He confirmed there was a mass behind the eye, but is was way back behind the eye. In:Jenkins JR, Brown SA, ed.A practitioner's guide to rabbits and ferrets. She stayed at the vet at for pain we gave her rimadyl and baytril. 3-mm round long burr, Surgical Innovations Inc, Suwanee, Ga. Consil, Nutramax Laboratories Inc, Edgewood, Md. Notice that the material caudomedial to the curvilinear line is less echogenic than the wall and that the structure displaces the globe rostrolaterally. Administration of ciprofloxacin and penicillin G was discontinued at that time. J Vet Dent 1991;8:1117. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted One rabbit included in this study presented with a retrobulbar abscess from a periapical origin (Figure-4). J Small Anim Pract. Three days later, surgical access to the abscess was obtained by incising over the swelling on the right-hand side of the face and dissecting through the soft tissues to a 5-mm pathologic decit on the lateral aspect of the max-illa. Disclaimer. Below is a discussion on what can cause this problem and what we can do about. Two months after the initial surgery, minimal exophthalmia was evident and no further physical, radiographic, or ultrasonographic changes were evident. The abscess capsule is defined by the hyperechoic curvilinear line (arrowheads) caudomedial to the globe (arrow), and the abscess contents are the hypoechoic material ventral to the line. Blackwell NJ. display: flex; Above all, antibiotic-containing implants, which are introduced into the abscess cavity, show a high success rate. During this time subscribers will be able to start accessing subscribed content on CABI Digital Library and enjoy the platforms many benefits. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Thanks everyone. Kelleher SA. Notice the soft tissue mass representing the exophthalmic left eye (white arrow) and the abnormally located left maxillary molar (black arrow). Anesthesia was discontinued, and the rabbit recovered from anesthesia without complications. Practice repositioning of proptosed globe and drainage of retrobulbar abscess via pterygopalatine fossa . It was much harder on me than it was her. The ear normally due to an infection or sometimes it is secondary to dental disease. Harcourt-Brown FM. padding: 0; Abscesses that are located around the face are often due to dental disease, which can also manifest as ocular problems, since the upper tooth roots can overgrow and impinge upon the eye socket and the nasolacrimal tear duct. @article{Ward2006DiagnosisAM, title={Diagnosis and management of a retrobulbar abscess of periapical origin in a domestic rabbit. Holy was put on antibiotics. Case description: Dental abscesses in rabbits are unusual in that they seldom produce hyperthermia, can become very large without producing apparent discomfort, and tend to encapsulate and progressively destroy surrounding bone. Exot DVM 2004;6:3740. Euthanasia - The process and what actually happens. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted A bacterial abscess of the tooth roots can come about rather quickly (hours-days), but other things can cause eyes to protrude (called exopthalmos), such as tumors, which grow on the order of weeks-months. Antimicrobials were flushed into the tooth abscess cavity, and antimicrobial treatment was initiated on the basis of cytologic findings and results of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing.Two months after the initial surgery, minimal exophthalmia was evident and no further physical, radiographic, or ultrasonographic changes were evident. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2004;221229. Rabbits can suffer from infections of the upper respiratory tract (the sinuses and other parts of the tract that are not actually parts of the lungs), and this is usually manifested as runny nose, runny eyes and sneezing. Other methods that have been used include injecting the wall of the abscess with effective antibiotics or other solutions at periodic intervals; packing the cleaned abscess cavity with gauze sponges impregnated with various products such as medical grade honey, 50% dextrose solution, antibiotics and enzyme products. Gardhouse S, Sanchez-Migallon Guzman D, Paul-Murphy J, Martnez-Jimnez D, Hernndez-Divers S J, Dietrich U M. 8600 Rockville Pike What is a retrobulbar problem? It depends on the underlying cause. It is important to determine the cause of an abscess, not to just treat the abscess itself. The success of this conservative approach to management of a retrobulbar abscess resulted partly from frequent monitoring, serial stomatoscopy, and good client compliance. Applying pressure to the globe at the same time as examining the oral cavity is helpful in the investigation of . Abscesses in rabbits can present in many forms. Fluorescein stainingf revealed a superficial corneal ulcer in the left eye. L=Left. Case DescriptionA 1-year-old sexually intact female Netherland dwarf rabbit was examined because of a 3-week history of signs of lethargy, decreased appetite, left unilateral exophthalmia, a previous draining sinus from a left maxillary facial abscess, and bilateral nasal discharge. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Dorsoventral (a) and right dorsalleft ventral oblique (b) radiographic views of the head of a rabbit examined because of unilateral exophthalmia and a history of a draining sinus in the left maxillary area of the face. Have all lumps investigated as soon as possible by your veterinarian. Frequent questions. Sugar gliders are susceptible to infection with common bacteria, including Pasteurella multocida (commonly contracted from pet rabbits), staphylococci, streptococci, Mycobacterium sp (especially in skin), Klebsiella sp, and Clostridium.Clinical signs may be nonspecific, with depression, loss of appetite, and weight loss being the most readily detected. Vet also tried to locate a fistula from the abscess to a tooth root but was unsuccessful. Definitely not the worst, but it's good she'll be seen soon. The authors thank Dr. Susan Sanchez for assistance. These tests might include bacterial culture of the wall of the abscess (culturing the pus itself is not useful), x-rays and/or ultrasound to determine the location and extent of the infection, and blood tests to determine the response of the immune system and the condition of other organs. Vet Rec 1996;139:567571. Transverse planar ultrasonographic images of the left eye and retrobulbar area in the same rabbit as in Figure 1. aImage of the left eye and retrobulbar area at the time of initial examination. Doxycycline (50 mg) was mixed with 2.5 mL of reconstituted dental ceramic and infused into the cavity. Rabbit abscesses can be challenging to treat. The rabbit was discharged from the hospital with instructions to the owners to administer a triple antimicrobial ophthalmic ointment (containing bacitracin, neomycin, and polymixin B sulfate and administered topically, every 8 hours, for 10 days), penicillin G (60,000 U/kg [27,300 U/lb], SC, q 48 h, for 21 days),5,6 and meloxicam (0.5 mg/kg, PO, q 12 h, for 10 days). Abscesses (rabbits), in Proccedings. In:Lemox AM, ed.Rabbit and rodent dentistry handbook. Fifteen minutes before anesthetic induction via a face mask, the rabbit was premedicated with midazolam (0.5 mg/ kg [0.23 mg/lb], IM), hydromorphone (0.1 mg/kg [0.05 mg/lb], IM), and glycopyrrolate (0.01 mg [0.005 mg/lb], IM). The abscess cavity may also need debriding and being packed with antibiotic impregnated beads. The corneal ulcer and nasal discharge had completely resolved 3 weeks after surgery. These can occur almost anywhere in a rabbit's body, and while the center of an abscess . National Library of Medicine Anatomy 6. Hoefer HL. This article describes the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and long-term management of an extensive abscess located within the right maxilla and retrobulbar space of a domestic rabbit. Treatment of a retrobulbar abscess secondary to dental associated infection in a rabbit . Figure-4. The absence of angle in the straight telescope and rabbit oral cavity conformation enabled us to gain access to the bottom of the abscess cavity. Capello V. Endoscopic assessment and treatment of cheek teeth malocclusion in pet rabbits. Notice the persisting soft tissue swelling associated with exophthalmia involving the left eye (arrow). Seeing your rabbit's eye suddenly protruding out further than it used to can be very confronting. Hey evereyone I'm new here! In particular, successful treatment of a retrobulbar abscess in two rabbits by the "Septopal Mini-chain" is described. Accessibility Generalized muscle atrophy and bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge with severe exophthalmia of the left globe were observed. Their breathing and heart will stop within a minute or so, and they will gently slip away. All rights reserved, Permanent Link: http://www.VeterinaryPartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=503, Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from House Rabbit Society. Oof, poor girl. J Am Vet Med Assoc. If the entire abscess is completely removed, then the antibiotics might not be necessary or may be used for only a short time. Stomatoscopy revealed minor elongation of and a lingual spur associated with the left mandibular fourth premolar, which was reduced by use of a rotary power tooln and a dental burr. The left maxillary second molar was found to be loose, and exudate emanated from the gingival margin around it (Figure 3). A concurrent medical . The link was not copied. Abnormal ocular or oculonasal discharge can also develop as a consequence of the eye irritation and the rabbit may show signs of discomfort such as excessive blinking and grinding teeth. .avma_container div{ National Library of Medicine In these cases the abscess can be opened, cleaned out thoroughly and flushed with an antiseptic solution. Please email CABIsupport@cabi.orgwith your LibKey API Key and LibKey Static ID whichmay berequested from Third Ironsupport@thirdiron.com. Rabbits can form abscesses in nearly any organ of the body as well as in skin, tooth roots and bone. In many cases, enucleation is required to access the diseased tissues. Our differential diagnoses for exophthalmia in a rabbit included retrobulbar mass (cheek teeth root abscess, lymphoma), glaucoma (primary or secondary) and thymoma. In:Harcourt-Brown FM, ed.Textbook of rabbit medicine. Sevoflurane (7%) in oxygen was delivered by means of a face mask in a Norman elbow nonrebreathing systemb to induce anesthesia, and 2% to 3% isoflurane was administered for anesthetic maintenance. Small mammal dentistry, in Proceedings. FOIA Rabbit Abscesses. In rabbits, retrobulbar abscesses are commonly the cause of exophthalmos (Figure 20-1). Endoscopic examination yielded visual confirmation of a cavity, and maxillary and dental elements were visible through the gingival defect. In:Hillyer EV, Quesenberry KE, ed.Ferrets, rabbits, and rodents: clinical medicine and surgery. Worsening splay leg of the thoracic limbs resulted in decreased mobility. A swab was inserted into the socket, and a swab specimen was submitted for aerobic and anerobic bacterial culture. Exotic DVM 1 (3), 83-88. Clinical signs may include decreased appetite, chewing or swallowing difficulties, ptyalism, palpable facial or mandibular swellings secondary to periapical pathologic changes or soft tissue infection and abscess formation, exophthalmia, ocular or nasal discharge, abnormal rabbit anisognathous occlusion, and unkempt body fur.17 Diagnostic imaging techniques including radiography, computed tomography, and ultrasonography are useful for localizing dental and associated soft tissue lesions before undertaking surgical correction.11,24, Although a cursory examination with an otoscope or illuminated nasal speculum can be conducted in anesthetized rabbits, endoscopic examination is superior for providing a focused light source and magnification.4,20,25 Radiography has limitations in assessment of dental disease20; however, it is indicated as a primary diagnostic tool.17,20 Although its use has not been well documented in the investigation of dental disease in rabbits, computed tomography may also be useful in selected instances of refractory dental disease.24, Endoscopy has been advocated for evaluation of the oral cavity in lagomorphs and rodents.4,26,27 To the authors' knowledge, the use of rigid endoscopy in the assessment and treatment of a retrobulbar abscess has only been previously reported in association with an extraoral approach.28. Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference 2001, Advances in diagnosis and treatment of small exotic mammal dental disease, Clinical aspects of lagomorph dental anatomy: the rabbit (, A review of clinical conditions in pet rabbits associated with their teeth, Calcium deficiency, diet and dental disease in pet rabbits, Parathyroid hormone, haematological and biochemical parameters in relation to dental disease and husbandry in rabbits, Soft tissue surgery and dental procedures, Endoscopic assessment and treatment of cheek teeth malocclusion in pet rabbits, Endoscopy as an aid to the examination and treatment of oropharyngeal disease of small herbivorous mammals, Diagnosis and management of a retrobulbar abscess of periapical origin in a domestic rabbit, Microbiological and molecular analysis of endodontic infections, The use of calcium hydroxide in the treatment of abscesses in the cheek of the rabbit resulting from a dental periapical disorder, Peridontal bacteria in rabbit mandibular and maxillary abscesses, Ophthalmologic diseases in small pet mammals, Departments of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, Departments of Anatomy and Radiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, COPYRIGHT ASSIGNMENT AND Hematologic analysis revealed normochromic macrocytic anemia with moderate anisocytosis and severe polychromasia: Hct was 25% (reference range, 30% to 50%), RBC count was 3.33 106 RBCs/L (reference range, 4 to 8 106 RBCs/L), hemoglobin concentration was 8.1 g/dL (reference range, 8.0 to 17.5 g/dL), mean corpuscular volume was 75 fL (reference range, 58.0 to 66.5 fL), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was 32.4 g/dL (reference range, 29 to 37 g/dL).1,2 The WBC count was slightly high at 12.7 103 leukocytes/L (reference range, 5 to 12 103 leukocytes/L), and apart from mild neutrophilia (61%; reference range, 33% to 55%), the leukocyte differential was within reference range.1,2 Results of plasma biochemical analyses were within reference ranges, and there was no serum antiP multocida antibody titer. The more conservative approach performed in this instance required repeated flushing and debridement, making the use of beads unsuitable. Moderate to expensive, if computed tomography, Due to manipulation with the eye, oculo-vagal reflex (bradycardia) was seen by the author in two cases. We did radiograph her teeth, and did a thorough dental exam. In Pract 1997;19:407421. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002;292306. Volume 41, Issue 7. government site. Infectious Diseases Laboratory, University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, Ga. Bickford PC-2B, Bickford Inc, Wales Center, NY. The long-term use of topical and systemic antibiotic preparations and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication is discussed. Most rabbit abscess cases will require the use of oral or injectable antibiotics. DOI: 10.1016/J.CVEX.2006.05.022 Corpus ID: 22339666; Diagnosis and management of a retrobulbar abscess of periapical origin in a domestic rabbit. The mild anemia noticed on the first hematologic evaluation in the rabbit of this report may have been caused by systemic inflammation. In humans, skin abscesses are often caused byStaphylococcusinfections, but in rabbits, they can be caused by aerobic bacteria (those that require oxygen to survive) includingPasteurella multocida, Streptococcus, PseudomonasandStaphylococcus, and a host of anaerobic bacteria (those that do not require oxygen to survive).