In so doing we shall be secure against the fanciful explanations sometimes given certain Old Testament prophecies. Many messages and prophecies can be understood correctly only if seen against the background of the time in which the prophets ministered and in the light of the events that happened during their lives. They looked for Messiah to reign as a temporal prince (cf. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. It was their unwillingness to submit to the restrictions and requirements of God that prevented them, to a great extent, from reaching the high standard which He desired them to attain, and from receiving the blessings which He was ready to bestow upon them. Having begun his ministry in the time of Uzziah, king of Judah, and Jeroboam II, king of Israel (chapter 1:1), Hosea continued until the time of Hezekiah, king of Judah (chapter 1:1). Through Israel of old, God planned to provide the nations of earth with a living revelation of His own holy character and an exhibit of the glorious heights to which man can attain by cooperating with His infinite purposes. He went to Bethel, a sanctuary city of the northern kingdom, to deliver prophecies of warning, reproof, and doom to Israel. It is possible that he worked much longer, as part of chapters 9-14 may have been given at a much later time. According to Jewish tradition Isaiah was sawn asunder. For some time he held a high position in Nebuchadnezzars government (chapter 2:48), and became a trusted counselor of the great king. Peter concurs, saying, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons, for in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him (Acts 10:34, 35; cf. A Anathoth 51 Q Who became king of Babylon about the same time as Jeremiah was called by God? A closer dating is impossible in spite of the statement that his first divine message came to him two years before the earthquake (chapter 1:1), because the date of this event is unknown. answer. Pests and diseases, flood and drought, crop failureall these would eventually disappear. Jeremiah 49:14, 16), and Joel (Obadiah 15, 17; cf. The covenant with literal Israel proved faulty, not because God failed to carry out His part of the covenant, but rather because Israels fair promises proved evanescent as the morning dew (Hosea 6:4; 13:3; Hebrews 8:6, 7). Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God warned them not to forget that the blessings they were to enjoy there if they cooperated with Him would come as divine gifts (see Deuteronomy 8:7-14), not primarily as the result of their own wisdom and skill (verses 17-19). This prophecy must have been pronounced either before Jeroboam came to the throne (approximately 793 B.C.) WebIsaiah's time, Babylonian exile, and return to exile 21 Q Where did Jeremiah live when he was called to be a prophet? But here, as in all exposition of Scripture, we should avoid affirming as the explicit teachings of the Bible that which is our private, finite view, however plausible it may appear to be. At the time of Isaiahs ministry, Judah was a sinful and unjust nation. Prophecies that fall into the latter classification are to be fulfilled in principle but not necessarily in every detail, owing to the fact that many details of prophecy were concerned with Israel as a literal nation situated in the land of Palestine. Sinai God entered into covenant relation with Israel as a nation (Exodus 19:1-8; 24:3-8; Deuteronomy 7:6-14) upon the same basic conditions and with the same ultimate objectives as the Abrahamic covenant. However, 2 Kings 14:25 states that Jonah also pronounced a prophecy concerning the expansion of Israel that was fulfilled by Jeroboam II. In their meticulous attention to the letter of the law they lost sight of its spirit. from the ends of the earth (Jeremiah 16:19), to the light of truth shining forth from the mountain of the Lord (Isaiah 2:3; 60:3; 56:7; cf. A Jewish legend claims that he was stoned to death by his people. John 4:23, 24; 2 Tim. He is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8). If these rules are consistently followed the resulting interpretation can be accepted with confidence. He played an important role during two momentous periods: (1) under Ahaz, during the war between Syria and Israel (chapters 7-11), and (2) under Hezekiah, during a siege of Jerusalem by Sennacherib chapters 36; 37). He was therefore a somewhat younger contemporary of Isaiah, to whose vocabulary and terminology his prophecies show great similarity (Micah 4:1-4; cf. Hosea was from the Northern Kingdom, Micah and Jeremiah were from the Southern kingdom. Upon His final departure from the sacred precincts of the Temple, Jesus said, Your house is left unto you desolate (Matthew 23:38). Jeremiah 22:26 I will hurl you and the mother who gave you birth into another land, where neither of you were born--and there you both will die. WebISAIAH, DANIEL, AND ZECHARIAH We need to make a comparison between the three prophets, Isaiah, Daniel, and Zechariah, in two matters: in Gods economy toward His chosen people and in Christ for the people of His concern. No chronological data are given, but the prophet speaks of the fall of No (chapter 3:8) as an event of the past. (chapter 5:14), after which he was recalled to Persia. With Him there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1:17). The Assyrian capital city of Nineveh was captured and destroyed by the combined forces of Media and Babylonia in 612 B.C., which is, accordingly, the latest possible date for Nahum. 3. Hence the year 571/70 must not be considered as necessarily marking the end of his ministry. 2. For these reasons his ministry can be dated from about 755 (or earlier) to about 725 B.C. WebIt is the same message as Jeremiah's. Salvation was to be of the Jews, in that the Messiah would be a Jew (John 4:22), and by the Jews, as messengers of salvation to all men (Genesis 12:2, 3; 22:18; Isaiah 42:1, 6; 43:10; Galatians 3:8, 16, 18). All rights reserved. During the siege, reprobate Israelites would be slain by their foes (Zechariah 13:8; 14:2). (This rule does not apply to those portions of the book of Daniel that the prophet was bidden to shut up and seal, or to other passages whose application Inspiration may have limited exclusively to our own time.). These repeated Messianic predictions were designed to lift the eyes of the people from the transitory events of their own time to the coming of Messiah and the establishment of His eternal kingdom, in order to afford them a view of the things of time in the light of eternity. In spite of Israels ultimate failure, a limited knowledge of the true God and of the Messianic hope was widespread when the Saviour was born (see on Matthew 2:1). Now it is spiritual Israel, in the past not a people but now the people of God, that are to shew forth the praises of the One who has called them out of darkness into his marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9, 10). Henceforth, he says, there is no difference between Jew and Greek (chapter 10:12, 13). Any interpretation that fails to give these matters due consideration does violence to the Scriptures. Foskey, however, is far from a lock to be selected with one of the 31 first-round selections. WebWhat are the common divisions of Isaiah made by contemporary scholars? But he will listen also for the further import the prophets words may have for later times, particularly, our time. Unparalleled prosperity, both temporal and spiritual, was promised them as the reward for putting into practice the righteous and wise principles of heaven (Deuteronomy 4:6-9; 7:12-15; 28:1-14). The ministry of Amos may therefore have fallen in the years 767-753 B.C. Ninevehs destruction, which came in 612, is referred to as a future event, indicating that Zephaniahs work preceded this date. The people might approach God personally and through the ministry of a mediating priesthood, their representatives before Him; He would direct the nation through the ministry of prophets, His appointed representatives to them. In Israel, there was sometimes more than one prophet, and sometimes there were many prophets. The completeness and finality of this rejection is evident from chapter 8:19, 20: As the nations which the Lord destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God. The rejection of Jesus by the leaders of Israel (cf. They are called minor prophets because their books are less in size (these books are all very small and contain few Both of these extreme methods wrest the obvious intent of the Scriptures and render a sound understanding of the messages of the prophets for the church today unattainable. The success of Israel was to be based on and to include: 1. Which division of Isaiah is the outline used in class. Tell them that in Isaiah 9, Jesus entire life and death is referenced. WebWhat are the common divisions of Isaiah made by contemporary scholars? However, there is no valid reason why Malachi should not be considered a proper name. Isaiah is reminded who the real king is. Furthermore, the fact that the people of Tyre and Sidon do not appear as hostile nations of Judah until the last decades of its history, while they are mentioned by Joel as Judahs enemies, seems also to point to a late date for the prophets ministry. In other words, they prophesied and ministered about the same time. The Christian church is a spiritual nation scattered all over the world, and such details obviously could not apply to it in a literal sense. Desiring the same blessings for themselves, they would make inquiry as to how they too might acquire these obvious material advantages. Between the first invasion of Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C. Even to the time of the fall of Jerusalem, Jeremiahs message remained the same: submit to the yoke of Babylonia. See Deuteronomy 7:13; 28:2-8; Malachi 3:8-11. Jeremiah has a slightly more commonplace experience, he just hears Gods voice directly tell him that before he was even formed in the womb he was appointed to be a prophet to the nations, no big deal. Promises not already fulfilled to literal Israel either would never be fulfilled at all or would be fulfilled to the Christian church as spiritual Israel. They grasped at the material blessings so generously offered them, but refused the spiritual graces that would have transformed their lives and fitted them to be His representatives. They forgot that God abhors a multiplication of the forms of religion (Isaiah 1:11-18; Hosea 6:6; Micah 6:7; Malachi 2:13), and asks of man nothing but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with his God (Micah 6:8; cf. The kingdom was divided following Solomons death (see 1 Kings 11:33-38). Yet, since Gods purposes are immutable (Psalms 33:11; Prov. Finally, it was demonstrated before the universe that, apart from God, humanity could not be uplifted, and that a new element of life and power must be imparted by Him who made the world. They interpreted prophecy in accordance with their selfish desires, because their ambitious hopes were fixed on worldly greatness. They devised different theologies to respond to the destruction of the Temple. For illustrations of the reversal of threatened judgment, see Jonah 3:3-10; cf. WebBefore we begin our review of the parts of Jeremiahs early ministry, let us first set out the usual and customary picture of it. In Isaiah Human traditions came to be honored in place of the revealed will of God (see on Mark 7:6-9). Websummer | 4.2K views, 92 likes, 102 loves, 53 comments, 67 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Ramp: His presence is here, worship with us at Summer Ramp now!Welcome to Summer Ramp The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings Whatever the Jews, as a nation, may do, now or in time to come, is in no way related to the former promises made to them. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other (Deuteronomy 28:63, 64). 34:23) 622 Jeremiah 11 and 12 are given. Aha was used as an expression of malicious joy. This division, though tragic, served to insulate, for a time, the southern kingdom, Judah, from the tide of idolatry that soon engulfed the northern kingdom, Israel (see Hosea 4:17). Jesus own verdict was, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof (Matthew 21:43; cf. Thus it had been with Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Abraham (chapter 26:5), and Joseph (chapter 39:2-6). WebJeremiah 15:1 Then the LORD said to me: "Even if Moses and Samuel should stand before Me, My heart would not go out to this people. It ignores the plain statements of the Old Testament that Gods promises to Israel were all conditional. Acts 13:22). The following discussion sets forth the principles of interpretation described under 5, and followed by this commentary, together with the scriptural basis on which these principles rest. Jeremiahs prayer occurs in a context and we would be remiss to consider the prayer apart from that context, which is, Jeremiahs obedience to some very difficult commands from God. God was to be glorified in Israel (Isaiah 49:3) and its people were to be His witnesses (chapters 43:10; 44:8), to reveal to men the principles of His kingdom. Although the Hebrew term naar, youth, or child, by which the prophet designates himself verse (6), does not give an indication of Jeremiahs exact age at the time of his call, the context of the passage in which this word appears seems to favor the interpretation that he was still very young, perhaps less than twenty. While it is thus known that he began his work in 520 and continued until 518 B.C., the end of his prophetic ministry must be left open. Matthew 19:16, 17; 22:36-40). Several of his messages were against various foreign nations. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, however, did. In which century B.C. If Jeremiah had been writing a novel, he would have been the hero of his own story. Jeremiah 32:17 highlights this point by stating, "O Sovereign Lord! Nations that had known nothing of the true God would run to Jerusalem because of the manifest evidence of divine blessing that attended Israel (chapter 55:5). But, said the angel, Messiah would be rejected and cut off, because of the abominations of Israel, and Jerusalem and the Temple would once more life waste (verses 26, 27). 740-700 B.C. God designed that Israels experience should prove to be a warning to Judah (see Hosea 1:7; 4:15-17; 11:12; Jeremiah 3:3-12; etc.). Examine the prophecy in its entirety. New King James Version God did not forsake His people, even during the Captivity. Prophecies of the former classification cannot now be fulfilled because they were strictly conditional in nature and limited in scope, by their very nature, to literal Israel. This fact weakens the arguments for such a late date. The consecutive order of the book of Haggai would indicate that his whole recorded ministry lasted not longer than 31/2 months, beginning (chapter 1:1) on August 29, 520 B.C., and extending, in his last two recorded speeches (chapter 2:10, 20), to December 18, 520. I will call them my people, which were not my people (Romans 9:25, 26). The prophet Daniel later prayed for more understanding about Jeremiahs time prophecy. Web1 God calls Jeremiah to be prophet in Judah. answer. This situation fits best the time prior to the rise of the Chaldean Empire under Nabopolassar, who began to reign in 626/25 B.C., and who, with the Medes, was responsible for the destruction of Assyria. For these reasons Daniels extended prophetic ministry can be dated approximately from 603 to 535 B.C. Furthermore, Old Testament prophecy must first be examined in terms of its historical application to literal Israel before the validity of a derived application to spiritual Israel may be undertaken. In spite of the bold and zealous efforts of such prophets as Elijah, Elisha, Amos, and Hosea, the northern kingdom rapidly deteriorated and was eventually carried into Assyrian captivity. Yet many of the promises, particularly those concerning the giving of the gospel to the nations and the establishment of the Messianic kingdom, could not be fulfilled to them because of their unfaithfulness, but would be fulfilled to the church on earth preparatory to Christs return, particularly to Gods remnant people, and in the new earth. Yet the book contains no clear indication of the time in which the prophet lived. For these reasons the 7th-century date for Joel has been adopted in this commentary, although there is no conclusive proof that this choice is correct. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the L ORD , for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the L ORD. question. Zechariah probably belonged to a priestly family (chapter 1:1; cf. It should be remembered that God does not force the human will, and that Israels cooperation was essential to the success of His plan for the nation. (27-3) Ezekiel 25:3. Psalms 68:31. Nehemiahs first term lasted from 444 to 432 B.C. It is certain, however, that he lived and labored in the southern kingdom, and that his main prophecy dealt with Assyria in general and Nineveh in particular. He quotes Hosea 2:23. WebThis tables shows the reigns of each of the Kings of Judah and Israel, together with the dates and lengths of the reigns, and the prophets who were active at that time. God placed His people in Palestine, the crossroads of the ancient world, and provided them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the face of the earth. However, that earthquake must have been very severe, for the memory of it was still fresh in the minds of people who lived 250 years later, as Zechariah 14:5 shows. The book of Haggai contains four addresses, each bearing a precise date giving the day, month, and year of Darius reign. What archaeological evidence implies Isaiah was a unified book? His book contains no direct to establish the time of his mission to Nineveh. In Him I have placed my trust, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne. (Q. The book makes no reference to the fall of Samaria, which took place in 723/22 B.C., and it can therefore be concluded that the prophets last message was given prior to Samarias destruction.
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