The worst error! However I successfully created this console in my playground.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the 'Cloud Support Service Console'. What can I attach to help diagnose what I am still missing? If you have renamed the standard console, I would check the API name.. Hi Trailhead Baby, I rename the console service and got the same error, one help. Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge Challenge 2 Question, i finally found the answer in module 'Service Cloud for Salesforce Classic'. This comment has been removed by the author. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.I have 2 routing configurations: advanced (least active/units of capacity:2.00/priority:1)and basic (most avaliable/capacity:1.00/priority:2)I have 3 presence configurations: advanced case organizer(capacity:20), basic case organizer (capacity:20) and overflow(capacity:100) and all of them are avaliableI have been re-reading the pre-requistes but I'm stuck big time. i could pass the challenge, so great to have some experts available like you! I had figured that out in order to build the macro. Activate your knowledge groups and sub-groups. Ensure the Macro sends an email to the customer. Thanks in advance. Cloudy Technical Team is correct name wise for both the record type and the process. Ensure your Dashboard component Header and Title are correct.I'm pretty sure my Dashboard and Report have correct header/title/subtitle, any idea what (obvious?) Review the steps to ensure you configure the Case Stages for the Cloud Technical Team Lifecycle." Can You Please Provide the notes So we Can Follow That And Solve Superbadge. You may find it easier to set this up using the Set Up Knowledge setup flow, Create your article (I found that my custom fields were already there, which helped), Youll need to make changes to your Case Lightning page and actual record page to complete this part , The first requirement smacked of full automation bear in mind to stay modern in your approach, I had to put {!} in my email template for it to work it fusses over fields. Hi Baby, I'm stuck in step 2 whit his stupid error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: We can't find a group called 'Basic Support Agents'. I found it necessary to click "edit" then "save" the profile, even if nothing had been changed within the profile itself before the challenge checker passed. Click the cog in the upper right hand corner. (I made a custom button as well for this one.). Usually, I'd let you figure it out, but this one is odd- {!}And - make sure that you have a contact that is associated with the case. I'm also having issues with challenge 2 - it seems super simple, but I've tested many times and am still getting the same error message: I am doing Service Cloud Specialistchallenge 2. But I have created this Data Category, so I'm not sure what the issue is. As with any Superbadge on Trailhead, you'll do better if you work through the instructions step by step rather than going by the errors you get from Check Challenge. The first think I would try is to create a case with an email address that is yours then run the macro to make sure that you get the email. Process Builder sketch Last night, I drew a rough sketch of my process: Was it pretty? 1 is checked that should not be checked. Thanks a lot because I asked SF support and got this answer which did not help me much. THANK YOU! Review the steps to create the 'Cloud Team Billing Support' profile.I deleted and recreated the profile number of times. i see one prob in my advance routing configuration i am not able to populate Overflow Assignee. Telecom Billing System2. thing I could be missing?Thanks in advance! No. Could you share what you have for your dashboard/report/etc and I'll take a look! Configure a named credential and remote site according to the specifications outlined in the business requirements. "I named the process :"Cloud Technical Team" !Not sure what is going on .. MVNOs, Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the Case Stages for the Cloud Technical Team Lifecycle. "I have created 3 queues,presence configuration for Advanced and basic with correct capacity and routing configurations with priorities as advanced 1 and percentage capacity as 100 and for basic 2 and percentage capacity as 100.Still stuck with same errorCould you please help me with the issue. All reactions. but i don't know what is next step? Sometimes it seems that the most frustrating problems have the simplest solutions. But trailhead gives an error message back. After editing the service console, you might have to edit the new profiles. Glad you solved the problem! Something that helped was saving the report frequently. I have the same problem and my Entitlement Process is already active :(. I have enabled the knowledge in the page layout but still get the same error Is there anything else to try? The demand for UI/UX design implementation is continuing to grow. Tags I have created and recreated the Cloud Technical Team support process more times than I can count. Hyatt Place New Taipei City Xinzhuang. Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: We can't find an automated action in the Cloudy Weather template. Review the steps to create the 'Cloud Technical Team Support Process'.". Does this help? Confused? He laughs when I poke his nose and tries to take toys out of my hand. Ensure you create the 'Question Long Text Area' fieldI am getting the above error.Can you pls guide me through. This should be a prerequisite badge:, HI Trailhead baby,I am struck with Step 2 Error :We can't find the Case Page Layout for the Cloud Technical Team Lifecycle. Why the change of heart? Hi there,I am struglling with sataus update within a macro. The macro works without the email button being visible. I learned so much doing it. (6 days ago) WebHelp with Superbadge Service Cloud Specialist step 4. This way, I can take a deeper look. Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: We can't find an automated action in the Cloudy Weather template. I have created a record type to assign it to and still I get the same error message that it couldn't find the Cloud Technical Team support process. Look at the page layout again- there is another item you will need to add. Ensure there is a tab on the service app to see support level assignments overall.I have done litteraly everyhing but nothing seems to work, I'm now 12 hours in, just with this third step. Review the steps to update the Utility Bar to include a way to automate the completion of otherwise manual tasks. I tried to rebuild the report in another playgorund but this error occurs agin: We can't find the result 'Sort: Descending' in Grouping1. Drag the Milestones object from the left bar of the lighting app editor anywhere on the page.5. Viewed 13k times 0 I have tried to find the answers in the Community but am still struggling. A few things to check:1) On the custom app - Object added?2) Case page layout (don't forget that you've created a custom one) - What fields have you added?3) On the record page - added the component to "count down" until the next item due? Ensure if an agent picks up a case, but decides it's wrong for them, they can send it back by selecting 'Wrong Queue'. Already on GitHub? No idea what is missing. any ideas? By creating separate question and Answer fields in Knowledge,I was able to complete the challenge. Did i use the wrong template? Ok. Let's go to the App Manager- Share exactly what the App Name and Developer Name are. Thank you sooo much, you were right! You write beautiful things. Reports Accounts by Market To create the "Market" row grouping, use a bucket field. Review the steps to ensure you create the Case Page Layout for the Cloud Technical Team.Is it how I named it? Step 4 : Service Cloud specialist challage ERROR MESSAGE : "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall. thanks a bunch. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. Here are the particulars that may contribute:I have a separate milestone for Initial Response, criteria: Priority Equals High, Medium, Low; case equals new (honestly, I really wish there was something more about what exactly the definition for initial response was, since this could be a few things, depending on org)I have no success or warning actions.Time Trigger = 20 minutes; start time = Entitlement Process.Violation Action after 10 minutes: create case, assigned to my user (the exercise says case owner, but there's no way to dynamically assign), subject: Contact Customer, due date: Rule Trigger Date, status: not started, priority: High.Anything I've botched, or anything else I should be considering? We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If easier, feel free to email me some screenshots- It is reason i m getting this error. Does this match the requirements? It should be put in the activity bar (along with email/call,etc), and you can manipulate these items with a macro. A mistake I have made many times as well! However, if you are admining a Service Cloud setup then I highly recommend going through the Superbadge, especially if you are moving over to Lightning as this takes you through the features from the Lightning perspective. Make sure that the correct date range is selected. Yes, routing address: routing name (cloudy Email Routing), Case owner (Basic case organizer), email address (my email address), Verification (Verified).Do I need to change something in the support settings? I am glad that you figured it out. I have all the Data Categories entered correctly (and have reset each page several times) and yet it still gives me this error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find a data category called 'Reimbursements and Payments Topics'. Also, my email-to-case and email on demand are checked. Help with Superbadge Service Cloud Specialist step 4. I earned the badge ;), I am getting Error "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find a format of 'Vertical Bar Stacked' chart. Thanks. Ensure you group report results correctly. " Look at the page layout and enable knowledge. Thank you! Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge Challenge 2 QuestionI have followed the exact process but I am facing the below error. hmmm It has been a while, but I believe that just the "standard" profile is what you need. Ok, wracking my brain here Getting error: We can't find a Contact Customer Case Task. I kept that particular module open one on screen while I walked through this step. Enable email-to-case and Enable on-demand service should be enabled for surethe rest is just guessing. My bet is that you are overlooking one line of the instructions: "Maria has recommended that you set up an automated system that will reply to customers on all new cases generated by email" If you'd like to email a few screenshots to , I am happy to take a look. Amazing perception you've got on this, it`s pleasant to discover a internet site that information a lot statistics approximately exclusive artists please checkout my post complete home care. hmmm Could you check the Group Name to make sure that it is Basic_Support_Agents Also- What other steps have you taken? Well occasionally send you account related emails. E.g. In the worst conditions, Ursa Major panels produce ~25% of maximum power. Still stuck? I am facing issue on challenge 4 as I am not getting fair idea where to start I have created all the queues enabled Email-to-case but I need a starting point as where to start. A support process is similar - different stages apply to each process. The simple things Hey, i'm on challenge 3 and almost done. It's easy to miss. "Not able to figure out what is wrong here. I have both Email to Case and On Demand Service enabled on the Email to Case page. Case organizers think about the language. Please reference: I looked at Trailhead it is still not working; i would appreciate a little tip ? Trying new things- my baby brother practiced crawling through a tunnel. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. I also ran into this after copy pasting the API Name out of the error message. !I have the same error in challenge 2I am standing in this error for a long timeThe name in my Case page layout is 'Cloud Technical Team' but not runs. What am I missing? If you did them recently, try not to leave it too long to attempt this superbadge. I am having trouble with step 4. this blog is beneficial and great information to share with us. please verify. 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