Bates returns to London with her to live in his mother's home but soon separates after learning that she has been unfaithful to him. Cora blames Robert for Sybil's death because he did not listen to Clarkson. He cares not for what others will think of him for changing his citizenship (particularly when Britain only beat Germany in the Great War a few years previously), only of Edith's love. In the end, when Alfred does leave, Molesley seeks the job but Carson refuses, citing his great reluctance. When they win, Barrow follows Jimmy who, having won a large bet, has too much to drink. When she turned 16, she moved to the United Kingdom and graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in 2004. An overconfident Thomas makes a snide remark that Mr Bates can do nothing to stop him only for Bates to violently grab him and shove him against the wall, proving that despite his disability he is not to be underestimated. But Mrs Hughes say that, "there are rules to this way of life and, if you don't intend to abide by them, it is not the life for you." In A New Era, now seven years old, he is seen playing with his young cousins. Bates then disappears and is now on the run. She asks for large amounts of money, refusing a divorce so he cannot marry fellow servant Anna, and blackmails him, threatening to expose Lady Mary's secret. After struggling with infertility, Mary becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son, George, at the end of the third series. Before she can bring herself to tell him about Marigold, Mary peevishly reveals the truth. In the second feature film, Sybbie's great-grandmother, the Dowager Countess, names Sybbie as heir to her villa in the South of France, ensuring Sybbie a more equal social and financial standing with her cousins. Anna insists that they marry so that she will have legal rights if the worst happens. Bates then invite O'Brien to his cottage, and whispers the words "her ladyship's soap" in her ear, before warning her that unless she calls Jimmy off, he will not keep her secret. Rose's society debut is in 1923, when Cora presents her before the king, queen, and Prince of Wales. He is a major figure in the community in his own right, as evidenced in series five when he is asked to chair a committee building a memorial to townsmen who died during the First World War. An unofficial will from Matthew comes into the family's hand, Thomas plots against Anna, Rose gets involved in a scrap at a servant's dance, and Mrs. Crawley tries to reconcile Carson and Trigg. He would ask Mrs. Hughes to write her a good reference. Horrified, Alfred is pressured by his aunt, O'Brien, to report the incident to Carson, as homosexuality is considered a crime at this time. In the first film, she is seven years old and continues to be raised with her first cousins George and Caroline, at the estate. Most of the staff give him the cold shoulder, while Thomas and O'Brien try to get rid of him to further their own ends. Though Prince Kuragin was subsequently released, he learned that his wife had been exiled a year before. John Bates (played by Brendan Coyle), who is mainly known as Mr Bates or just Bates, is Lord Grantham's valet. Daisy has a close relationship with Mrs Patmore, the cook, which is frequently more mother-daughter than two servants working together. It is not known whether he went ahead and published the story. In the second film, Mary has a flirtatious relationship with a film director named Jack Barber, but she stays faithful to Henry. When Barrow begins treating himself to cure his homosexuality and is suffering, Baxter convinces him to see Dr Clarkson, after which Barrow treats her with more respect. Lord Sinderby was said to have been opposed to his marriage to Rose while his wife accepts her because "her son's happiness is more important". Mr. Pamuk's Death. He also later mentions Jimmy to Phyllis Baxter in a bout of sadness and annoyance that he's gone. However, when he goes to reclaim the dog, he discovers her missing, and in his panic trying to find her in the woods, trips on several fallen branches and becomes muddied. She works unstintingly and unflaggingly to remedy what happened. At first Sybil seems fine after the birth, but late in the night is found having fits and dies. Anna was the member of staff who helped Lady Mary and her mother Cora carry the corpse of Kemal Pamuk out of Lady Mary's bedroom and was the only one who openly welcomed valet John Bates to the household, despite everyone else's initial prejudice against him on account of his limp. When she asks how it is possible that he has returned, he silences her, insisting that they speak later about it but for the moment, enjoy their Christmas. Herbert "Bertie" Pelham (played by Harry Hadden-Paton) first appears in the 2014 Christmas special "A Moorland Holiday" as the land agent of the Brancaster estate. Thomas escorts Jimmy to the guest corridor upstairs and plans to watch the door while Jimmy goes through with it. When it is revealed the new valet, Henry Lang, had shell shock, she was uncharacteristically sympathetic towards him and it was revealed that her own brother suffered from it due to the War. Daisy initially tried to avoid seeing Alfred at all, but eventually speaks to him and wishes him well as a friend. While in England he makes the acquaintance of the Hon. He would also gain the companionship of Mrs Patmore, Daisy dropping any objections she had about her father in-law and her superior at Downton Abbey being together. Rose wants to marry Jack, though Mary sees that Rose's primary motivation is to upset her mother. Rose secretly invites Ross and his band members to perform at Downton for Robert's birthday, by which time she has entered into a secret relationship with Jack. She tells him that she believed she was pregnant, but that she had miscarried, and that it had potentially happened twice before. He continues to notice the change in her mood after Anna tells Mary that she believes she is pregnant again. Sarah O'Brien, who is angry with Thomas for the way he has treated her nephew, Alfred, quickly latches on to this dynamic and uses it to her own ends. Nevertheless, he maintains a fascination with medicine. In 1921, he hosts the Crawleys at Duneagle Castle, his family's Scottish estate. As the heir to the Downton Abbey estate, Robert Crawley married Cora Levinson - a young, forward-thinking American, partly at the will of his father who wanted to . In series six, Gwen returns, eleven years later, to Downton as a successful married woman, although she visits the mansion only in the fourth episode. It is revealed in series four that Carson almost married a young woman during his time as a performer but the woman chose Mr Grigg, the other half of the duo. Jimmy says he would try, though he's not very good at it, and then leaves the estate a broken man. This sums up her second appearance quite well She's not either, she's a rapist. Mr Green briefly returns to Downton, and Lady Mary persuades Lord Gillingham to dismiss him, although she does not give him a reason. He later leaves Downton as he feels he is unfit for service. Beginning as a junior footman, he rose to become butler by 1890. However, having bought the train ticket to London in York, he decided not to go through with the plan at the last minute, as he considered his actions would do far more harm than good, since he would certainly have been hanged for the crime if convicted; his love for his wife proved greater than his desire to defend her honour. The younger Crawleys often use Rosamund's home at 35 Belgrave Square as a place to stay when visiting London, on which occasions Rosamund takes the opportunity to catch up on family gossip. O'Brien, Cora's lady's maid, schemes to get Cora to talk to Lord Grantham about Bates's unsuitability. When Anthony Strallan reveals what Larry had done, Lord Merton asks his son if it was true. She firmly believed that she could guilt Tom into responding to her as she represented the same working class that he himself had been part of earlier. He is a recent war veteran and suffers from severe Combat Stress Reaction (CSR, or shell shock) that causes him to be very nervous and somewhat disconnected to his surroundings. In 1924, news arrives that Michael was probably killed during the Beer Hall Putsch, leaving Edith devastated as she never lost hope that he might be alive in prison perhaps. Upon Robert's death, he will become the 8th Earl of Grantham, though Mary will speak for his interests until he comes of age. By the end of the series, Molesley finds work as a schoolteacher. When a witness comes forward to claim Mr Green was murdered, the investigation causes Anna to fear Bates was responsible, but she is too frightened to confront him, as it will confirm the identity of her attacker. Deducing that Miss O'Brien is pressuring Jimmy to have Mr Carson demand Thomas leave Downton with no reference, he informs Lord Grantham of the details, and asks Thomas to give him a weapon to use against his former ally. Anna reveals to him that she believed she was pregnant, but that morning had realised that she had miscarried their child, and that it wasn't the first time it had happened, but the third. While John is in prison, Anna is able to track down a neighbour of Vera's who saw her on the day of her death. They kiss and enjoy their reunion. They go to the Lotus night club, but Bullock gets drunk and leaves Rose on the dance floor. Edith decides she wants the child back and plans to reclaim her, then places her in the care of a local pig farmer and his wife. He crosses the final line when he takes Ivy out and gets a bit too familiar with her. Robert is immensely proud of Downton as the place he grew up and takes his responsibility for the estate very seriously; he sees himself as its caretaker, not its owner. She appeared in the first film. A distraught Bates along with Lady Mary is adamant that Anna will not be convicted or even go to trial. After the war ends he covers for Carson when he falls ill with Spanish influenza, only to accidentally become drunk while tasting the wine for dinner. Edna is a former housemaid who is conniving and scheming. The show ran for six series and fifty-two episodes, including five . What really happened next remains unknown, although sexual relations are heavily implied. He is in love with Ivy, who is in love with Jimmy, while Daisy is in love with Alfred and determined to break them up. He writes to Robert also with an address attached so he can be contacted. The next day, Vera is found dead from ingestion of rat poison. She is the daughter of London solicitor Reggie Swire, to whom she has been very close ever since her mother's death during her early childhood. It was a decision that both of them would regret later. At the end of the series five Christmas special Mrs Hughes has accepted Mr Carson's marriage proposal. A racy new maid, another shock for Lady Edith and simmering tension between Matthew and Lady Mary. Full of regret, Shrimpie later privately confesses to Robert that he has to sell his estate to pay off debts and says that he admires Robert for thinking ahead and modernising Downton. His love of automobiles was a common interest that he shared with Edith and as well as bringing them close together inspired Edith to learn to drive. Violet attempts to find the whereabouts of Princess Irina through Lord Flintshire, who is her nephew-in-law, and eventually receives a letter from Lord Flintshire saying the Princess may have fled to Wan Chai, Hong Kong, where she might be working as a nurse. Major Gordon then claims to be Patrick Crawley, the first cousin once removed of the Earl who perished with his father James Crawley in the sinking of the Titanic (neither of their bodies were recovered). During her visit to Violet in 1920, she unexpectedly joins Edith and Matthew on a trip to London, claiming that she is planning a surprise for her mother. He comes to dislike the new nanny for the two young children of Downton, and refuses to pass on her instructions to other members of staff. Left virtually penniless, he makes his way to England and settles in York, where he receives aid from a charity for migr Russian refugees. During the First World War with the men away fighting, Mr Drake needs help on his farm. . And while the household is lined up to receive a duke, O'Brien discreetly kicks Bates's cane on which he was leaning, knocking him on his face in the gravel, in order to cause a scene and bring attention to his disability. Madeleine Allsopp. Bertie tells Edith that he misses her terribly and still wants to marry her. [2] Early on, she is portrayed as a petulant and cold young woman; as the series progresses, however, she shows more vulnerability and compassion. Richard Carlisle (played by Iain Glen) is the fianc of Lady Mary Crawley in series two. [6] Maureen Ryan of the Huffington Post stated that she believed Matthew's death was beneficial to the story as his storylines had grown repetitive.[7]. In series six, despite her sister Mary's efforts to separate them, Edith marries Bertie Pelham, becoming a marchioness, and he and her family come to accept her daughter Marigold. However, because of his misdiagnosis of Matthew, Robert hires a well-known doctor who strongly disagrees with Clarkson. Distraught in believing that it is impossible for her to carry a child to term, Anna becomes upset, believing she had let Bates down. He is the husband of Cora, son of Violet, and father of Mary, Edith and Sybil. The king is later heard in a radio broadcast, voiced by Jon Glover. Almost immediately, Daisy Mason falls head-over-heels in love with Alfred, but is impeded by the new kitchen maid, Ivy Stuart, whom Alfred is quick to develop a crush on. He dies hours later. "[16], Alexander Chee of The New Republic described O'Brien as the show's "best, most complex villain" and stated that her departure made the show less interesting. He visits Downton Abbey in 1917 as part of a tour of England to drum up support for the war effort. They insist that they can give Charlie a far better future than Ethel ever could. In 1912, she brings private papers of her uncle Jonathan Swire, a Liberal minister, to Sir Richard Carlisle since Sir Richard plans to financially ruin her father. In episode 3, Mary asks if Anna has considered Dr Ryder's advice. Tony later calls off his engagement to Mabel, because of his interest in Mary. In 1921, Rose's relationship with her mother has soured, though her relationship with her father is better. Evelyn Napier (played by Brendan Patricks) is the son and heir of Viscount Branksome and a suitor for Lady Mary, but later becomes engaged to "one of the Semphill girls". Mary receives a surprising question, Anna freezes Bates out, Edna makes a play for Tom, and Rose meets a new friend. He often resists "modern" suggestions for better management of the estate, especially after his daughter Mary joins his sons-in-law Matthew and Tom in running it. She is especially bitter and resentful towards most of the other servants, perhaps due to her family circumstances; the animosity is common knowledge, even for the Crawleys. William asked Daisy if she would give him a photo that he could carry with him. Carson is mortified when he suffers severe chest pains while serving the family dinner and as a consequence is forced to accept help from the female staff. In the fifth series, Mary meets Henry Talbot, a race car driver. Edna says she cannot be forced, to which Mrs Hughes refutes that by warning that she would lock Edna up, hold her down, and strip her if that is what it took. Mrs Hughes dismisses her after discovering the two of them in bed together, but Ethel shortly returns having nowhere else to go when she finds out she is pregnant with his child. In March 1913, he is diagnosed as suffering from dropsy of the heart and is certain to die. Her sister Mary is the last in the family to discover, in late 1925, that Marigold is Edith's daughter, and that she is Marigold's aunt. He arrives at Downton in the first episode to replace Lord Grantham's previous valet. Soon, however, Mrs Hughes tells Mr Bates what happened to Anna, although she refuses to disclose who was the culprit. Under English law, her status as a lunatic cannot be used as grounds for divorce because she is neither the guilty nor innocent party. Edna is basically the only person in this household that remembers the fact. William's father reaches out to her and Daisy tries to tell him about her guilt but he refuses to listen. After the fire, Lord Grantham tells Carson that Jimmy has to go, but with a good reference. In the second feature film, Daisy and Andy are married and both living on the farm with Mr Mason. After William's death in 1918, Mr Mason sometimes calls at Downton to speak to Daisy, believing that she loved William as much as he did. Though Mary struggles to overcome her lingering grief about Matthew's death, she realises she loves Henry, and the two marry at the end of series six. Encouraged by her family (excepting her father, who thought Gregson just wanted to take advantage of her title and wealth) she went to see him in London and accepted his offer. Anna is promoted from head housemaid to Lady's Maid to Mary during Bates's incarceration. It is to Carlisle, as a man of influence, that Lady Mary turns to when she concludes that marrying Matthew is not an option. When O'Brien seeks to assist Alfred by enlisting Thomas' support, he refuses to help tutor him, irritated that someone else should progress rapidly when he spent years trying to reach his position. Chamberlain later reveals to Tom that he had been blackmailed into attending by Violet, who knew of his role in one of the notorious pranks performed by his brother-in-law, Horace de Vere Cole (in their youth, de Vere Cole, Chamberlain and some others had disguised themselves as workmen and had dug a trench across Piccadilly Circus, causing a massive traffic jam "from the East End to Belgrave Square."). He returns to Downton, having apparently settled affairs with his wife, but Miss O'Brien contacts Vera and once again, she returns to cause more trouble. She is originally from Argyll, Scotland, where her father was a farmer. In the series three Christmas Special, he tries to call Jimmy off his aggressive streak towards Thomas, and then spends the rest of the episode talking about his interest in cooking. Anthony Strallan (played by Robert Bathurst) was Edith's much older suitor. In "The Finale", feeling guilty about ruining Edith's happiness, Mary arranges for Bertie and Edith to reunite at a restaurant. His mother died of illness towards the end of the first series. He is married and has several young children. O'Brien is wracked with guilt, and following the incident, she becomes even more loyal and devoted to Cora. Bates is subsequently charged with murder. Mabel Lane Fox 5 episodes, 2014 . First the American-born chatelaine of Downton Abbey (played by Elizabeth McGovern) takes on Miss O'Brien as her lady's maid, only to have O'Brien plant a bar of soap on the bathroom floor,. Edna leaves soon after being fired. She declines. He and Anna fall in love, but he explains he has yet to divorce his estranged wife, Vera. Bates then leaves Downton, writing in a letter to Carson that he is going to confess to murdering Green in order for Anna to be freed. Matters are made much worse when Murray confirms that her history, of which the police are now aware, would look convincingly to the police like Anna was capable of violence. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search for "Downton Abbey maid". She is one of Anna's closest allies, being the first person who helps her in the aftermath of Mr Green's attack. The neighbour mentions she saw Vera cleaning crust from under her nails, confirming she made the pie herself. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He knew Mary since they were young children, but they did not become reacquainted as adults until after Matthew's death at the end of series three. The scheming Edna would return as Cora Crawley's second lady's maid. Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert Strutt KCB, DSO (played by Julian Wadham) is a senior British Army general known as the "Hero of the Somme". Although in some ways his character embodies the traditional values of the aristocracy, Robert does not shun all progress, and he is very protective of and loyal to his family and servants. Edna is sneaky, dishonest, and not particularly fun to watchshe's so obviously those first two things that you can't imagine anyone, upstairs or downstairs, would be so foolish as to trust or. Bates believes they must be content as they are, but Anna continues to believe that she cannot give him what he needs. They love to dislike her. Months later, while on vacation, he tells Edith he knows about Marigold, and he believes Michael was an honourable man, with which she agrees, stating Michael would have married her as soon as he could. Andrew is hired by Carson on a temporary basis to work the week of Lady Rose MacClare's wedding at Grantham House in London. 173 likes. Isobel becomes disheartened after Larry and his brother Tim treat her disrespectfully. This engagement is broken off and during the war he is injured. Later, however, he is turned down as Mrs Hughes does not wish to leave Downton, but the two part on good terms. The police are convinced that Bates murdered her and he is convicted and sentenced to death, before the sentence is commuted to life in prison. However, Mason becomes persnickety with the living conditions, which grates on the young couple. Towards the end of the second series, she becomes guilt-ridden when she finds out her meddling in Bates's private life has started a chain reaction which led to Vera's threatening to expose the family secrets and bring the Crawley family into disrepute. Anna and Bates both visit Scotland Yard where Anna is forced to be part of an identity parade to which Bates is outraged. 1892) (played by Laura Carmichael) is the middle daughter of Lord and Lady Grantham. She has a strong bond with her granddaughter Mary, to whom she is the most similar. If listing any specific dates, please use a reference and make note of the episode or other canon source that the information comes from, including a short quote if possible. The tale becomes known to other members of the family after it becomes a rumour in London. Martha sees herself as representing modernity, while Violet seems to represent the pre-war aristocratic world that is gradually becoming obsolete. His protectiveness leads Baxter to discover Anna's pregnancy. Edna Braithwaite was a general maid who arrived at Downton Abbey in September 1921 and left soon after, then briefly returned as lady's maid to Lady Grantham . But Mrs Hughes and Mrs Patmore intervene and Carson eventually gives in and takes Molesley on as a second footman. He attempts suicide but is rescued by his friends. Downton Abbey is arguably one of the most popular period dramas of all time. Considering Charlie's future, she gives him to Mr and Mrs Bryant. Unlike Carson, she privately views Lady Mary as a silly girl whose misfortune comes mostly from her own mistakes; her attitudes have likely softened over the years. In the series four Christmas Special, Jimmy travels with the Crawley family to London for the season. He convinces her to go away with him to a hotel in Liverpool to be lovers, and she agrees, wanting to be sure he is the right man for her. Mason, still enamored with Mrs Patmore, agrees to surrender the farm lease to Daisy and Andy and go to live with her. He took his new surname from a bottle of gin. Episode #4.2: Directed by David Evans. Ethel tells Mrs Hughes that her neighbours think she is a war widow but admits that Major Bryant refuses to acknowledge that he is Charlie's father, despite Ethel and Mrs Hughes's best efforts to get him to admit paternity. Even so, the family still call him by his last name. He has never condemned Mary for any of her more questionable actions, and Mrs Hughes once remarks that "Mr Carson would forgive (Lady Mary) if (she) attacked him with a brick.". While many of the beloved characters earned their happy endings, his . Her child by him, a daughter named Marigold, was at first given to a family in Switzerland, where she gave birth. After a confrontation with one of the Russian emigres, Count Rostov, which Rose witnesses, Atticus reveals his family had emigrated after being driven from Odessa in that city's 1859 and 1871 pogroms. Manipulative little witch rapist, no redeeming qualities whatsoever! At first, Edith was told he disappeared after going out once he checked into his Munich hotel. Matthew dies suddenly in a car crash only days later, and he never informed his wife Mary or her parents of his discussion with Gregson while fishing. [8] Leech at first tried to develop a Yorkshire accent in an effort to prevent his character from becoming an Irish stereotype, but when he was persuaded that Tom would not become such, he used his native Irish accent.[9]. Travis insults the Catholic faith and believes the Anglican Church is superior. In "The Finale", the final episode of the series and of the show, Anna is shown to be pregnant and still working as a ladies maid, much to the dislike and discomfort of Carson, who feels a woman in "her condition" should not be working. However, relatively quickly, the mystery is solved as another of Green's victims comes forward and confesses to his murder. She is also really selfish, as she objected to Mrs Hughes invading her privacy whereas she herself repeatedly did that to Tom. In series four, the staff at Downton Abbey receive a letter from Gwen where she tells them she is married. This eyesight problem is declared to be cataracts, the surgery for which is new and daunting to Mrs Patmore, but the operation is successful and she regains the full use of her eyesight. For example, Rosamund's influence causes complications and delays Mary and Matthew's engagement during the first two series. Bates is freed, and the reunited married couple move into a cottage on the grounds shortly thereafter. Edna Braithwaite Ah yes, the scheming maid who tried to hit on Tom while he was mourning Sybil's death, got fired, then managed to worm her way back into Downton to work as Cora's lady's maid,. Later, Thomas Barrow finds her humming in the boot room, and she tells him he should be happy he is in good favor with her, while smirking unpleasantly. However, it becomes clear that Barrow knows a secret about her, which he uses to his advantage to make her spy on the servants and family, something Baxter is very uncomfortable with. His aunt is Sarah O'Brien, who brings him forward as a candidate for the empty post based on his previous experience as a waiter at a hotel. This is the official YouTube channel for Downton Abbey. When a witness comes forward to claim Mr Green was murdered and the investigation reaches Downton, police question Bates and Anna on several occasions. Following his father's premature death, George becomes heir to his grandfather Robert and the Downton estate. Molesley gains access to the Bateses cottage and finds a picture of Bates; he and Baxter use it as they travel around York's pubs to find out which pub Bates had been to the day Green died. When Vera learns that her husband has a larger than expected inheritance after his mother's death, she arrives at Downton Abbey. Sir Herbert leaves Downton the next morning with no knowledge of the incident. In August 1914 they are successful and Gwen wins a position at a telephone firm. The two attempt to move past the attack, but both find it very difficult. Timid by nature, other characters frequently take advantage of her naivete or pull rank by tricking her or handing her the more undesirable and menial tasks. In episode 5, Bates is insistent that nothing will go wrong with the pregnancy, when Anna begins to worry. She takes great pride in her cooking and is a perfectionist in the kitchen. Harold then accompanies his mother to England in July 1923. He first appears onscreen after Lord Grantham has given Carson permission to hire another footman in addition to Alfred Nugent. In the first film, set in 1927, Marigold is four or five years old and has returned to Downton with her mother and stepfather for the royal visit. She experiences multiple disappointments in her romantic relationships: she is jilted at the altar by Sir Anthony Strallan in the third series, and her second fianc Michael Gregson is killed by Nazis while staying in Germany. She leaves Downton at the very beginning of the fourth series in the middle of the night to take her new position, leaving only a letter to explain her actions. When Edith marries Bertie Pelham, the Marquess of Hexham, Marigold moves with them to their new home at Brancaster Castle.
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