(a)There shall be a nursing faculty organization appropriate to the size of the group. 2829. In certain health care facilities regulated by the Department of Health, the Department of Public Welfare and the Federal government, an order for the immediate, direct administration of a Schedule II controlled substance to a patient is not considered a prescription and is, therefore, not subject to the requirements in this paragraph. To be granted certification in an additional specialty, the CRNP shall meet the educational and National certification requirements for the specialty in which the CRNP is applying for certification. The Board may extend the temporary practice permit in cases of illness or extreme hardship, as set forth in paragraph (5). Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (26494). (5)The name and relationship of each individual responsible for causing the suspected abuse and any evidence of prior abuse by each individual. The Report wassubmitted toHouse of Representatives on June 30th, 2015. 3796; amended October 16, 2015, effective October 17, 2015, 45 Pa.B. (2)Proof of current National certification as a CNS. (f)Interpretations adopted by the Board under this chapter will be reviewed for form and legality under Chapter 3 of the Commonwealth Attorneys Act (71 P.S. 2063; reserved December 11, 2009, effective December 12, 2009, 39 Pa.B. (vi)Discussing information about ones sexual problems, preferences or fantasies. (a)When a school closes, the controlling institution shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the records of students, and official copies shall be made available upon request. 666). (13)Collection of blood specimens from an IV access device. (5)To stimulate and maintain continued growth and improvement of practical nursing education in this Commonwealth. The provisions of this 21.285 issued under section 15(b) of the Medical Practice Act of 1985 (63 P.S. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (378858). (ii)Fabricating, feigning or intentionally exaggerating or inducing a medical symptom or disease which results in a potentially harmful medical evaluation or treatment to the child through any recent act. (b)The qualifications of the instructors shall be as follows: (3)A baccalaureate degree, preferably in nursing, with additional preparation for teaching appropriate to the teaching of practical nursing. (b)When a class is not admitted in a given year, the practical nursing program shall close unless approval has been granted by the Board based on the justification for continuation as submitted to the Board. (b)A nursing education program shall notify applicants for admission of the programs approval status and, within 30 days of a change of status, shall notify applicants and students by electronic mail or first class mail that the programs approval status has changed. 2829. Nurse violated subsection (a)(4) by disconnecting comatose patient from respirator to check for spontaneous respirations, leaving patient without oxygen for 30 seconds, when there had been no special circumstances such as patient displaying signs of becoming conscious. 666). 6994. 211225.5), unless otherwise noted. (2)Administer tissue plasminogen activators, immunoglobulins, antineoplastic agents or investigational drugs. 1984); reversed in part 499 A.2d 289 (Pa. 1995); on remand 505 A.2d 359 (Pa. Cmwlth. (iii)Submitting a written, detailed explanation of the reasons the extension is requested. The provisions of this 21.501 amended March 25, 2022, effective March 26, 2022, 52 Pa.B. (12)Administer medications or fluids via an arteriovenous fistula or graft, except for dialysis. (iv)Touching breasts, genitals or any other body part for any purpose other than appropriate examination or treatment, or using prolonged or improper examination techniques, or after the patient has refused or withdrawn consent. 2673; amended July 3, 2008, effective July 5, 2008, 38 Pa.B. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.33a (relating to failure to comply with standards). The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows: Section 1. Tasks that may . (d)Any written communication with the Board must be typed or printed and include the CRNPs full name, including former names, the current address and certification number. (c)The applicant for license renewal may complete and submit an application online or may mail a completed application form to the Boards administrative office. The committee shall also perform the following functions: (i)Identify the immunizing and skin testing agents which the nurse may administer. 3040; amended November 17, 2000, effective November 18, 2000, 30 Pa.B. These orders may include: (1)Orders for drugs, total parenteral nutrition and lipids, in accordance with 21.284 and 21.285 (relating to prescribing and dispensing parameters; and prescriptive authority collaborative agreements). 212.1); amended under section 812.1 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. (4)Performance of graduates on the licensing examination. (6)Discontinuance of a medication or fluid infusion, including infusion devices. (c)The Board will send a written report of recommendations or requirements, or both, including compliance deadlines, based on the CRNP programs compliance review, to the CRNP program. (c)An LPN shall notify the Board of disciplinary action in the nature of a final order taken against the LPN by the licensing authority of another state, territory or country within 90 days of receiving notice of the disciplinary action or on the biennial renewal application under 21.156, whichever is sooner. (ii)The training was approved by the Department of Education in consultation with the Department of Human Services. The provisions of this 21.162 amended July 1, 1983, effective July 2, 1983, 13 Pa.B. (iii)The selection and maintenance of the kind and quality of facilities needed in the individual nursing program shall be determined by the curriculum design and teaching methods utilized by the faculty. (f)Applicants shall submit additional information as identified on the application or as requested by the Board. External cardiac resuscitation and artificial respiration, mouth-to-mouth, are procedures regulated by this section, and these functions may not be performed unless both of the following provisions are met: (1)External cardiac resuscitation and artificial respiration, mouth-to-mouth, shall only be performed by a nurse on an individual when respiration or pulse, or both, cease unexpectedly. The provisions of this 21.88 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. 1916. (2)Full. (d)The instructional strategies must be appropriate and consistent with the programs philosophy, mission and objectives. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (30279). (d)The Board may, in addition to any other disciplinary or corrective measure set forth in this section, levy appropriate civil penalties as authorized by section 13(b) of the act (63 P.S. Additional emergency resuscitation equipment is immediately available. It is imperative that RNs work as full partners with physicians and other health professionals to realize the goals of healthcare reform. (d)Committees shall be established as needed to implement the functions of the faculty effectively, and the purposes and membership of each committee shall be defined clearly. (2)Cooperating agencies or services selected by the school shall be approved by the appropriate State and National bodies, if such exist. 2061. 2063; amended December 11, 2009, effective December 12, 2009, 39 Pa.B. (a)Immunization and skin testing is a proper function of a registered nurse and is a function regulated by this section, and the function may not be performed unless all of the following conditions are met: (1)A written order has been issued by a licensed physician. (4)Library facilities and resources, which are planned and maintained to meet the specific needs of the student and the faculty, as follows: (i)The physical equipment of the library shall include adequate lighting and ventilation, sufficient tables and comfortable chairs, space for proper display of library holdings and exhibits and appropriate work space for the librarian. 216.1 and 218.1). (4)Assure the graduates of nursing programs of eligibility for admission to examination for licensure. (16)Eye, ear, nose and throat preparations. An applicant for certification shall have completed an accredited, Board-approved masters or postmasters nurse practitioner program or other Board-approved program that awarded an advanced degree or a course of study considered by the Board to be equivalent to that required for certification in this Commonwealth at the time the course was completed. The provisions of this 21.33b adopted under sections 2.1(k) and 6.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. The Board will place on full approval a nursing education program which attains and maintains the standards of this subchapter. When the basic sciences are presented as distinct academic coursesthat is, chemistry, anatomy and physiology and microbiologythere shall be a related laboratory experience. 6994. Register your contact information to seamlessly take action on future legislative priorities. (ii)Remitting the fee specified in 21.5. (iii)The curriculum outline and instructional methods utilized by the faculty shall be determinative in the selection and maintenance of the facilities needed in the individual practical nursing program. 667.6); and 23 Pa.C.S. If the same controlled substance continues to be prescribed, administered or dispensed, the medical record must reflect changes in the symptoms observed and reported, in the diagnosis of the condition for which the controlled substance is being given and in the directions given to the patient. (a)Prior to renewal. (d)The provider shall provide CNSs who successfully complete a course with a certificate of attendance. (13)Perform disability assessments for the program providing temporary assistance to needy families (TANF). (a)The following application fees are charged by the Board for services provided to licensees and applicants: Licensure by examinationBoard-approved nursing education program graduates $95, Licensure by endorsement with examination $145, Extension of temporary practice permit $85, Fee for review and challenge of RN exam $435, Licensure by examinationGraduates of out-of-State nursing education programs $115, Reactivation of inactive or lapsed license (5 years or longer) $130, Restoration after suspension or revocation $60, Verification of licensure with history $50. (9)Anticipated credentials or experience of the presenter, or biography of presenter, if known. 658 and 667.6). 2667. (d)The rationale for the allocation of credit for nursing courses shall be consistent with the practice of the institution. The provisions of this Subchapter C issued under section 506 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. (ii)Clearly defined refund policies governing fees and tuition paid by the students. The provisions of this 21.91 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. (iv)Legal implications for IV therapy. 6311 (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse), all Board-regulated practitioners are considered mandated reporters. Alternatively, medical history and physical examination information recorded by another health care provider may be considered if the medical history was taken and the physical examination was conducted within the immediately preceding 30 days. 2063; reserved December 11, 2009, effective December 12, 2009, 39 Pa.B. (d)The planned CRNP educational program proposal must include: (1)A statement of the organization and administrative policies of the college or university. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (385245). 42.21c); and sections 810(a)(3 . As a condition of biennial renewal of prescriptive authority approval, a CRNP shall complete a minimum of 16 of the 30 hours of Board-approved continuing education in pharmacology in the 2 years prior to renewal. 5486. PSNA Supported: Passed 200-0 and Enacted: This resolution establishes a task force on opioid prescription drug proliferation, creates an advisory committee and studies its impact on heroin use in the Commonwealth. The provisions of this 21.153 amended under section 506 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. (2)A committee of licensed physicians and nurses within the employing agency has established written criteria prescribing when the therapy shall be administered by a registered nurse either in the presence or absence of the attending physician. The provisions of this 21.73 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (9691). The provisions of this 21.723 amended under sections 2.1(k) and 12.1(a) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. The provisions of this 21.18 amended under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.705 (relating to fees); and 49 Pa. Code 21.723 (relating to license renewal). 3806. Only fully approved programs may be considered. 212.1(k) and 222(a)); section 17.6 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. ), appeal denied, 664 A.2d 978 (Pa. 1995). Deviate sexual intercourseThe term as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. (4)Activities sponsored by hospitals and health care facilities licensed by the Department of Health or the Department of Public Welfare. (2)Copy of the licensure or certification requirements at the time the applicant was initially licensed or certified by another jurisdiction and a copy of the criteria under which the applicant was initially licensed or certified, obtained from the jurisdictions board of nursing or licensing authority. (8)The registered nurse monitors the patient until the patient is discharged by a qualified professional authorized to discharge the patient in accordance with established criteria of the facility. 2061; amended April 24, 2009, effective April 25, 2009, 39 Pa.B. The provisions of this 21.204 amended July 1, 1983, effective July 2, 1983, 13 Pa.B. (7)The registered nurse managing the care of the patient receiving intravenous conscious sedation medication may not have other responsibilities during the procedure. (d)A professional nurse may not practice or offer to practice as a CRNP in a specialty in this Commonwealth during the time the professional nurses certification in that specialty or the professional nurses RN license is inactive, lapsed or expired. 3891. 659 and 667.6). The provisions of this 21.331 amended under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. Appropriate cumulative student health records shall be maintained throughout the enrollment of the student. (d)Restrictions on CRNP prescribing and dispensing practices are as follows: (1)A CRNP may write a prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance for up to a 30-day supply as identified in the collaborative agreement. Practical nurse programs require approval for the following reasons: (1)To safeguard the preparation of practical nurses, and to assure safe standards of nursing practice in this Commonwealth. 2404; amended September 16, 1983, effective September 17, 1983, 13 Pa.B. 2829; amended April 24, 2009, effective April 25, 2009, 39 Pa.B. The policies of the baccalaureate and associate degree programs shall be consistent with those of the controlling institution. There are 15 states where the state codes or regulations have language specifically referring to SANE practice. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (363485). (a)A registered nurse currently licensed in another jurisdiction of the United States or Canada who has graduated from an approved program of nursing and who is enrolled in an accredited graduate nursing program, a bachelor of science nursing program, or a refresher course in nursing may practice nursing in a clinical setting as required by the educational program of studies without obtaining a Pennsylvania license so long as the student does not receive compensation except in the form of stipends, scholarships and other awards related to the training program. 6210; amended December 16, 2016, effective December 17, 2016, 46 Pa.B. 1916. 1916. 6409; amended December 11, 2009, effective December 12, 2009, 39 Pa.B. 6196. (3)National certification. 3796; amended October 16, 2015, effective October 17, 2015, 45 Pa.B. This information shall be submitted with the Applicant Data Sheet of the application for licensure. (3)The age and sex of each subject of the report. (3)Knowingly permit another individual to use his license for any purpose. (3)Notwithstanding any civil penalty assessed under paragraph (1), failure to provide the Board with documentation demonstrating the completion of 30 hours of approved continuing education within 6 months after receiving notice of a deficiency will subject the registered nurse to discipline under section 14(a)(3) of the act. Faculty members shall maintain a record of participation in continuing education, professional self-development and other activities that promote the maintenance of expertise in their respective areas of teaching. 2829; amended December 16, 2016, effective December 17, 2016, 46 Pa.B. A registered nurse shall comply with a request for submission of documents verifying the registered nurses completion of continuing education. Expand All Tips for reducing processing time for RN by Examination Initial Registered Nurse License by Endorsement Phases and Timeframes The candidate for licensure shall pass the licensure examination approved by the Board. (g)The nursing curriculum shall demonstrate the accepted pattern of development for associate degree education and be consistent with college policy. (a)A CRNP program must be developed and maintained under the authority of a regionally accredited university or college or have current accreditation by the Credentialing Commission for Nurse Education or the National League of Nursing. The provisions of this 21.32 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. ApprovedApproved by the Board. The provisions of this 21.111 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. (5)An oral order accepted by the LPN shall be immediately transcribed by the LPN in the proper place on the medical record of the patient. The provisions of this 21.28 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. The provisions of this 21.181 amended July 1, 1983, effective July 2, 1983, 13 Pa.B. The provisions of this 21.113 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. (3)Official transcript from the applicants nurse practitioner program, including degree awarded. (3)The agreement between the educational unit in nursing and the cooperating agency shall be developed jointly, recorded in writing, reviewed periodically by both parties, revised as occasion requires and consistently adhered to by those responsible for implementing the provisions. (c)An applicant for licensure by endorsement whose license in the other jurisdiction is not current for 5 years or longer shall, prior to receiving a license in this Commonwealth, satisfy the requirements of 21.156a(a)(1) or (2) (relating to continued competency). 658). 2103. 1916. 223(b)) upon a nurse found to have engaged in conduct constituting a sexual impropriety or sexual violation. Students in this role cannot be assigned as charge nurse of a unit. The Board will make available a list of Board-approved English proficiency examinations on its web site. The licensee will not be required to remit the biennial renewal fee during the period when the license is on inactive status. (2)Faculty records. For purposes of this section, the Board will determine equivalence on a case-by-case basis after considering the information submitted by the applicant that may include an official transcript, course descriptions, current curriculum vitae, work history in the CNS role, professional recommendations and additional advanced nursing education and certification examinations. A Board-regulated practitioner who has reasonable cause to suspect that a child died as a result of child abuse shall report that suspicion to the coroner or medical examiner of the county where death occurred or, in the case where the child is transported to another county for medical treatment, to the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the injuries were sustained. AANP's mission: To empower all nurse practitioners to advance accessible, person-centered, equitable, high-quality health care for diverse communities through practice, education, advocacy, research and leadership. 21.824 (relating to inactive status and reactivation); and 49 Pa.B. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335546). 2063; amended December 11, 2009, effective December 12, 2009, 39 Pa.B. The provisions of this 21.132 issued under sections 2.1(k) and 12.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. The provisions of this 21.152 amended July 1, 1983, effective July 2, 1983, 13 Pa.B. (a)Policies and procedures related to the selection and admission of students are the responsibility of the individual program. (b)The listing of a CRNP in an advertisement or publicly displayed sign shall identify CRNPs who use the designation Dr. as CRNPs by using the title CRNP following the individuals name. (5)The field agencies selected for use shall have the quality and variety of resources for planned learning experiences needed for the purpose of the program of the school of nursing. (4)Analysis of rhythm strips of patients with permanent programmable pacemakers. The provisions of this 21.146a adopted September 8, 2000, effective September 9, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 449.41449.50) and provides for the issuance of a volunteer license to a qualified registered nurse, a certified registered nurse practitioner and a licensed practical nurse who retires from active practice and seeks to provide professional services as a volunteer. 2829. ANDAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 212.1(k) and 216.1); and sections 9 and 17.6 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. (2)Education. 667.6); and 23 Pa.C.S. A nurse did not wilfully violate subsection (a)(4) in lightly slapping the hand of a patient who had a grip on her arm, since the nurse had to have the use of her arm in order to keep the patient from falling and other attempts to make the patient loosen his grip had failed. Signed into law October 27, 2014: provides for prescription drug monitoring; establishes a program to be administered by the Prescription Drug Monitoring Board in the Department of Health. BoardThe State Board of Nursing of the Commonwealth. In 1994, the Board of Nursing attempted to pass regulations which included delegation. The advanced nursing practice core must include the following content: (i)Advanced health/physical assessment. An educator holding a valid Pennsylvania certificate as a PK-12 Principal is qualified to perform the following: Instructional leadership focusing on teaching and learning. Step-by-step explanation. (b)Providers or CNSs requesting Board approval for continuing education as set forth in 21.825(c) (relating to sources of continuing education) shall pay the fee in 21.805 (relating to fees) and submit the following information to the Board: (5)The schedule of the programtitle of subject, lecturer and time allocated. (b)Policies, including personnel policies in effect for CRNP program faculty, must be those in effect for faculty members throughout the college or university. (iii)Submit an application for an education evaluation to a Board-approved foreign credentials evaluator if required under 21.155(d) (relating to licensure by endorsement) and retain documentation of the application submitted to the evaluator to provide to the Board upon request. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.253 (relating to fees); 49 Pa. Code 21.285 (relating to prescriptive authority collaborative agreements); 49 Pa. Code 21.332a (relating to inactive status and reactivation); and 49 Pa. Code 21.369 (relating to general curriculum requirements). The provisions of this 21.156c issued under section 17.6 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. 6383(c) (relating to education and training). 2061. (i)If the standards of this subchapter are not met within the designated time, the nursing education program will be removed from the approved list as provided in 21.34 (relating to removal from approved list). (5)Theory, as required in paragraph (3), including appropriate knowledge from diet therapy and pharmacology, as well as scientific facts and selected clinical concepts which are essential as a basis for nursing action and are applicable to patient care. (d)Compliance with this section will not be treated as compliance with the standards of acceptable and prevailing practice as a CRNP when medical circumstances require that the CRNP exceed the requirements of this section. (iii)Shall include clearly defined policies relating to admission, promotion, retention, transfer, advanced placement and dismissal. (2)Applicants shall have completed work equal to a standard high school course as evaluated by the Credentials Evaluation Division of the Pennsylvania Department of Education. 216(b)(2)) that are approved by ACEND or the ACN. 216.1 and 218.1). The answer to most questions is it depends. (3)Initiate referrals to and consultations with other licensed professional health care providers, and consult with other licensed professional health care providers at their request. 63146317. 2677; amended February 25, 1977, effective February 26, 1977, 7 Pa.B. This competence may be demonstrated through educational training and supervised clinical experience. (d)The authority and the administrative responsibility for the school shall be delegated by the governing body to the director of the school. (c)Fifteen copies of the materials listed in subsection (b) shall be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the Board meetings at which the matters are to be considered. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335524). The Board may request information from the program or conduct an announced or unannounced site visit before notifying the program of the alleged deficiency. 279(a)(3) and (7) and 279.3a); sections 13.1 and 17.5 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. 658); reserved under section 17.6 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. (b)A nursing education program shall notify applicants for admission of the programs approval status and, within 30 days of a change of status, shall notify applicants and students by electronic mail or first class mail that the programs approval status has changed. 42.21c). Get more from your nursing profession: Advertise with PSNA! (a)Certification by endorsement. (iii)Onsite clinical preceptors may include: (A)Advanced practice nurses who are currently licensed. (e)Group or individual research, as the principal or co-principal investigator, if approved by the institutional review board of the sponsoring institution, is acceptable and will be credited in the year completed as 15 hours of continuing education. (ii)Types of vascular access delivery devices. (c)The LPN participates in the development, revision and implementation of policies and procedures designed to insure comfort and safety of patients in collaboration with other health care personnel. (a)The curriculum shall be developed, implemented and evaluated by the faculty and shall implement the philosophy and objectives of the school. The provisions of this 21.26 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. (c)Providers shall submit other information requested by the Board. The provisions of this 21.31 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. 2061; amended December 16, 2016, effective December 17, 2016, 46 Pa.B. 658). 6994. 212(1)). (a)The prescriptive authority collaborative agreement between a physician and a CRNP who will prescribe and dispense drugs and other medical therapeutic or corrective measures, as set forth in 21.283(a) (relating to authority and qualifications for prescribing, dispensing and ordering drugs) must satisfy the following requirements. (a)An IV therapy course provided as part of the LPN education curriculum in 21.203 (relating to specific curriculum requirements for practical nursing programs) or as a stand-alone course offered by a provider shall include instruction of the topics in 21.203(d)(8). 2063; reserved December 25, 1987, effective December 26, 1987, 17 Pa.B. An applicant for licensure by examination shall comply with the requirements of 21.151 (relating to application for examination), pass the examination and complete at least 3 hours of training in child abuse recognition and reporting in accordance with 21.508(a) (relating to child abuse recognition and reportingmandatory training requirement). 2677; amended September 16, 1983, effective September 17, 1983, 13 Pa.B.