Alternatively, it might be a serene location in the countryside, an orchard, or a garden. It can also indicate that there is an imbalance in a relationship. The Lovers indicate that a union is blessed and that two persons are meant to be together. as Feelings Needless to say, there is no right or wrong in this matter. If not, that is a very serious problem. His love is true and unconditional. However, it is incorrect to assume that the Lovers card refers to only love and the union of two people. Someone might be thinking about a breakup or divorce. That is especially true for introverts and people with social anxiety. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. The Lovers is ruled by Gemini and Gemini is an air sign that deals in mental thoughts. It might otherwise indicate unfulfilled desires of a sexual nature and social anxiety. But the Lovers card does. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. They still think about you often, and wonder if they let go of their soulmate. In plain words, they like what they see! Due to previous bad experiences, they may feel extremely fearful of what might happen if they were to put themselves out there and be vulnerable in love once again. The Lovers is about falling in love, sexual attraction, taking a relationship to another level. The perfect couple didnt choose each other; it feels like fate has brought them together and to even question their bond would be absurd! So neither can use the head AND the heart to come to the right decision. You could give it a try and talk things out in case there is some kind of misunderstanding, but if they show you that they simply dont care, spend your time with a friend who actually cares about you. It is not just for the storybooks. The overwhelmingly beautiful feeling of falling head over heels in love. Passion, excitement, intimacy, communication, and loving the other as they are, for who they are; that is what the Lovers card reveals in a love reading. The Lovers in reverse might also indicate that the road ahead might not be straightforward. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. The right decision is almost always a balance between the head and the heart. Is it just because of stress? The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. In fact, they have been living in a state of denial for quite some time and are finally coming to terms with the huge ramifications of their departure from love. The Lovers as Feelings. Mostly falling in love with people but also the contended feeling of being comfortable in our own skin and our self-esteem rising along with our confidence. If the Lovers comes up as the outcome to a romantic question, you will most likely have to choose between two people. If you draw a Lovers card as an obstacle card, it may have multiple meanings. This combination shows one card from the Major Arcana and one from the Minor Arcana. Emsie #4 Thirteen said: If this card is about his feelings toward you, why would you think it means he's seeing another person? Despite craving the love and affection of those they love, this person often displays inconsistent behavioral patterns, which end up pushing people further away from them. They may be obsessed with you although you view them only as a friend, or perhaps it is the other way around. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card was different from the usual depictions of a couple being blessed by a noble person. When the Lovers card shows up in reverse, it generally means that there is stress or anxiety within a relationship. Being enlightened about what decisions to make. Irrespective of its upright or reversed position, the Lovers are about loving who you are and what you are doing, but also about deciding for yourself. Lovers Tarot Card Meanings They sense a lack of strength and are conflicted about how they feel about you. The Lovers is card number 6 (VI) in modern cartomantic tarot decks and the 7th major arcana trump card (The Fool, number 0, is the first card).Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. A major choice to let go of someone whose opinion of you isnt correct. WebKing of Swords and Strength as Feelings. As an outcome, the appearance of an upright Lovers card, especially in a love reading, denotes an impending decision to be made, perhaps between two partners. True love is real, and it is extraordinary. WebThe seven cups represent the seven elements: love, anger, fear, courage, love, luck, and luck. When the Lovers tarot card is reversed, it can indicate all kinds of difficulties in a relationship. The Lovers speaks of a soulmate relationship with a perfect union under heaven and earth. Lovers Still, with the appearance of Lovers Tarot in love reading in the reversed position, you should not get disheartened and know that there are ways that can improve your situation. Raphael hangs heavily over Adam and Eve, as their guardian angel of communication. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Another meaning of the Lovers tarot card are decisions between right and wrong and temptations. There may be aspects of your personality that might need meditation and reflective action. Their entire life is better with you, and you make them feel complete. You might be having second thoughts, letting your social life sidetrack you, or you are just too stressed out because of work and you need to relax. It might also appear as a personal weakness if you are unable to decide in the situation related to the reading. The reversed position can mean that you have been putting off making a decision and it is time to take action. They feel that they have consciously chosen you, and they feel proud of that decision. So, without further ado, lets dive right in! In addition, this person wants to engage in a higher form of commitment. There is a mountain surging between the couple. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. Its not going to happen right away. Air can take the form of a gentle summer breeze and a harsh typhoon. It was a love reading, or course, and I was so happy to see it! The Lovers It indicates that youre experiencing a strong sense of love and understanding that you dont really find with anyone else. Now that you have a better understanding of the tarot card meaning of the Lovers, as well as some of the most significant tarot card combinations involving the Lovers, you will likely be able to interpret this card in a reading with much more clarity and confidence. The Lovers The lovers card comes after the ridged rules of the Emperor who dwells in the earthly plane and the Hierophant who dwells in the realm of doctrine. Upright, The Lovers tarot card represents love, commitment, and noncommittal communication issues. Artist. This is particularly true when the Lovers card appears with the Tower card. You likely have reached a point in your relationship (or your connection with your person) where things finally feel secure and stable. b. Being with your soul mate. It is only through proper discrimination that we can find the solution. It can be challenging to interpret reversed cards in terms of locations in the real world, because its all subjective. The card shows a couple not wearing any clothes. There is no desire to be with a person, perhaps due to a lack of communication and harmony between the two. They might be fighting their feelings. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. This combination is generally a very good sign when it comes to feelings. Your partner feels passionately about you and their decision to be with you. WebThe Lovers card represents choices and decisions, while Judgement represents the need to make a decision or take action. They have commitment issues and might be obsessed with irrelevant details of the situation. c. The Fool is a person who can be anyone he wants. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. If its a romantic partner, then they may have met someone else and are torn between two people. The Lovers Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. You can also try a tarot reading with someone who is experienced and can offer more guidance. A person born under Gemini often spends their life looking for the missing piece of their existence, be it a person or a thing. It can be a choice between a good path and a bad path. In reverse, the Lovers Card symbolizes someone who is shaky and cannot seem to make up their mind. The Lovers as Feelings Soulmates, sex, and even marriage can be predicted with The Lovers. The one where a spirit whispers in your ear, "That's the one." For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. The future looks bright, and if there is a choice to be made, trust that you will be led down the right path. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. Dont worry, you wont have to climb a mountain! You are not just enamored with her/him, it is a destined love and match made in heaven if only you could free yourself from the situation you are in currently. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. In a career-related reading, the Lovers could mean that a co-worker or boss holds you in high esteem and values your presence in their life. All in all, the Lovers card will often denote the simple joys of life and partnerships, stripped of all complexity and hidden meanings. This tension might have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health.You (or the person you are doing the reading for) might be feeling detached and unable to open up, questioning your choices and trying to hide your vulnerabilities. For existing relationships, the Lovers can represent an undying love. This union does not necessarily have to be romantic. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. Have you been wondering where exactly you are going to meet that special someone and the Lovers appeared? These don't speak to thinking about oneself. as Feelings What Zodiac Sign is Michael Jackson? It is a much better choice. As the Lovers card can also signify a soulmate or even twin flame connection, this tarot card radiates a strong sense of true love. When the querent doesnt it will take time for things to snap back into place due to predestination. However, in this case, that is not an end in itself, more like the natural consequence of two compatible people meeting and hitting it off. If youre wondering how someone feels about you in the romantic sense, this combination suggests they may be feeling conflicted. The reversed position can mean that you have been putting off making a decision and it is time to take action. If you draw the Lovers card upright as a person, this is someone who makes balanced choices. After the Hierophant, who points to the heavens above, we witness a true marvel; Heaven and Earth unite, offering their blessings so we can start doing what we love and loving what we do. The first and most apparent is that a particular relationship in your life has turned sour through communication breakdown. In terms of introspection and self-analysis, the Lovers in reverse indicates double standards that you may display in a specific situation. Lovers In reverse, the Lovers card means that relations with your friend(s) in question are deteriorating. The subconscious mind will not be able to manifest your desires if it is pressurized or forced by the conscious mind. The card shows a couple not wearing any clothes. The Lovers The card may also indicate that the seekers sexual energy finds no release, fueling stress and tension. It shows the possibility of a mutually beneficial relationship in your life. Having many choices in romantic partners, but unfortunately you either pick the wrong person OR there arent any good ones to pick from. a. Lovers This may seem surreal or impossible for you to encounter. The Lovers Perhaps the choice you are presented with in this case is to move on from this joyless indifference to the certainty of the Chariot. as Feelings Well, it isnt possible for everyone to like you; sometimes its no more complicated than that. This may seem surreal or impossible for you to encounter. The mans desire is more carnal and passionate as he looks towards the woman. It can also mean that you two are too busy to spend quality time together. If the situation being read for is not related to romantic love or intimacy, the Lovers card upright is an indication that the person feels you would be a great fit and might work well in the situation. When this card shows up, we are usually giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. Could be teacher to student. With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. There is also a mountain between the couple, meaning that even in a blessed union with full transparency and honesty, there still are obstacles in communication. They do not feel any loyalty towards you. Beside Eve, we can see the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, bearing the forbidden fruit. They do not feel particularly positive towards you or the situation. The Lovers as a future is slightly similar to the Seven of Cups. WebThe seven cups represent the seven elements: love, anger, fear, courage, love, luck, and luck. WebLovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols. The Lovers card is generally considered a very positive card that signifies wellbeing and stability within relationships. In fact, they have been living in a state of denial for quite some time and are finally coming to terms with the huge ramifications of their departure from love. When the Lovers card shows up reversed, it is an indicator to be astute in the decisions you might face. They are passionate about life in general, and you might consider them physically attractive. Not only being strict with the external situation, but you also need to consider your Are you getting into arguments again and again? Additionally, it might point to a location that brings back memories of a friend or partner with whom you no longer talk. There could be a tremendous amount of sexual attraction or a declaration of feelings, but first the right choice must be made. If you ask if a particular relationship is right for you and draw the Lovers in reverse, the answer is not favorable. Yes, he will. The women and the man arent truly connected. WebKing of Swords and Strength as Feelings. This combination shows someone feels confident to approach you. The Lovers reversed can be a sign that a persons feelings for you are not mutual. If you want to be with her, its going to be a wait. The card that appears immediately after the Lovers is the Chariot, denoting rapid movement. His eyes are closed as if in a deep spiritual meditation. He is ready to be together with you no matter what is going to happen. For singles, the Lovers is a sign that someone has fallen head over heels for you and that youll be in a meaningful relationship soon. However, the Lovers usually point to outdoor locations where people meet to chat, get to know each other, and have a drink or two. a. When this card appears in a reading, it might also symbolize a major life decision, that will bring long lasting consequences. Whenever Im doing a tarot reading on myself, I must confess that most of the time these readings revolve largely around questions regarding my relationships and love life in general. The Lovers as Feelings Thats why Ive created this article for you to explain the meaning of the Lovers tarot card with regards to feelings in both the upright and reversed position as well as discuss the meaning of some important tarot card combinations. The Lovers The Lovers It will be in the distant future. They feel love, respect, and compassion for you out of every ounce of their being.
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