Joe Starks is a citified, stylishly-dressed man. will help you with any book or any question. The first line of the novel is "ships at a distance have every man's ____ on board". Joe Starks Joe Stark symbolizes freedom and carefree living. why teaching is challenging yet rewarding Janie is a handsome accessory to the glory that surrounds Joe Starks. Why is Janie feeling so stultified and unfulfilled at the opening of the chapter? (D) sink. What did Janie do about Joe Starks' proposal to her to come with him? Jody Starks Nanny Crawford Mrs. Turner Literary Devices Themes Motifs Symbols Protagonist Antagonist Setting Genre Allusions Style Point of View Tone Foreshadowing Metaphors & Similes Questions & Answers What does the title mean? After years of silently tolerating Jodys verbal abuse, which has become worse as Jody has become ill, Janie finally snaps and calls into question Jodys manhoodin front of a large group at the store. 7. what does Janie grab onto to keep from drowning? Describe Joe Starks when Janie sees him. It is significant that Janie makes this assessment of Joe before actually knowing him; this indicates the impetuous nature of desire (her desires in particular) and her tendency to map ideas about desire onto what it means to love and be loved. You got the keys to the kingdom, he said. citified, stylish; he's black but acts white; he seems sophisticated; he works hard; handsome: 7. "Janie saw a changing look come in his face. 2. Starks eventually succeeds in taking Janie away from Logan. The make-up artist, 48, wowed onlookers in a dazzling black dress as she left . He is from Georgia. What was the Harlem Renaissance and how did it affect the Literature of the Era? What was the real reason behind the argument that started with cutting the plug of tobacco? Their Eyes is a lyrical novel that correlates the need of her first two husbands for ownership of progressively larger physical space (and the gaudy accoutrements of upward mobility) (Gates 197). Want 100 or more? Janie's fights with Logan indicate that within her first marriage, she is slowly but surely gaining a voice and ability to express herself, though perhaps not in a way that will actually get her needs fulfilled. what does she do? 7.When the story opens is Tea-Cake still around, He died. Removing #book# Jody begins berating her in front of the store crowd, not only mocking her incompetence but also insulting her looks. What nickname does Janie have as a child? 2. He uses Janie his wife, as a symbol of personal success. Explain the following expression: "She sent her face to Joe's funeral, and herself went rollicking with the springtime across the world.". After Chapter 1, the story is told as a flashback. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. No plagiarism, guaranteed! They drag it out to the swamp for a ceremony. Mostly he talked about plans for the town when he got thereJanie took a lot of looks at him and she was proud of what she saw. (B) weigh 10. It was all for show. Janies relationship with Joe Starks. Write "correct" on the answer line if the vocabulary word has been used correctly or "incorrect" if it has been used incorrectly. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis, Masterpieces of Womens Literature Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis, Critical Context (Masterplots II: African American Literature), Critical Context (Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series), Special Commissioned Entry on Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Margaret Earley Whitt. She said she's doing things she always wanted to, Their Eyes Were Watching God Chapter 4 Questi, U.S History - Chapter 7: The Twenties (1919-1, Chapter 17 - An Era of Protest and Change, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Econ. Starks resembles the white man on top in many ways. 2.) Saved up some money - round three hundred dollars, yes indeed, right here in his pocket. Describe and analyze And then he dies. Latest answer posted April 11, 2017 at 7:39:05 PM. Their Eyes Were 7Pages A consummate politician and businessman, he becomes the postmaster, mayor, storekeeper, and biggest landlord in Eatonville. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. What is the name of the family Nanny works for? What does Janie do at home after Joe's funeral? No other man in this novel smokes; the cigar is Joe's signature, the indication that he is the manager and mayor different from the farmers and laborers of the town. Give specific examples. No, because Janie, however, wants a different kind of love, one that begins with clean feet and trimmed toenails. Jody, or Joe as he is referred to here, forbids Janie from wearing her hair down in public, because he knows the other men stare at it. Joe fears that another man will charm his wife and snatch her away from him, just as he did when she was married to Logan. Janie's first husband through an arranged marriage. What did Tea Cake do that proved his serious intentions toward Janie? shamim3349 shamim3349 11/24/2022 History High School answered expert verified 1. When Janie first meets Joe she thinks that marrying him would result in her having a very easy and layed back life because he makes her believe that he would do all the work while she relaxes on the porch. The idea of the horizon is an important symbol for Janie it alludes to the idea of possibility, that which Janie may still imagine, the unknowable that can be dreamt about. The second date is today's Joe may be a planner in his job, but his nature in the beginning is somewhat spontaneous and thus exhilarating. While most of the other people in the town live in homes resembling servant quarters, the Starks live in the "big house." Their home not only has two . Joe Starks and Tea Cake Woods by Clay Bailey - Prezi He spoke with a Northern accent. 1. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. 6. Janie falls into depression under the rule of Joe, and her hopes and dreams of freedom are dashed away. Janie is drawn to Joe because he is able to offer her what she desires, including adventure, riches, and prosperity. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Janie feels for the first time in her life that she may be able to find true love with Joe, who wants her to be treated like a lady, rather than being a farmer's wife. October 2013. What did Jody do after he felt that Janie had insulted him? 5. what is the metaphor used to describe old okechobee? So thats where the meeting was held with Tony Tayloracting as chairman and Jody doing all the talking. While Logan is looking for ways to make Janie work, Joe makes her dream. Through his strong sense of confidence, charismatic personality, and his financial background, Starks is able to gain the power and influence that he seeks within the town of Eatonville. So Starks, being the big man he envisions himself to be, goes right up to the white landowner and comes back with a deed to for the 200 acres the town needed. She treats marriage not as a matter of love, but like an economic system, where she gives her beauty and sensuality to the man who can offer her the most social prestige. Jemma Kidd sparks engagement rumours with billionaire partner Arpad Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of What do Janie's neighbors want to know about her? She cannot wait to start a life with him and escape the confines of Logan's farm. Specifically, Joe informs Janie of his plan: having arrived from Georgia, Joe plans to move to and establish himself in a predominantly black town nearby in Florida. He represents change and chance. 2. Janies relationship with Logan Killicks, and Describe and analyze 1.) Janie's relationship with Logan - eNotes Joe calls a meeting on his porch the next day to discuss his desire to build a post office and put up a store. March 3, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 creating and saving your own notes as you read. What metaphor does Janie use to describe the experience of being out in the world? No one else has thought about adding acreage to the town, but Joe goes boldly off to the white landowner and comes back with the deed to 200 acres. Describe the way Janie criticizes Logan Killics. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. He's worked for white people all his life, but heard that there is a new town called Eatonville that is entirely populated by black people. But many people said thatthey took all Janie's money. Kept hearin' 'bout them buildin' a new state down heah in Floridy and sort of wanted to come. Joe shows signs of physical decline: an aching back, increasing thinness, and grumpiness. They meet eyes and begin to flirt, as Joe tells Janie of his desire to "be a big voice," to achieve greatness. He guarantees all kinds of nice and exotic of things to her, not because he genuinely likes the girl, but because Starks sees something that he would like to have, and in order for him to get it, he has to promise the world to take Janie away from Logan Killicks, to whom she was currently married. What did Janie discover about love from her first marriage? Jody Starks Character Analysis in Their Eyes Were Watching God - SparkNotes Type of music Tea Cake plays on his guitar. Janie feels stifled in her marriage to Logan, so when Joe comes along, Janie sees him as a symbol for freedom and carefree living. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. When she finally does, Joe and Janie speak candidly. Renews March 10, 2023 1. Joe did not marry Janie for love; he married her for show. It was not because of her education or talents, but because shes beautiful and thats exactly what Starks wanted, a trophy., Inc. When Joe insults Janies body, she retaliates and shames him in front of the townspeople, saying When you pull down yo britches, you look lak de change uh life. Due in part to this public humiliation, as well as kidney failure, Jody becomes ill and bedridden. Jody is freedom and new life. She sees that he is struggling with death and is filled with pity. 8. They were two men wanting the same thing. True or False: Joe and Jody Stark are siblings. Study for free with our range of university lectures! All of that even though he confided in a witch doctor, somewhat is spite to Janie. His saying Leave the sposin to me should be a warning to Janie that he does not want to hear her thoughts. This particular trait is shown clearly in simply the way he meets, flirts with, and then marries Janie. Once in Eatonville, however, Joe begins to control Janie and isolate her from her friends. 6. what is the metaphor Janie uses to describe love for tea cake? Hurston writes that they waited to see how nature would determine their fate: "They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God.". Starks is a selfish person, playing a role of a big man who sees himself above others. He makes her work in the store with her hair tied up so it cant be touched, and he doesnt really let her have fun with or even talk to the other residents of the town. When was their eyes were watching god published? On the outside, Janie participates in the funeral and the requisite mourning period. They arrive in early September to ensure that they can find a house, because when the bean-picking season begins, the boarding houses will be too full to even find floor space to sleep on.
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