It was fine to use but not my favorite way to learn. Then, the follow up questions were fair and relevant. It surprisingly helped so much with understanding basics of java. I think the tool is great. Please take a short moment to answer by clicking the following link. Annoying but I can understand why we have it. I did enjoy how I could search zybooks content. Fill in short answers for you. Online classes can be difficult, but this was definitely a great resource available. Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, I liked how each chapter explained a topic well using examples and that we were also asked to implement what we had just read (in challenge activities) to ensure that we really understood the concept. I love the interactive nature of zyBooks and I think they do a great job of explaining the material. Being able to make mistakes was useful too as it helped to build an understanding of how to address things that didn't work as expected. Many of my friends just clicked through the program randomly until they got a correct answer then moved along. It is helpful in learning the material. There's no real complaints to be had about it on the side of zbooks. zyBooks is fantastic. It's a nice way to learn (especially during the pandemic) and is generally good at explaining concepts. Having to pay full price for a text and still losing access to it after the semester ends is frustrating, especially if you have to retake a course - you have to buy the same book twice. But this, zybooks has completely changed the way I think about programming and how I approach the problems. I enjoy the coding part at the end of sections, but the interactive slides are not as helpful for reading. The responses are to our end-of-term survey question: Please share your thoughts on zyBooks. The zyBook is great to use as an open resource for class. As someone from the Latino culture and heritage, I found it particularly dissapointing when I read the default mad libs inputs to read something about eating burritos makes you muey macho or something along those lines. I'm just starting CS program slackiswhack 2 yr. ago For Python: PyCharm For Java: Eclipse Good luck. It doesn't just expect you to know how to code a sudoku solver or a maze solver. Interactive. The generic examples and the primary use of flow charts instead of code used as examples makes it difficult for me to practically apply what I've learned. Zybook is very closeminded with answers. I thought it was excellent; No real complaints. I say an animation is worth 5,000," says Vahid. It's a bit on the expensive side. Although sometimes you come across smoething in a lesson that has not been taught yet (until a later chapter). The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. I really enjoy Zybooks. It costs too much money and should be available always. Zybooks was much better than a typical text book as I felt I learned the material better with the interactive format. But programming is all about precision, plus many apps are for phones or webpages where formatting matters. The zybooks allow the student an interactive way to complete homework assignments and learn the material. There is no point in buying a zybook if the contents just lock back after my rental has ended. I absolutely love it! Had this been new to me I also believe the layout of zyBooks would make it quite easy to learn. Press J to jump to the feed. I love zybooks!! I appreciated the points system and the multiple checkpoints granted for the chapters; however, I wish that some of the content was more linearly explained. Over the past almost 2 years, we have collected data on on more than 35 outages that affected ZyBooks users. I liked it that much. When I had strange questions / issues about the material and submitted feedback, zyBooks ALWAYS responded. I enjoyed zyBooks because it is interactive. Fun and interactive experience to learn on. Clearly, some of those 50% of students are going to be upset they cant access our content free or just ignore it (due to points). From past experiences it always took me alot of time to go and look up the textbook from previous Math classes. The overall construction of the grading rubrics for code is awful. A good site to practice the material thats assigned, zyBooks was really good for learning C++ because of the interactive examples and animations. It provides an easy way for us to study the material. So, this would be great to use on the side, but wouldn't be helpful for the assignments. I think I like the interaction and challenge questions for coding (python). I liked that it was interactive and had a lot of useful material to help me learn. zyBooks has been exceptionally helpful in learning the requisite material. I thing zyBooks is a good program. I do not have much of an opinion on this. But many things in life aren't. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. Overall it was fine, just a little boring to read at times. Great information. Overall, my main concern was the lack of advanced material. Having a relatively inexpensive (relative to other textbooks) text that is online was pretty nice and the interactive examples and problems made content easier to understand. The website was useful as learning material, and my course relied heavily on it. The exercises evaluate and develop understanding. Also providing a few more exercises at the very bottom, both simple and difficult, would be helpful. There were a couple of parts or sections that contradicted what the professor told us, but other than that I appreciated zyBooks. I thought it was a good way to further learn the material that the professor has presented. I appreciated the exercises, drills, etc. I think it is helpful for me to understand. We show 1000 responses dont try to read them all (thats too many), but rather we encourage you to jump around. It really helped me to achieve that A+ I aimed for in this class. I thought it was good for learning the material but sometimes the challenges needed stuff to be in a very specific format, which could be tricky. I also wish that for $80 there was a better coding tool with autocompletion and other features. This will be shown if an incident or maintenance is posted on your status page. It is pretty useful for learning ans studying, but sometimes the assignments on here are over material we never really went over. Zybooks was very organized and the presentation of the material was very easy to digest. I wish more classes would use it. It is very resourceful in the way that it is much like the textbooks I would use in grade school but with the accessibility of being online. I enjoy the flow of the lessons. It was a nice view of the subject covered in this class. Some chapters there was no code with functions similar to what the challenge questions were asking. I thought the material was too trivial, though I am a fairly experienced programmer and others may have been more challenged. I have access to zybooks anywhere as long as i have a decent connection to wifi. It was interactive so I was actually able to conceptualize the things I was learning as I was learning it rather than reading it without understanding. For the most part I really like zyBooks. i enjoy the interactive nature of Zybooks, being able to test the concepts and reference the material at the same time is very helpful. I think a little more help on challenge activities would be good. It works well paired with in classroom teaching etc. It's a decent software that helps you learn the material most of the time. With the unfortunate events of COVID-19, it provided a reliable source of learning. I enjoy zyBooks more than other textbooks as the assignments are engaging and the labs are relevant and decently challenging. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. While easy to use it feels tedious, this is most likely because of my own interests and things of the like, not because of what it is. zyBooks is a good way to learn coding due to its step by step nature. Our class was flipped, so this is how we learned new material. Zybooks is a great source for practicing and testing your skills. For example, one of the chapters used memory allocation in an example but the memory allocation topic wasn't until a few chapters later. I am more of a text book kind of learner. The integrated interpreter and the ways it is used with the material enhances the learning experience in a very powerful way. for example entering '5' should not be marked wrong because the answer it is looking for is '5.0'. If you're going to punch a minority, punch up not down. They were a great practice to learn the materials. I am disappointed that this wasn't the case. That's great for the teacher, and that's how software is really tested in real life, however, students from SNHU (at least the ones I tutored) are going through the course without ever running a single line of code on their computers, and interacting with their programs, they just keep writing the code on the zylabs interface, and keep sending the code until the testing suite says the code is correct. Very effective learning material. The participation activities make sure that you fully understod the concept. Good learning tool, but the multipart videos are tedious. So the first 1000 responses above are the first 1000 who answered Yes to that last question. It was a good estimate of what I knew or didn't know. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. I was able to understand each and every chapter with ease especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where virtual learning is a difficulty to me. I have no formal experience though and could be wrong. In comparison to other courses with traditional textbooks, zyBooks made it significantly easier to learn the material, practice and study. I usually come up with the solution by looking at the sample code create a similar code. I think its good, but I wish it went into more detail of explaining. This was a good way to ingest information outside of the classroom. I really like it and it is helping me to learn. They are very informational and the example pictures of code along with the challenge problems are helpful with understanding syntax and actually formatting the code. It provides examples and a framework for topics that make it easier to learn the material. It was really good at explaining topics and the exercises were helpful in learning the material, It is very helpful about Computer Science. i liked it good visuals and information is correct. zyBooks provides organization and clarity for your assignments, due dates, and other activities that you have to do. I thought zybooks was really helpful! Australia. I love the real-time feedback on labs and challenge activities, as it allows me to catch my mistakes early on and fix them before they cause me any real trouble. I enjoy the interactive modules. I love the participation and other activities. zyBooks was helpful in reviewing or getting ahead in the class. Helpful lecture content, labs and challenges. Upon switching to zyBooks in 2013, then integrating new zyBook features as they appeared (homework, program auto-grading), and adjusting teaching to use best practices around zyBooks, one sees that the first-year retention rate steadily rose since 2013 to about 90% and has been steady there ever since. Pretty well organized for an online Textbook. I start losing focus. The interactive portion of zybooks is incredibly useful in learning new material. I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. Though it would be nice if on some of the more difficult problems there would be hints or something to help push us along. I've never had an issue when using zyBooks. However it is no substitute for someone teaching you about abstract concepts. Well continue to educate students and improve on this issue. Will the animations and learning questions really help students or are they just gimmicks? GitHub - diamondburned/zybooks-mcq: Script to bruteforce Zybooks MCQ Our teacher didn't even know what the chapters were about. Thanks for listening to me then and now! I think it is for the most part good, but there are labs that are far more challenging than what we are prepared for in the lessons. It was a good tool that was paired with lectures and helped me learn the material. They provide a short, but in-depth explanation. As it was my first time programming, it provided a clear and organized comprehension method allowing me to catch onto concepts and the language quite quickly. However, in some cases, I feel that with larger coding assignments, zybooks makes life harder for me. My biggest question is why the . This feels like I am getting the short end of the stick. I wish there was some more help with labs but overall a great service. Performance has been proven to increase andwe have research to show it. The educational content is good. Zybooks brings a different perspective and different approaches to learning the material outside the classroom. The coding portion of the assignments is awful. Some concepts like Linked-Lists are very confusing to grasp at first especially understanding pointers but the animations made it very clear for me. I think an easy version of the labs that is a bit more guided would help me a lot. The participation activities are a great help when I don't understand a topic all that well, but sometimes the challenge activities can be quite tough for a beginner. It is easy to follow I have only seen one mistake on one of the labs. I usually have to use an IDE just to make life easier. zyBooks is a great platform for beginner programmers like me. ZyBooks use less text and rely on learning questions, animations and interactive exercises to convey information. I find the graphics to be extremely helpful in learning. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. It's written way better than my standard textbook. But students want more, and we get it. Zybooks is definitely on the mark when it comes to helping students understand the materials. The content was very thorough and descriptive. I used it several times to look up questions or to just learn more. By that I mean that you are doing activities while you read as opposed to reading the chapter first, then doing exercises. zybooks is bad It is very easy to log in and complete assignments. At first I was upset because it costs money, but it is so much better than reading a stupid pdf. I think it was better than reading the textbook by myself. The challenge for any instructor teaching a first course in programming is helping students "get" programming. Works very well. Zybooks had a very easy to understand and gamified learning experience which made understanding high-level concepts a bit easier. Anyways, there is a lot to work on. Laiba Mustafa, Student, University of Guelph, zyBooks increased my confidence in coding. It makes it much easier to focus on the material. It's honestly one of the best learning tools. Zybooks is the best learning tool i have ever used: 267: It's been a nice applicable method for teaching people programming in Java: 268: It was helpful for learning Java. I dont love the format. I'd rather use zybooks than zoom lectures. I love that it is an interactive textbook that checks for understanding in a very helpful way. I think it is a great way to learn coding concepts in particular! David Walter, Virginia State University, It really breaks down complicated concepts into simple exercises that give you a chance to digest concepts outside of confusing programs. It was a great way to practice C++ programing skills. I like The way topics are explained using video steps. I like that zyBooks can be used to review for an upcoming exam. I am paying for it, I should be allowed to keep it. Quite intuitive and useful for my learning in that each lesson was comprehensive and interesting. Install the script, preferably using ViolentMonkey. I like that I can correct questions I got wrong. Great way to learn, it is engaging, it makes sense, aids in my understanding. I wish the tasks were more creative and more challenging. Really helps retain the knowledge. This is supposed to be a pretty fast paced/ intense class though (from what I've heard), so I might not like it after seeing it 30-40 hours a week. The animations are a bit clunky and slow sometimes, and $75 is a bit steep for one-semester licence to a digital textbook, especially when lost of courses are moving to open textbooks. For example, I think it was in the chapter about user defined functions where the challenges incorporated vectors and classes, something I that had not been covered at all previously, hence, I had a lot of difficulty figuring it out. The textbook has had some issues. I enjoyed it because it helps to learn more about the topics. It gives me a very good understanding of the material we are going through in class. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. Zybooks makes it easy to learn the lecture materials in-depth, but it still makes it challenging enough that the information is really understood. I think Zybooks is an excellent resource and makes online learning something to look forward to.
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