Flight attendants are usually trained to do CPR, and they can also use defibrillators, according to bestlifeonline.com. What else is interesting, is that along the lines of your suggestion of a dedicated lavatory, the section immediately preceding the one with the diaper language does call for the rear lavatory to be reserved for passengers who are being isolated. Alaska Airlines Business Card Review: 70K Miles & Lufthansas Boeing 787 Business Class: Exactly As Expected. (Alex Tai/SOPA. Everyone in China is watching the news from overseas like watching a disaster film. Ive also read that some of the passengers from Taiwan even avoid inflight meals completely for 10+ hours. But the reality is, far too many Americans have spent the better part of the last year complaining about freedom and whining about how "sick and tired" they are of Covid when in reality they've done virtually nothing in comparison to what we've done in places like China, Australia and New Zealand to beat this thing. She has appeared in television news segments for CBS, FOX and NBC. What does a flight attendant do? - CareerExplorer I guarantee that lots of those old ladies working international on AA, UA and DL wear Depends already. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is for entertainment purposes only. Seeing these videos may make you feel even more motivated to be a polite and helpful . I do agree though that every person, including FAs, should have access to a lavatory at all times. The next sentence reads: "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks." While such. Times sure have changed. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Best Shoes for Flight Attendants 2022 1. The policy is a recommendation, not an edict, and includes other personal protective equipment suggestions including: Only masks and goggles are actually required. Meanwhile, is your suggestion for China to have prevented all travel outside of the country, or just of its own citizens? Although female flight attendants are encouraged to wear makeup, male flight attendants are not allowed to wear any. But maybe its not such a huge surprised for me cuz Ive read and heard all sort of similar situation on the news. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. Do it anyway, experts say. Just like when we are wearing V-neck clothes, we need to wear a necklace. Try and stay sane. Review: South African Airways A320 Business Class, Review: Mashonzha Lounge Johannesburg (JNB), Official: US Adds Testing Requirement For Air Passengers From China, Man Dragged Out Of His Home By Chinese Authorities, Spirit Airlines Flight Diverts After Battery Fire Onboard, 10 Hospitalized, New SWISS Senses Business And First Class Seats, Garlic Bread Returns To United Airlines Polaris Business Class, Why Would I Need Pants On? (Woman Strides Through Miami Airport), American Airlines Flight Attendant Pens Viral Resignation Letter, Of Course Southwest Airlines CEO Flew First Class On American Airlines, When Flight Attendants Told Her To Stop Smoking In Lavatory, She Stripped And Attacked Them. She's the author of two books, co-host of the Self Help Obsession podcast and also does freelance editing and ghostwriting. I'm a former flight attendant and a mom. Here's why it's a problem for Waterman visited the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Sydney Opera House, Mount Kilimanjaro and the Acropolis all before her 24th birthday. Christa Gifford, a Las Vegas-based flight attendant for Allegiant Air and president of Transport Workers Union of America . If youre hired by an airline to be a flight attendant they will most likely walk you through their specific appearance standards and rules. A look at both the glamorous and the grim sides of life as a Pan Am stewardess. I understand that China has coronavirus under control, and that takes hard work and discipline. Charlotte Hilton Andersen, BS, MS, has been covering health, fitness, parenting and culture for many major outlets, both in print and online, for 15 years. Pool party anyone? The last thing youd want to do is buy a new watch just for the job and find out it isnt one you can wear. "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks," says the guidelines from the Civil. Delta announced in 2021 that it would pay certain cabin crews during boarding, and hopefully other airlines will follow suit. The notion that rights and responsibilities are only framed in individual terms seems quite foolish to me, especially with a historical lens on. I feel like this is just a language translation error after all, China is a bit known for that. They apparently dont teach history anymore. Yes, flight attendants can wear smart watches while working. Working both in the aviation industry and as a travel consultant, Matthew has been featured in major media outlets around the world and uses his Live and Let's Fly blog to share the latest news in the airline industry, commentary on frequent flyer programs, and detailed reports of his worldwide travel. However, using diapers as PPE is a new one for me. In 2021, United Airlineswhich previously had flight attendant rules preventing men from wearing makeuprelaxed its restrictions. She began with "charm school"-style training and ended up keeping an eye out for bombs onboard. What I Learned On Four Flights After The Mask Mandate Removal - Forbes Flight attendants in China have reportedly been urged to wear disposable diapers and to avoid using airplane bathrooms to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Red is their go-to color for a reason, according to Elizabeth Upshaw, a former JetBlue flight attendant. Wearing a watch helps with this. Yes, avoiding socialising with people outside my household is tough on mental health, but it's so much better than this madness around the world. No. Best use of Astronaut training. Flight attendants in China are being advised to wear diapers in order to ward off COVID-19 infections by helping them avoid the plane bathroom, according to new airline guidelines. While flight attendants didn't wear scarves in the early days of aviation, scarves are still iconic due to their use in the early days of aviation. Flight attendant rules for jewelry rival those for makeup and clothing. While policies vary from company to company, most airlines dont allow visible tattoosand that includes ones that are covered with makeup or bandages. They also cant drink within eight hours of flying. But when I speak of the libertarian utopia, Im not talking about staying in lanes. I am talking about a central government ceasing to function in any meaningful way. (H/T: One Mile at a Time // image: China Eastern) But one thing remains constant in all these crazy scenes: how polite and calm the flight attendants remain. Domestically life is pretty much normal. "Then later on, we got a new assignment while walking the aisles during final cabin-checks," said Waterman. Heck the crazy lady astronaut driving 18 hrs nonstop to catch her boyfriend astronaut cheating with another lady astronaut also wore diapers so she wouldnt have to stop for toilet breaks. The CAAC is recommending that flight attendants on charter flights to high risk destinations wear disposable diapers to avoid using lavatories. Rockport Women's Total Motion Pump 5. Before Chinese airlines start forcing flight attendants to wear diapers, they should simply mark off one lavatory for crew use only and have it disinfected between each use. And here I was thinking that this is extreme PPE. A masked flight attendant hands out refreshments on a flight from San Francisco, California, to Newark, New Jersey, on October 27, 2020 . The second half of this regulation required all flight attendants to wear "court shoes", or closed-toe black pumps, which reveal skin on the tops and sides of the feet. Heck the crazy lady astronaut driving 18 hrs nonstop to catch her boyfriend astronaut cheating with another lady astronaut also wore diapers so she wouldnt have to stop for toilet breaks. The lengthy guidelines are designed to help airlines and flight attendants reduce the . The comments on this page have not been provided, reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any advertiser, and it is not an advertiser's responsibility to ensure posts and/or questions are answered. Now, in fairness, its important to emphasize that these are merely recommendations from the CAAC, and this applies to charter flights. Just call them Goldilocks. Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. 5:50 AM EST, Thu December 10, 2020. This wouldnt be fun on a long haul flight. I actually choose to wear diapers on long haul flights more hygienic and because a lot of the time when seat belt signs are on you cant use the toilets and when you gotta go you gotta go!! No. Personal data point: my friend left her home in Shanghai, visited Beijing, and was required by Shanghai municipality to do a kind of quarantine before being allowed to return to Shanghai. ), Most of the rules and standards are there for a clear reason, like safety or professionalism, but it was still overwhelmingI wont lie, Ryan says. On the off chance your plane needs to make an emergency water landing, youll be happy to know that your flight attendants are equipped to keep you safe in the water. It wasn't quite as exciting as the ABC-TV show "Pan Am" (Waterman will talk about "romance" shortly), but it had its moments. Best use of Astronaut training. Agree with Claus, they should be able to reserve/lock one bathroom for crew members only. CNNs Hannah Zhang contributed reporting. But she loved being a stewardess, and watches the episodes of Pan Am with great fondness. They also make the cabin crew easy to find when you need 'em. Yes, that happens. Are diapers really necessary? On international flights, everything is different. 21 Insane Dress Code And Lifestyle Standards Flight Attendants Have To After this pandemic is over China will have a large corps of diaper trained flight attendants and pilots to choose from for their space missions China training for Moon mission. The image of a flight attendant is of high importance to airlines so there are usually requirements as to what the watch looks like. While we do try to list all the best miles and points deals, the site does not include all card companies or credit card offers available in the marketplace. I have never flown on a Chinese airline but clearly this is no incentive to even consider it. Japanese airline ANA announced earlier this year that it was testing out a prototype of a new hands-free lavatory door. The reason for this is because in many emergency situations (like the list above) there are scenarios where a a flight attendant will need to perform certain actions at very specific time periods that can come down to the second. China flight attendants advised to wear diapers for Covid protection First, whatever the actual numbers are, I recognize that China has done a phenomenal job of containing the spread of COVID-19. China recommends flight attendants wear diapers By Ben Hooper The Civil Aviation Administration of China released new COVID-19 safety guidelines for flight crews with recommendations. Plus, cooking classes. The Civil Aviation Administration of China has issued some unusual advice for flight attendants looking for ways to avoid contracting coronavirus while working: It suggested they wear diapers to reduce their need to use airplane lavatories. Once anyone thinks about it for a moment, its completely ridiculous. Here is where US is taking remains of China spy flight The remains of the China spy flight shot down by the U.S. over the Atlantic Ocean this past weekend are heading to an FBI processing lab in Quantico, Virginia, senior U.S. government sources tell . Lucky, I saw an article that said European airlines recommend to keep valves for air closed while us airlines strongly recommend keeping them open. (Although I've never seen an airplane lavatory that can be locked from the outside.). Flight attendants are advised to wear diapers," the CAAC states. The consequences can be severe: One Delta flight attendant was recently fired for posting a political cartoon on Facebook. The actual diaper bit is more appropriately translated as In extortionary circumstances, cabin crew may utilize single use sanitary pads to reduce the risk of transmission.. "It reminds me of so many good times." oh, wait . Flight attendants use the chimes to signal a host of things to one another, from the snack supply running low to an increase in turbulence. Best of all were the airline's signature "around the world" flights lasting 10 or 11 days with layovers in the great cities of the world. Freedom isn't free, remember? Not sure how its disgusting when babies and elderly use diapers. Most of the time, were probably just reacting too slow to the limited information thats available. The document, titled Technical Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control for Airlines, Sixth Edition, contains advice about the best hygiene practices to carry out on aircraft and in airports. Also on the agenda: how to mix a mean martini and that other first-class favorite, the Manhattan. It's all over a dirty diaper that was placed in the airplane's trash. Apollo astronauts and Shuttle astronauts all wore diapers. The one big exception is Frontier airlines, which now allows people to add a 15%, 20% or 25% gratuity when buying food or snacks. United Airlines limits women to four rings and men to two rings, none of which can appear on knuckles or thumbs. Agents have a signature color block dress with Cruising Cardinal accents. Could barring just their own citizens from international travel have reduced the flow of people by half? The good news is that the air in the lavatory does not seem to pose a major risk. what you have been watching, caused by 2 people get infected by oversee returnees. 0:51 The Civil Aviation Administration of China has issued some unusual advice for flight attendants looking for ways to avoid contracting coronavirus while working: It suggested they wear. . The small size of the lavatories means that the quantity of air is not large, making it easier to exchange.". China has done the same sort of thing in many large cities. The agency, which is China's counterpart to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, offered that suggestion in a new document called "Technical Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control for Airlines" that was published in late November,according to reports from CNN and Fox News. VIP flight attendant Kimberley Benton shares her flying confessions about what really goes on during flights in those exclusive private jets. Chinese Flight Attendants Told to Wear Diapers Rather Than Use Onboard And what about pilots, are they supposed to wear diapers also? There was that string of three fatal accidents in the mid-'70s involving Pan Am planes in the South Pacific. Ive also read that some of the passengers from Taiwan even avoid inflight meals completely for 10+ hours. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. Why Flight Attendant Uniforms Are Still Stuck in the Past | Cond Nast To be candid, it doesnt sound like you really know much about it, but that is possible the single strangest ad hominem remark about the topic I think Ive ever read. Hawaiian Airlines tells crew members not to wear multiple, upper ear or gauge piercings (facial piercings are out too). Disgusting, The new United Polaris Lounge at Washington Dulles, @malaysiaairlines just announced it would retire i, Welcome to @fly_bur @aveloair! Airlines are particular about how their flight attendants look, and while most dont require female flight attendants to wear makeup, some do. @Mak + WR2 relax. 'It's definitely not easy.' How flight attendants are - Travel Two women wear Qantas' modern uniforms in November 2013. They already wear full body gear anyway and people in China are deathly afraid of the virus. The specific instruction is under the somewhat specific heading of 8. High-risk countries are defined as those with infections exceeding 500 per million people. According to a CNN report, guidelines issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China recommended that "cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the . Its recommended that the last three rows of planes should be designated as emergency quarantine areas. A section on PPE advises cabin crew on flights to and from high-risk countries to wear "medical masks, double-layer disposable medical gloves, goggles, disposable hats, disposable protective clothing, and disposable shoe covers." The next sentence reads: "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the . But there are actually some medical items on the plane that they are not permitted (and usually are not trained) to use. If the uniforms shoes reveal foot tattoos or the tights are too sheer to hide them, a flight attendant wont be hired. I want to preface it by saying Im not sure in whose world this seemed like a good idea to include. more the fault of inaction by Chinas government? Why do flight attendants continue to stand, when the seatbelt sign is One time, Waterman carefully stowed some paintings for actor Robert Mitchum who was very grateful. Since March 2017, flight attendants have been allowed to either wear their old pre-2016 uniform or even buy off-the-rack alternatives instead of wearing the company-issued uniform. Libertarianism is the natural order of things without heavy handed government intervention. Additionally, there is fresh air continually pumped into the lavatory via one or more air vents. Sometimes the chimes hold greater significance, alerting flight attendants to an emergency or change in route. Since wearing a watch is a requirement for due to safety procedures, having the watch battery die during a flight is not allowed. 02/6/2023 - 6:00 am | View Link; A new COVID landscape in China Also, a flight attendant wearing a smart watch is responsible for making sure that the watch is charged and ready to be used for flights. They also require for the watch strap/band to be a certain color or maximum width. Grenades were thrown on the plane, killing 29 passengers and one crew member. Its socialism/communism that only works on paper. And United flight attendants are allowed to wear only one earring per earlobe, no larger than a U.S. quarterand no bigger than a dime if theyre dangly. For this reason, no tattoos can be on your feet. She left Pan Am soon afterward to enroll in nursing school herself and spent the rest of her professional life as an RN. Or because of inaction by our own Federal government? Flight attendants with less than 20/20 vision must wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct their vision. Eastland Women's Newbury Penny Loafer 4. But one of those suggestions that personnel like flight attendants wear disposable diapers so they dont need to use the bathroom has raised some eyebrows. In fact, we know so little about what they do for a . Just look for the red-on-red layers and striped neck scarves.
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