Some countries had few covid deaths. In the US, it averages around 20%: Theres some improvement in the rate, starting around March. You can download the data I used from here, if you want to check these calculations. Bill Gates spends his money on charity work, curing diseases around the world. Even though we cant do a before/after study in the US, they did such. When approached by MedPage Today, Upsher Smith declined to comment. Id love to know if Ive made any mistakes in this post. So, Steve has a huge brain. I know from a study of 177 people in Puerto Rico (97% of whom were vaccinated) ages 8 to 84, that 70% of those people, when screened for cardiac injury using an FDA-approved testing device (from Heart Care Corp), exhibited objective signs of cardiac injury. Ill take an educated guess as to why they did that. In the US, possible vaccine deaths are filed in VAERS reports. Steve Kirsch, however, believes these vaccines are incredibly harmful and has been saying as much publicly, which led to all 12 members of the scientific advisory board of his COVID-19 company to resign. To get the word out about fluvoxamine, Kirsch has hired the PR firm G.F. Bunting. It is absurd. 20052022 MedPage Today, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. CFR goes up because testing numbers stay constant, but the true numbers of cases go up. One of the drugs, Fluvoxamine, showed a 3060% reduction in hospitalizations in a large trial. Hes so confident in these two arguments that hes offered a million dollars to anyone who can prove these arguments wrong. Opens in a new tab or window, Share on Twitter. Its also going to explain why nursing homes have lost up to 33% of their residents in 12 months where before they were losing only 1 or 2% a year. But, I also point out that it wont win, because the prizes arent real Steve has previously changed the rules of his contests so that they cant be won. Steve Kirsch and the Seduction of Simplicity - McGill University Thats not possible. Excess heart disease deaths tracked covid deaths, through the pandemic: Graph the deaths state by state, and you can find some more patterns. MedPage Today explores how the old antidepressant has made its way to the COVID spotlight. Some of these might be vaccine deaths, and some might just be people that died soon after getting a shot, and the vaccine was not to blame. The organization is also raising funds to support COVID-related trials of remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral developed by Gilead Sciences, and Toyama Chemical's favipiravir, an antiviral medication currently used to treat influenza in Japan. The p-value was <.01, i.e., they didnt just get lucky.. Kirsch's presentation said: "Pfizer vaccine kills more people than it saves.". Lets start with the over-all picture of excess deaths. Thats the simple argument if the vaccine is deadly, it has to be deadly everywhere. Of the current list of top paid political newsletters on Substack, former Times writer Alex Berenson and tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch come in at sixth and nineteenth respectively, both known. Copyright HT Digital Streams Ltd. All rights reserved. The cleaner told him he had received Pfizers vaccine and had had a heart attack two minutes later. We look at countries and states where the pandemic is under control. Follow. Whats going on there? This flatters people: they feel smart while doing it and they feel like theyre being let in on hidden secrets. The study included 113 workers at a California racetrack who tested positive for COVID-19 and were offered fluvoxamine. Sign up for. But it sounds like Steve couldnt play well with others. A few countries that work are Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, and South Korea. Crawford has decided to exclude all islands. One of those telemedicine doctors is Syed Haider, MBBS, who uses a Texas telephone number but says he is currently located in North Carolina. You have to read the terms and conditions to understand. Stay tuned. In a normal year, there are about 3 million US deaths from all causes. Looking for COVID-19 'Miracle Drugs'? We Already Have - Quillette ( Natural News) What you are about to read got Steve Kirsch of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund permanently banned from Twitter because it proves that the "vaccines" being administered for the plandemic are causing people to develop prion disease. Opens in a new tab or window, Visit us on TikTok. The. When you have enough money, the next thing to acquire is status, to have people tell you youre important. STEVE KIRSCH (GUEST): They told -- the agencies, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH said that these vaccines were safe and effective. 150,000 Vaccine Deaths In The USKirsch Group | peckford42 Its true on every island that avoided covid. So, excess deaths track covid deaths. Business for his own telemedicine site began to pick up in December 2020, after senate testimony by Pierre Kory, MD, of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Crawford pretends hes found some hidden signal of vaccine deaths. Dr David Ho (known for key research on HIV and AIDS) wrote a famous editorial years ago on how to treat HIV. Fascinated with computers from a young age, he has been in the CS and engineering game for over 50 years. Steve Kirsch is looking for an explanation for 171,000 excess deaths. The reason for that is simple: it would make it crystal clear that the vaccines are unsafe. Steve promised Dr Avi Bitterman $10,000 to hold a 1:1 debate. I did the research when I got Waldenstrms and, even with treatment, the mortality rate was about five years, he said. Unproven therapies such as fluvoxamine require study to determine their safety and effectiveness for new indications, such as outpatient treatment for COVID-19, he said. He says that Facebook took down one of his posts announcing his appearance on 60 Minutes. And he smooths out both cases and deaths, to reduce the noise. There should be a 1520% spike in excess deaths in every state and every country that used it, during the first few months while elderly people get vaccinated. Fact Check-A four-page, yet to be peer-reviewed paper is not proof that Others are investigational and only available in clinical trials. FALSE: Steve Kirsch, the FDA advisor, said that Covid-19 vaccines Thus far, CETF has raised funding for clinical trials for drug candidates includingPeginterferon lambda, a hepatitis D treatment, and Camostat mesylate, a protease inhibitor used to treat reflux esophagitis and chronic pancreatitis. I would gladly go on Joe Rogan to talk to Steve, in exchange for 2 million dollars. The US CFR does settle down to a reasonable range. Were no longer talking about covid transmission. I mean, that is like lightning striking twice in the same place. He spoke to Dr. Byram Bridle, a Canadian viral immunologist known for making unsupported claims during the pandemic, who convinced him that the spike protein encoded by the vaccine did not stay at the site of injection; it was found all over the body and was toxic to us. Even dissecting the latest ivermectin study to find a positive signal, there is no good evidence that the anti-parasitic drug can help with COVID-19. There was a study done on pilots. . The FDA did not say Covid-19 vaccines are causing more hear Then if you meet the parameters you are allowed to pass the exam and get your medical certificate. the shoulder muscle) comes from a study of 13 Moderna-vaccinated people that reported extremely low levels of it in the blood of 11 of them using ultralow detection technology. If they caused heart attacks, there would be a surge in heart disease deaths. Crawford pretends hes shown that the vaccine is deadly. And FrameMaker is still a niche product. They held the debate and Steve got owned. "FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save as they vote 16-2 against the approval of booster shots," an Instagram post claimed. But Steve thinks that people are just failing to file reports. Its eye opening. "Fluvoxamine is a highly effective anti-inflammatory treatment option which can dramatically lower hospitalization and fatality rates as well as lowering the risk of long-haul COVID and organ damage. As vaccines came out, Steve increasingly portrayed them as deadly and dangerous. About three to five patients per day have acute COVID-19, most of whom are receiving fluvoxamine from him. The post also includes advice on how to get fluvoxamine from your doctor, and links to telemedicine doctors who are willing to prescribe it. Steve changed the prize so you cant win by proving there were less than 500 deaths. They dont tend to line up with vaccination rates anywhere. We didnt come up with better mouse technology than Microsoft did. Edited excerpts: In your advocacy, you focus on early treatment of Covid-19. Steve got banned by Medium. Crawford thinks the vaccine deaths were smuggled into the data as covid deaths. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein Discuss: Spike Protein From Vaccine Is Dangerous Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date June 22, 2021 Video unavailable This video is unavailable Watch on. Infoseek lost out to Yahoo; it had a chance to grow bigger, but it didnt. Its almost impossible to salvage Crawfords argument. Data does not show Covid-19 vaccines are linked to more heart attacks. In a 2008 blog post, Kirsch reminisced about urging people not to vote for Bush in 2000: He would be a disaster as President, Kirsch wrote, since he had a track record of ignoring facts, ignoring science, and twisting the facts to support his misguided beliefs., Take-home message: Australia got through the pandemic without any excess deaths: Deaths went down in 2020, went above the average trend a bit in November, then stayed roughly flat through 2021. In April 2020, Kirsch founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund research into off-label treatments for COVID-19 among drugs already having FDA approval for other diseases, donating $1 million himself and also fundraising from others. The only major source of excess deaths thats unrelated is fentanyl overdoses. And its the same thing with every category. None of them were hospitalised versus 12.5% of the patients who chose not to. PolitiFact - Contorted claim of children killed by COVID-19 vaccines is McMichael and Others Clinical Implications of Basic Research On Complement, Memory, and . An off-patent drug that anyone can manufacture? "Steve Kirsch was extremely helpful early on in the pandemic, stepping up to fund early treatment trials when the US government would not fund such studies," Boulware told me in an email. And, even if you jump through all the hoops to apply for the prize, Steve will probably just change the terms of his offer again, like he did last time. Why? Like all members of its class, fluvoxamine has a long list of potential drug-drug interactions, and carries a black box warning for suicidal ideation in children, adolescents, and young adults. Most people dont have time for that, so they end up watching someones misleading Youtube video: So, whats Crawfords game? Stev Kirsch Takes On The Academics And Demonstrates The Covid Vaccine Suicides actually went down in 2020. Sometimes its more important to look at what an author is not telling you, compared to what they are. There is no prize. Current Early Covid treatment from Steve Kirsch (infection - City-Data A clinical trial has demonstrated that the likelihood of hospitalisation was significantly reduced for patients with mild COVID-19 when given fluvoxamine. Luckily, vaccine Spike is not the same as and behaves differently from virus Spike. First off, it has been tweaked: scientists added an extra bit of code to it so that it would contain two additional proline molecules, which freeze the spike protein in the shape it has before unlocking the door to our cells, so that our immune system would get trained to recognize the spike protein in its pre-breaking-and-entering look. The timing. If you did a cardiac MRI on all those kids, you are going to find stuff that you will not find using the cheap and easy tests. Steve Kirsch | Science-Based Medicine
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