Im not sure to be honest. The RF receiver can help to lock onto a RF signal that matches something a target ship would emit. "As I said, it has no equivalent in any country in the world. It is certainly andy reeves again! What sonar or anti submarine equipment will t31 possess? "Today, a detachment of ships and support vessels, headed by the large anti-submarine ship Vice-Admiral Kulakov of the Northern Fleet, passed the Pas-de-Calais and continues to move southward in the . If NSM is good enough for USN & Germany its good enough for RN. production rates are a worry. it was not to long ago that a few Russian soldiers died in a Russian barracks collapse, dont believe your own hype, and considering the Ukraine people are fighting for its independence, where they are stationed does not matter. It is a show of force and plans for a possible invasion. And I know the USA seems to have more fruit-cakes that believe these. We must stand with our Ukrainian allies., Biden has also authorized $200 million in additional support to meet Ukraines emergency defense needs, according to a U.S. State Department spokesperson. Tobias Ellwood said Russian President Vladimir Putin was taking full advantage of a weakened West. Assassinations of nuclear experts. It can be logically assumed that KALIBR capability willRead more . When people toured the Viktor Yanukovych presidential palace, they were shocked at the grandeurRead more , Step back guys, the roots of this situation lie decades ago. I think Putin is going to have to attack or look weak. Very old school looking set up and equipment. Also known as SPEAR capability 5. Ill also add American Democrats have a strong distaste for Putin starting roughly in early 2017 when US intelligence agencies determined Russia helped elect Trump. Russia's Baltic Fleet vessels theKorolev, Minsk and Kaliningrad were today sailing south past the UK followed by Northern Fleet warshipsOlenegorsky Gornyak, Pyotr Morgunov, and Georgii Pobedonosets which passed the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday. Like wise the Danse could blockade the Baltic as well. And therein lies the fate of the world!! I think youll find the Poles really ramping up, unlike us Brits who have more horses than tanks, the Poles have superannuated their winged hussars moumts and morphed onto modern MBTs. Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. READ NEXT:Army poised to send 'game-changing' tanks to Ukraine to smash RussiaBefore and after maps show Russia's territorial losses in UkraineUK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontlineCleverly under pressure over German spy - Britain battles 'silent war'Putin replaces 'General Armageddon' after three months in top job. It said: "The crew of the frigate 'Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov' conducted an air defense exercise in the Norwegian Sea. People always seem to vastly underestimate the effectiveness of a medium gun. (A-591), was officially commissioned into service at Istanbul Shipyard in Tuzla, Istanbul, on 14 January, smail Demir, head of Turkeys Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB), has announced. Later versions have much better electronics and sensors developed with Israel. As for Corbyn and Johnson, I generally agree I just wish people could see its kind of theRead more , Hi Ron-no need to apologise, I enjoy your posts and know that things for all of us can get robust at times. I suspect if we dont show strength and unity now the fighting will inevitably come to us. REUTERS/Sergey Smolentsev. In new training drills yesterday, three dozen Russian warplanes including Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft and MiG-31 fighter-interceptors flew from airfields in Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. Russia has accused Kyiv of harbouring plans to retake the region by force, something Ukraine denies. 'This of course would be the most costly economically, politically and in terms of human lives and that's probably why it's least likely,' Melvin said of an all-out invasion. The fighting units the Russians have deployed are professional soldiers not conscrips. If a shooting war were to start, the Astutes would be at sea ready to start shooting, its what they are for, granted we dont have enough of them, a situation that wont be rectified until SSN(R) comes of the pipeline at the earliest. Well the attacks came from Yemen itself as did missiles over night last night they arent coming from Iranian soil. Hope you dont mind but Ive sent your comment to HQ, should be worth a raise. With you on this DL, some interim AShMs on all T45/T23sbut Mr Wallace is here in Sydney at the moment. Without ASuW the RN is badly exposed, and its criminal negligence sending sailors into a warzone without ability to take offensive action. "I am sure that such a powerful weapon will allow us to reliably protect Russia from potential external threats and help ensure our country's national interests. They hit targets of a 'simulated enemy' in 'large-scale' exercises involving 500 military personnel. Except, Trump isnt the President, its the weak Biden who sits in the oval office and has for a wee while now. what about nato members bulgaria and romania? Russia isnt confident, Putin is looking for foreign enemies to placate the growing criticism at home. By teatime at least during the cold War the surface arm of the RN was given 7 days before lights out 6 days more than the RAF , only the Army faired better indefinitely if resupplied ? This is a normal response to transiting warships from other nations., Russian amphibious assault flotilla to transit English Channel. Id still bet the Poles will be doing a lot of footwork on how to help the Ukrainians. But do we have the money or willingness in the population to spend what money we have on defence rather than health or social services for example? With the US on side, it could even be a NATO contingent. Push buttons. And the balls to back up that posture with action if necessary. Blocking the straits is a far cry than just a few drone attacks. This is a US created crisis for US domestic reasons. Therefore in theory at least for the narrowest Dover-Calais area we could do that. I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. Ukrainian Defense Ministry's latest intelligence assessment yesterday warned Russia had massed more than 127,000 troops along the border, together with a sea and air component that marked a 'full strength' force. The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. The Army will undergo its most comprehensive modernisation since the 1980sIt will experiment its way to robotic and autonomous capabilities. Their speed, range, persistence on station, sensors stealth and firepower make them the modern day battleships, only vastly more effective. The only Ukraine people fighting for their independence are those in the Donbas. Or perhaps NATOs drive eastwards since the fall of communism might just be giving them sleepless nights! Their fears of nuclear led them to basically willingly put puppet strings on a number of important decisions the country will have to make. Douglas you are as delusional as can be in your explanation (Bidens fault) for why this is happening. Most likely require a supplementary MoD budget? While the oil tanker Kama turned on its AIS tracker, the frigate Admiral Gorchkov kept it off to stay under the radar. Biden??? Commander Philip Harper, Severn's commanding officer, said: "In very challenging conditions with rough weather, Severn and several other British and allied ships have spent 20 days ensuring that Russian transiting warships remain under our watchful eyes.". Nope me neither. Meanwhile, in the Black Sea, the Kasimov antisubmarine ship 'successfully destroyed' air and sea targets by artillery fire in storm conditions, in a naval exercise. A NATO coalition would see RN surface ships targeted first as the weakest AsUW link in the chain. True , I seem to remember one the OSINT Bunker pod cast guys saying if they start to move Air assets near the Ukraine border than probably the war is on , they have just done that. "By maintaining a visible and persistent presence, the Royal Navy ensures compliance with maritime law and deters malign activity to protect our nations interests. Thomas C. D'Arcy, encountered a formation of seven Chinese and Russian warships in the Bering Sea last month. Do you have a link on that drawdown, havent seen that comment before? 5 Russia is allied with Iran, need I say more. Im afraid Martlet wouldnt scratch the paint on a Kirov, whilst the Wildcat wouldnt get within range to launch kinetics before being eliminated by the Grumble. But what might a Russian attack look like and what could it seek to achieve? Ok we fought for repression of all subjugated Countries including the German folk who were under the heel of the Nazi jackboot. The Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships around the UK in the last two weeks alone - as Vladimir Putin increases his military presence in British waters. As to the vaccine mandate, you are aware of the cross US/Canada border restrictions that came into force today that affect 50% or so drivers and the log jams in US west coast ports? We printed something like 45 billion sterling to deal with the pandemic yet fail to commit to proper spending to save our own planet. The jams at US West Coast ports have been due to the global supply chain being out of whack. Its possible if Putin gets really aggressive it could unite the US to someRead more . I would say that is far more annoying than Greta who actually tries her best to practice what she preaches. Please review our, You need to be a subscriber to join the conversation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken today warnedRussia could attack Ukraine on 'very short notice'during a meeting with UkrainianPresident Volodymyr Zelensky at the American embassy in Kiev. And T26 will also receive the future cruise/anti ship weapon. Plus, RN experience has taught us we use helicopters in the littoral with Stingray, Martlet and Sea Venom, and hunter killer boats for larger warships. Hi Robert. This alone would send a message and along with the news that an Ohio class arsenal boat is currently sunning of Cyprus when normally the whereabouts is secret says alot. Wow so they first entered service about the same time as the Type 21s ! Combined, these would provide us with a very capable deterrent for home defence from land, sea and air. There are thoughts elsewhere that these ships may, initially, be heading to Syria in order to collect troops and equipment for redeployment. The US Coast Guard in Alaska came across Russian and Chinese vessels on an ordinary patrol earlier this month, the agency has said. 'Should Russia invade, we will provide additional defensive equipment to Ukrainians.'. Commander Ed Moss-Ward, HMS Portland's commanding officer, said: "Escorting warships in UK territorial waters and the adjacent sea areas is routine activity for the Royal Navy. WW1 & WW2 were not just ended by fighting but the economic ability of Germany to out produce the allies. It builds up its arsenal in one location to make the world think thats the location they are going to attack. They are not a golden bullet. The assessment said Moscow had deployed troops to the border on a 'permanent' basis and said the movement of 'stockpiles of ammunition, field hospitals and security services' to the hinterlands confirmed 'the preparation for offensive operations'. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. Russia released footage filmed from a Russian SU-24 bomber flying close to the British ship. Exercise still underway, they go to the Med when its finished. Are Putins dirty secrets going to be revealed? Putins Russia isnt anywhere nearly as big and powerful as the old Soviet military and couldnt go toe to toe with the US. Putin praised the ship's strength as it sailed off on its journey, saying: "The frigate Admiral Gorshkov is embarking on a long sea voyage. It was/would cost a big chunk of their budget to keep them operational and safe. Er, US forces are in Poland and no doubt in the Ukraine. H I Sutton 15 Mar 2022. We are in a potentially high risk scenario all it takes is a trigger point. Six Russian landing ships have sailed past Britain sparking speculation they are bound for an impending 'full-scale invasion' of Ukraine - as Kiev warns President Putin has 'nearly completed' the build-up of troops along the border. Meanwhile, in a show of support for former Soviet republics, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday visited Latvia. Thats one of the reasons the JSM in particular is getting the BAe RF receiver. In a call to Mr Lavrov, Mr Blinken 'stressed the importance of continuing a diplomatic path to de-escalate tensions'. So easy to detect and evasion not impossible but also easy for CIWS to lock onto. Ukraine is not a NATO country, therefore Article 5 will not be called and NATO will not fight. The US Putting a small number of troops in Ukraine is a line in the sand a powerful symbol of intent to the Russians of repucussions if they invade. You must have access to a higher level of intel than me then. How would you like me to paint Corbin and Johnson with the same brush? George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. So we should of ordered NSM after all, as interim? Their problem then, as now, in terms of getting into the EU, was/is corruption. On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. Published: 8:51 ET, Jan 24 2023 A RUSSIAN warship armed with "unstoppable" hypersonic missiles is sailing towards the US coast in a show of strength, reports claim. If this invasion happens it could well lead to the Chinese taking the opportunity to seize Taiwan, Iran will cause trouble in the Straits of Homuz and missile man could well take the opportunity to invade the South. The big question is-could this conflict once started, and if NATO do get involved, be limited to a conventional battle? You can unsubscribe at any time. looking at the satellite images of the Rusian camps near the boarder. This is howRead more , Thats reassuring.Thanks. In a sense he might as well go for as much of Ukraine as he can get hold of because the penalties are just the same. I have little faith when the top brass commit to building frigates that have no ASW or AsUW capabilities. I think not, and the point is that this illustrates that Nuclear Insurance works! It has a much wider capture angle. In a hastily arranged trip, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was set to arrive in Kiev last night to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Russian warships have been spotted off the British coast. I wonder if we could see a real boost in our defence budget? By Criminal in the present circumstances which has been predictable for years that no effort to do so has been made. If this new cold war turns into something nasty, our T45 should have something better than Harpoon to engage enemy ships. Didnt work out too well last time. Did he deserve any sympathy? It was purely a theoretical consideration . The only ones being childish are the politicians, the oil industry and those that choose to ignore reality. RNs lack of AsUW is a gamble, otherwise why retain harpoon? Like pieces on a chess board, I suppose not all of the movements need to make sense. No unvaccinated driver may cross the border and there are 10,000s of them. Im for one are hoping cool heads prevail. At least they didnt decimate their armed forces like the UK and most of its allies as a result of peace dividend at end of cold war. US is now flying in warlike items to Ukraine. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Kimball and its commander, Capt. He has set out his demands publicly (Ukraine never to join NATO, EFP troops to withdraw from Poland and the Baltics as a minimum) and he will then withdraw his troops we in the west will not agree to any of that. U.S. officials have said Russia might attack Ukraine as early as this month when the ground will be harder, making it easier for tanks and other armour to move swiftly. When the world is fully and singularly looking at that location. Seizing southern Ukraine could cut Kyiv off from the coast and NATO's presence in the Black Sea, Melvin said, and could play well with Russian nationalists who see the area as the historic 'Novorossiya' lands or 'New Russia'. A longer-range version would also be welcome, Ive discussed the advantages short to medium term of NSM/JSM as well as Block V Tomahawk, particularly now that both Russia and China have joint interests in the North Atlantic. It will take them at least a decade to begin to get off Putins apron strings. Since then its been regular movements in/out as the Russian military cycled as many as possible through Syria for the experience. Unfortunately we are in a poor starting position militarily, as is most of NATO if things escalate. 2014-2021 UK Defence Journal, all rights reserved. Russian troops could also move into Belarus, opening a northern front for Ukraine that would put Russian forces closer to Kyiv, Giles said. 'Our strength depends on preserving our unity and that includes unity within Ukraine. Sorted. get her back in dock and rebuild her from the inside out. one area that peeves me is that we no longer have the facilities to build produce the equipment fast enough. Could you tell me what youre drinking? HITLER AND NAPOLEON DID AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT THEM. During the Cold War it became traditional to test the resolve of an incoming new American president with a manufactured crisis. But then we are talking about a Govt that is all style (and what style that is these days judging by the No.10 makeover) over remote substance and my do those Type 45s look smart and mean when they are out on the water especially when they have a dragon on the bow though Boris would probably add flock wallpaper as camaflage. Not sure how I forgot to put Estonia in my answer. Instead we were lured away by the glitter of ongoing wars in the ME. At least Ukraine is on a democratic pathway! US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday before holding talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Geneva on Friday in the latest attempt to defuse the crisis. What is aerial refuelling and how does it work? NATO should have gripped the Balts, told them the purchasing would be led by Poland and created a unified equipped group of countries enjoying scale of purchasing. Russia is flexing its muscles in Britains back yard after ten warships arrived off the UK coast, the Chief of the Defence Staff has warned. kill chain is very complex to find, track, and then engage a warship at range that doesnt want to be shot at. You act like the US has nothing to prepare for or be cautious with and we can throw our weight around like Panama in 1989. My good friend and neighbour, an ex USN chief engineer on subs is a mildly Right of Centre Republican but even he voted for Biden in the last election. I would love it if we did do that. Inspite of their age, the Russian Ropucha class have been fitted with AK-630 CIWS, easily as good as Phalanx. Russian forces could expand the fighting in Donbass to draw Ukraine into a conventional conflict, said Neil Melvin, director of International Security Studies at the RUSI think-tank in London. I can see why you next comment was For starters. However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he may consider halting the pipeline if Moscow attacks. You forgot about their national dish: kapusta cabbage soup, the outer leaves of which can be distilled hic apparently hic. The Black Sea, which Russia uses to project its power in the Mediterranean, has for centuries been a flashpoint between Russia and its competitors such as Turkey, France, Britain and the United States. Thanks for correction but my point was that in the UK he is of DEFENCE not DEFENSE-just trying to hold the line for Oxford English. Morning Sean. Global Britain is an illusion. Will Stewart Id call it a battle group wholly equipped with obsolete AFVs. Lets be honest, in hostilities, they wouldnt be sailing unescorted or going through the channel! Actually having checked further the major problem the USA/Canada are having are the same that most countries are. However there is some good reports if you know where to look. For other inquiries, Contact Us. The lack of AsUW is a gamble that could prove catastrophic, as bad as the lack of anti-tank weaponry given to the BEF. I see a German Navy Chief had to resign tonight, for making pro Russian comments. Mr Scholz told reporters it was 'clear that there will be a high price to pay and that everything will have to be discussed should there be a military intervention in Ukraine'. Thats an oversight. It is very obvious where they are going, staring you right into your eyes!! UK could learn a few things by this process and not immediately scrap stuff. Lauren Lewis For Mailonline, Russia sends troops and military vehicles to Belarus in move likely to increase fears of Ukraine invasion ahead of Putin's 'war games' with ally Lukashenko, German Chancellor appeases Putin and obstructs Western efforts to defend Ukraine as he refuses to send weapons to Kiev's forces and takes soft stance towards Russia, White House believes Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent: Jen Psaki warns there is an 'extremely dangerous situation' at the border ahead of Blinken's trip to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky, Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, 'Vindication': Georgia Harrison on ex Stephen Bear's sentencing, Incredible footage of Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russians in Bakhmut, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' HMS Lancaster joined Severn tracking Steregushchiy-class corvette Boikiy in the Channel and using its Wildcat helicopter to gather intelligence. Dont think its just down to initial build costs either, providing a crew for the kit and paying for them over the lifetime of the ship/s probably has a bearing on this issue too. Russia said it had ventured as far as 3 km (2 miles) into Russian waters near Cape Fiolent, a landmark on Crimea's southern coast near the port of Sevastopol, headquarters of the Russian Navy's Black Sea fleet. Meanwhile the potential peer foes, Russia and China, were very quietly building up their defensive forces initially and then offensive to a standard able to match a peer adversary. JSM is also getting a version of BAes RF receiver, that is one of the primary sensors on the LRASM. If you remember in WW2 GERMANY wanted to invade us, and we used means of blow up tanks etc to deter them. Dictators will at any cost hold onto power. Trump kissing Putins ass in Helsinki infuriated a lot of Americans. Germany doesnt need anything but some supply depots and rear HQs. Britain said Russia was giving an inaccurate account of the incident. In comarison with previous pictures those ships are sailing well loaded. Why would Poles help Ukrainians? Express. Is not the opposite more true? Unless we get fair warning and are able to build stuff in advance of a peer to peer conflict it wont matter, as it will be over too quickly. They have nothing to match it. I think ill have a drink now. Clever move, and itll be Trumps fault the Russians invade on Bidens watch. The Royal Navy has kept close watch as four Russian ships sheltered from rough weather in the seas off the east coast of Scotland. However, it does look like everybody is going to fight back. The assessment, seen by CNN, described the situation as 'difficult' and warned Russian President Vladimir Putin was 'trying to split and weaken the European Union and NATO' while also 'limiting the capabilities of the United States to ensure security on the European continent'. Critics fear it will increase Germany's reliance on Russian energy supplies. Going after the Ukraine neatly side steps the maritime flank to some extent. Zelensky thanked Blinken on Twitter after their meeting and said he was counting on stronger 'economic& financial' cooperation from the West. With pressure to take a more hawkish stance, he met Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Berlin to discuss the next steps. Etc, etc. News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Russkie pension, weekly bucket of spuds and one litre of 2 stroke. I have lost count how many times I have read about explosions in Iran over the past two years or so. "Even with the pressures of Covid, we remain at short notice to respond to threats both in home waters and around the world. Thats what I was thinking, but invading Ukraine probably isnt allowed under international law. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. It seems Not! Kongsberg have said that the NSM will also get the receiver. Patrol ship HMS Tyne monitored two warships and an intelligence gathering vessel as they carried out replenishment operations with their supporting tanker. Yep, you may well sleep well when not being reminded of the things you could actually be doing to help the world, Ive partaken in wars over Oil and I dont even drive, Driving fossil fueled powered cars is not the only thing causing climate change and that we need to change. I apologize if you took offense with my tone, its not my normal voice. 'We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine,' she said. If I see him Ill ask. The volume of gas supplyable through Nordstream 2 is roughly equivalent to the entire energy use of UK or another large European country. Actually, its an interesting point. The White House corrected the off the cuff remark from the long press conference. You have to look at the bigger picture, Russia, China and the Iranians are holding joint exercises in the Indian ocean, increased naval activity in the Arctic, My biggest concern is India and Pakistan. Itll make Snatch Landrover fiasco look trivial. UK to unveil new law to stop Channel migrants on Tuesday - paper, Holy oil for King Charles' coronation consecrated in Jerusalem, Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Kate Holton, Arsenal seal thrilling comeback win, Man City maintain chase, Nelson keeps Arsenal on course in title race with late winner, Chelsea overcome Leeds 1-0 to ease pressure on Potter, Turkey's earthquake death toll rose to 45,968 -interior minister, Egypt non-oil activity contracts for 27th month as prices surge, Ecuador assembly backs report calling for Lasso impeachment process, Cameroonian businessman charged with complicity in torture after journalist's murder, Indonesia to relocate residents or move fuel facility after fire, Exclusive news, data and analytics for financial market professionals. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. 36 minutes ago. Billboard in Dnipro, Ukraine with the statement written in Russian. Last night, Kiev hailed Britain for sending anti-tank weapons and troops as an 'important first step' to help the country defend itself. Its more difficult now given the numbers they have positioned.
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