The ninety-and-nine were not enough; one sheep was out on the hillside and the shepherd could not rest until he had brought it home. While believers are not to fraternize with disfellowshiped brethren, they are not to treat them as enemies. I have endeavoured, though, of course, cursorily, and I feel most imperfectly, to give thus far Matthew's sketch of the Saviour as the Holy Ghost enabled him to execute it. If there is a mortal sin in many Matthew 18 disciplinary environments, it is alleged gossip and not following all the steps of Matthew 18 to address a problem in a local church. Of its peace and order, that every member may know his place and duty, and the purity of it may be preserved in a regular way and not tumultuously. But the great keynote of this passage is the terrible weight of responsibility it leaves upon every one of us. Why are all Christians hypocrites? Here there is nothing but joy. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Start FREE. He talks about offending these same little ones. "Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David!" St. Paul speaks in the person of Christ, when he saith, To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also,2 Corinthians 2:10. Let them recognize the power that banished the leprosy, and the grace withal that touched the leper. Father give to me the spirit of forgiveness. Or, Secondly, By constraint; when there are not more than two or three to come together, or, if there be, they dare not, for fear of the Jews, yet Christ will be in the midst of them, for it is not the multitude, but the faith and sincere devotion, of the worshippers, that invites the presence of Christ; and though there be but two or three, the smallest number that can be, yet, it Christ make one among them, who is the principal one, their meeting is as honourable and comfortable as if they were two or three thousand. It does not seem exactly as a pictorial view of what the Lord was doing, or going to do, but rather the repeated pledge, that they were not to suppose that the evil He had judged in the elders of Jerusalem, or the grace freely going out to the Gentiles, in any way led Him. Then his lord, after he had called him, said unto him, O you wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt, because you desired me to: Should you not also have had compassion on your fellowservant, even as I had pity on you? When one feels wronged by another in the church, the temptation is for him to seek out some personal friend or confidant, and to elaborate the real or fancied wrong by embellishing it with every possible coloring and emphasis, thus spreading hate against the offending party. 15. In its biblical context, sin was treated more harshly than it is today. [Note: See J. Carl Laney, "The Biblical Practice of Church Discipline," Bibliotheca Sacra 143:572 (October-December 1986):353-64; and Ted G. Kitchens, "Perimeters of Corrective Church Discipline," Bibliotheca Sacra 148:590 (April-June 1991):201-13. The plucking of the corn, and the healing of the withered hand, had taken place long before. ), Lev 19:17; Lk 17:3; Gal 6:1; Jas 5:19, 20, Nu 35:30; Dt 17:6; 19:15; Jn 8:17; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:28, NIV, Lucado Encouraging Word Bible, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture, NIV, The Story, Hardcover, Comfort Print: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV, The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV, Verse Mapping Bible, Comfort Print: Find Connections in Scripture Using a Unique 5-Step Process, NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Full-Color, Red Letter: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation. I am the surgeon and I am telling you, we've got to operate immediately. Matthew 18 - Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible - 3. In this he had laboured, as he said, from his youth up: "What lack I yet?" If he listens to you, you have gained your brother." (Matthew 18:15 ESV) It is on that profession of faith of Peter that the Messianic Church rests. Required fields are marked *. It says simply, "And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." (ii) There is the child's dependence. It is the fine thing for you to enter into life maimed or lame, rather than to be cast into everlasting fire with two hands or two feet. That brotherly reproof and admonition is a duty incumbent upon church members. Now, God would not command us to do the impossible. How did He treat tax collectors and Gentiles? Such action, however, is for the protection of the flock. Should there still be no change, believers should treat the offender as if no longer part of their fellowship; though they should also desire the persons repentance and restoration (Matthew 18:15-18). It does not mean that we should cease to show kindness to him and aid him in affliction or trial, for that is required toward all people; but it means that we should disown him as a Christian brother, and treat him as we do other people not connected with the church. Individualism is the reverse of Christianity. Matthew 18:15), "He cannot be treated as a spiritual brother, for he has forfeited that position. It is not only the fact that God slighted matters of prescriptive ordinance because of the ruined state of Israel, who rejected His true anointed King, but there was this principle also, that certainly God was not going to bind Himself not to do good where abject need was. Does Matthew Teach an Invisible Church? | Catholic Answers Peter, the good confessor of chapter 16, cuts but a sorry figure in chapter 17; for when the demand was made upon him as to his Master's paying the tax, surely the Lord, he gave them to know, was much too good a Jew to omit it. Jesus took a child and said that unless they turned and became as this little child, they would not get into the Kingdom at all. Read full chapter. This is equivalent to the Shechinah, or special presence of God in the tabernacle and temple of old, Exodus 40:34; 2 Chronicles 5:14. I am not going to go out tonight." When the Rabbis taught that heathen and Gentile objects were to be utterly destroyed they said that they must be "cast into the salt sea." How he loves their beautiful little faces. Pass no sentence, which you cannot in faith ask God to confirm. Here we find our Lord, after sending out the chosen witnesses of the truth (so momentous to Israel, above all) of His own Messiahship, realizing His utter rejection, yet rejoicing withal in God the Father's counsels of glory and grace, while the real secret in the chapter, as in fact, was His being not Messiah only, nor Son of man, but the Son of the Father, whose person none knows but Himself. All you have to do is to make that contact of faith with Him. It is not for us surely to think this impossible. Now if he does not hear you, then take with you one or two witnesses, so that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established ( Matthew 18:16 ). They are the circumstances that preceded the discourse upon the mount, as given in Matthew 5:1-48; Matthew 6:1-34; Matthew 7:1-29. In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the number in Genesis 4:24 is the same as in Matthew 18:22 where the emphasis is on limitless forgiveness. Beyond the technicalities of the text, I think God is a realist when it comes to human beings and their interactions with each other. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and a certified writing coach. Where private admonition does not prevail, there public censure must take place. Most times if a Christian leader is living in sin but that sin is not against you, the appropriate step is not Matthew 18:15-20. Oh how the Lord loves the little children. What Should Christians Do When Church Leaders Gaslight Them? Seek to reach a unanimous decision on what to do next. While this may sound correct, given this is appropriate in a secular work environment, churches need to adopt a Matthew 18 conflict resolution strategy when it comes to reconciling with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Then, in Mark 3:1-35, there are notes of time more or less strong. But by following the steps in Matthew 18, you can have a clear, biblical approach and how to confront someone, point out their sin, and achieve the reconciliation God desires for all of us. All rights reserved. But one that never was of a religious society, could not be driven out of it. In the evening multitudes are brought, taking advantage of the power that had so shown itself, publicly in the synagogue, and privately in the house of Peter; and the Lord accomplished the words ofIsaiah 53:4; Isaiah 53:4: "Himself," it is said, "took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses," an oracle we might do well to consider in the limit of its application here. To lose a hand, to lose an eye by my own doing is just a horribly repugnant thought. Times without number two people have agreed to pray for the physical or the spiritual welfare of a loved one and their prayer has not, in the literal sense, been answered. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." The clear assumption is that the Church fellowship is Christian, and seeks to judge everything, not in the light of a book of practice and procedure, but in the light of love. And if your eye proves a stumbling-block to you, pluck it out and throw it away from you. What does Matthew 18:17 mean? | We have noted that the terms "lord," "disciple," "apostle," and others came to have more specific meanings as Gods kingdom plan unfolded. To assist thee; they may speak some pertinent convincing word which thou didst not think of, and may manage the matter with more prudence than thou didst." how is it that ye have no faith? Why don't we just sort of take aspirin, so you won't feel the pain and forget about it." So, I believe now, there is no attempt ever made on the Name of the Son of God, there is not a single shaft levelled at Him, but the Spirit turns to the holy, and true, and sweet task of asserting anew and more loudly His glory, which enlarges the expression of His grace to man. If they listen to you, you have won them over. Thus, in many ways, tax collectors are hated more and are considered outside the limits of normal Jewish fellowship. Note, 1. "According to your faith be it done unto you.". In the sight of God the children are so important that their guardian angels always have the right of direct access to the inner presence of God. My experience of them is that they, too, have a heart to be touched; and there are many of them, like Matthew and Zacchaeus, who have become my best friends. The angels, who are watching over our little children, their faces are before the Father continually there in heaven, beseeching the Father for these precious little ones.This business of, if thy hand offend thee and all, is something that Jesus meant to be repugnant. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus gives His formula for solving person-to-person problems. Pornography and Church Discipline | Desiring God If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church. 15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. Especially is this situation true in the case of a new convert. Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. Tell It to the Church | Matthew 18:15-18 | 18:22). That revelation came through His apostles after His ascension. Note, The converting of a soul is the winning of that soul (Proverbs 11:30); and we should covet it, and labour after it, as gain to us; and, if the loss of a soul be a great loss, the gain of a soul is sure no small gain. It will be likely to work upon an offender, when he sees his reprover concerned not only for his salvation, in telling him his fault, but for his reputation in telling him of it privately. Matt 18:17-18 is, or should be used, when defending the Church. It is nice to see so much scripture support the Catholic faith or Catholic faith support Scripture. Therefore a child also means a beginner in the faith, one who has just begun to believe, one who is not yet mature and established in the faith, one who has just begun on the right way and who may very easily be deflected from it. Publican - See the notes at Matthew 5:47. and the very fact that they asked that question showed that they had no idea at all what the Kingdom of Heaven was. It was the little foreshadowing of what will be when the Lord has joined the remnant in the last days, and then fills with blessing the land that He touches. Are all Christians hypocrites? It is always to be given with the desire for reconciliation and never with the desire for vengeance. We owe a very great deal to the fact that Peter had a quick tongue. They are people who in fellowship seek the will of God, who in fellowship listen and worship together. Peter answers, "Of strangers." God has forgiven you so very much, all of your past sins. Subsequent, considerably, to this was the case of the centurion's servant, preceded a good while before by the cleansing of the leper. Then, with the addition of witnesses, it becomes semi-private. My soul may have been spared a great deal of malarkey. A great tempest. All of 18:15-20 pertains to the Apostles and their successors and not anyone whosoever claims to be a Christian, including His teaching regarding what they should bind on earth should be bound in heaven (18:18), as well as that when two or three of them are gathered in His name, he would be in their midst (18:20). As suspension is for the terror of the obstinate, so absolution is for the encouragement of the penitent. He who had just confessed the glory of the Lord would not hear His Master speaking thus of His going to the cross (by which alone the Church, or even the kingdom, could be established), and sought to swerve Him from it. A child does not wish to push himself forward; rather, he wishes to fade into the background. In Matthew 17:1-27 another scene appears, promised in part to some standing there in Matthew 16:28, and connected, though as yet hiddenly, with the cross. He is the Lord of the harvest. She now understands her emotional upheavals and helped her to see herself as normal.. 8, could not deny what was done in the case of the leper, who showed himself duly, and brought his offering, according to the law, to the altar. If the answer is no, encourage them to go directly to that person in a private manner. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. We need to understand that in the spiritual realm and with the Lord, the time element is treated differently or maybe is non-sequitur. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. Even if the stubborn sinner is like a tax-collector or a Gentile, you may still win him, as I have done.". Thus Matthew, called at the very receipt of custom, follows Jesus, and makes a feast for Him. And besides, this is given, not as a rule to the church, but as advice to the offended person, how to behave towards the offender: after he has come under the cognizance, reproof, and censure of the church, he is to look upon him as the Jews did one that disregarded both private reproof by a man's self, and that which was in the presence of one or two more, (twxp rbx) , "a worthless friend", or neighbour; as a Gentile, with whom the Jews had neither religious nor civil conversation; and a "publican", or as Munster's Hebrew Gospel reads it, (hrbe leb) "a notorious sinner", as a publican was accounted: hence such are often joined together, and with whom the Jews might not eat, nor keep any friendly and familiar acquaintance: and so such that have been privately admonished and publicly rebuked, without success, their company is to be shunned, and intimate friendship with them to be avoided. "The offense is a trespass against thee; if thy brother sin against thee (so the word is), if he do any thing which is offensive to thee as a Christian." The warning in this passage applies specifically to one who causes the loss of a human soul. Only tradition will not do this work, nor will human thoughts or feelings. By its gross and unfeeling violation! Matthew 18:15-17 contains the words of Christ to his church, instructing us on how to deal with internal conflict with a brother or sister who sins against us and doesn't know it. We can imagine how the other shepherds would return with their flocks to the village fold at evening time, and how they would tell that one shepherd was still out on the mountain-side seeking a wanderer. And, therefore, the sheep are ever liable to wander; and, if they stray from the grass of the plateau into the gullies and the ravines at each side, they have every chance of finishing up on some ledge from which they cannot get up or down, and of being marooned there until they die. They that are shut out from the congregation of the righteous now shall not stand in it in the great day, Psalms 1:5. So the simplest form of the church is just two or three people getting together to worship the Lord, to pray together. What do you think? (ii) If we feel that someone has wronged us, we should go to see him personally. The Lord, however, in the same chapter, shows that it was not a question alone of what was to be done, or to be suffered, or is to be by-and-by, but what He was, and is, and never can but be. If you ask, "Who is the church that must be told?" Basically it means that we must never tolerate any situation in which there is a breach of personal relationships between us and another member of the Christian community. For instance, the Boy Scouts of America has the right as a private group to dismiss a . There are no restraining walls. It is important Christians take the necessary steps to promote reconciliation and peace rather than strife and tension. & Moses Kotsensis Mitzvot Tora, pr. Some rabbis taught that to eat with a Gentile was a capital offense crime worse than murder! So it was here; and our Lord turns to eternal account, in His own goodness, the shortcoming of John the Baptist, the greatest of women-born. The two blind men called upon Him as the Son of David; a sample this of what will be in the end, when the heart of Israel turns to the Lord, and the veil is done away. But still, it was His carrying on the great process of shewing out more and more the total rejection of His rejectors. The first servant owed his master 10,000 talents; a talent was the equivalent of 240 British pounds; therefore 10,000 talents is 2,400,000 British pounds. Drowning was sometimes a Roman punishment, but never Jewish. This is not a form of excommunication to be used among Christians, nor was there ever any such form among the Jews; nor could Heathens or publicans, especially such publicans as were Gentiles, be excommunicated, when they never were of the Jewish church. John Chrysostom makes this clear in his 4th century commentary: But if he shall neglect to hear them also, tell it to the church, that is, to the rulers of it; but if he neglect to hear the church, This verse is a tough pill for Protestants to swallow. Not so. The pattern is the Son of man saving the lost. Jesus said, "I am in the midst of them". The meaning of this is, cease to have religious contact with him, or to acknowledge him as a Christian brother. THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW: >Discourse #4: The Sermon on the Life of the You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. The Lord admired the faith superior to Israel's, and took that occasion to intimate the casting out of the sons or natural heirs of the kingdom, and the entrance of many from east and west to sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of the heavens. Romans 16:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:14). I love that. Matthew 18 begins with the disciples' query regarding who would be the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens. let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publican. Approach them directly. Here is a warrant signed for the ratification of all the church's proceedings according to these rules, Matthew 18:18; Matthew 18:18. There may be desires, there may be the working of the Spirit of God, but there can be no power to walk before men and to glorify God thus till there is forgiveness possessed and enjoyed in the heart. "When we were boys at play," he said, "one day at a cross-roads we reversed a signpost so that its arms were pointing the opposite way, and I've never ceased to wonder how many people were sent in the wrong direction by what we did." Jesus is just as much present in the little congregation as in the great mass meeting. "If he will not hear thee, yet do not give him up as in a desperate case; say not, It will be to no purpose to deal with him any further; but go on in the use of other means; even those that harden their necks must be often reproved, and those that oppose themselves instructed in meekness." In Matthew 12:1-50 we find not so much Jesus present and despised of men, as these men of Israel, the rejectors, in the presence of Jesus. Well, you may be right. The shepherds always made the most strenuous and the most sacrificial efforts to find a lost sheep. The Hebrew word for synagogue is hakneset meaning congregation, while the Aramaic word is knista. In him there was a spiritual force far beyond that found in the leper, to whom the hand that touched, as well as cleansed, him proclaimed Israel's need and state as truly as Emmanuel's grace.
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