The leads in our war movies about Iraq and Afghanistan look exactly like the leads in our contemporary WWII films, he says. Teachers tell us they value these challenges because they invite students to take the skills they learn in school and use them to create for an authentic audience. Your neighbors might even report you to the police for secretly taking private lessons. Not only did . Its Back to School. This issue calls our values into question. Choose a topic you care about, and make an argument that will persuade readers to care about that topic, too. The 55-year-old billionaire industrialist has close ties to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who ordered troops into Ukraine in 2022 for a war that's become unexpectedly complex. Please read through all the official eligibility and submission rules before submitting your editorial. Inside Indian English-language schools, dubbed English medium, reprimand for speaking ones native language is nothing new. Auburn Citizen. As a prime example of this, The New York Times ran a piece about a Florida high school that digitally altered yearbook photos of more than 80 female students to cover their chests because they were deemed inappropriate and immodest by school dress code standards. A service widely available has been wiped off the market. Rape Culture Dressed Up As ProtectionBy Isabella Heilig, age 16, Cape Hatteras Secondary School, Buxton, N.C. Izzy, the vice principal needs you to go to her office for something., My band teacher didnt seem to know what was going on, but I did. Editorial: NY Democrats' lame squirming on the criminal-justice harm they've caused. And it all starts with a liberal arts education. Research shows that high mother tongue proficiency makes learning a second language easier and results in better academic performance. New York Post. For students in the United States, we consider middle school to begin in sixth grade; students outside of the United States must be at least 11 years old to enter. Seattle Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School, Jan. 2018. The New York Times editorial board is calling on Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to reform the Senate's "blue slip" tradition whereby a senator can block a federal judicial nominee appointed to a court in his or her home state as a matter of senatorial courtesy. Stevenson, Alexandra, and Cao Li. This act of censorship signifies my districts part in identity erasure, an attack on representation, and will lead to real harm for us, the students at the heart of the issue, without a voice in the issue. The Epidemic of Performative Social Media ActivismBy Rachel Pakan, age 16, Hunter College High School, New York, N.Y. If you value our health, safety, happiness, and well-being, listen to us and let us see ourselves represented in the media we consume. According to Laura Bates, the founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, policies like these effectively perpetuate rape culture because they [teach] our children that girls bodies are dangerous, powerful and sexualised, and that boys are biologically programmed to objectify and harass them.. Do my students need a New York Times subscription to access these resources? Fifty Years Ago, so Did 18-Year-Olds, The Evolution of Voting Rights in America, Lowering the Voting Age for Local Elections, Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Lowering Voting Age to 16, Cultural factors influencing the mental health of Asian Americans. Nakai, Nomie. Such incidents raise the question of who, exactly, school dress codes protect. The New York Post is a tabloid that reaches Trump voters where they are. White, straight, cisgender men.. Mar 2, 2023. Employment in STEM Occupations. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Learning With Mother Tongues Helps Us Find HomeBy Anika Ajgaonkar, age 15, Biotechnology High School, Freehold, N.J. There were close to 10,000 applications and she placed in the top 20! Your work will be read by New York Times journalists, as well as by Learning Network staff members and educators from around the United States. A 2017 Times editorial wrongly connected an ad from her PAC to a lethal mass shooting in Arizona. Update, Jan. 18: Winners have been announced! Update, June 16, 2022: Winners have been announced! Each of their boards read, I never speak Telugu.. Neither is Austen, Dickens, or even Kafka. If that sounds hard, the Style sections Tiny Love Stories series can show you how. Accessed 18 Mar. Nishi, Koko. Winners get their work published on The Learning Network. Ethnic Aisles: Segregation Within Grocery StoresBy Wendy Lu, age 17, Oakton High School, Vienna, Va. For me, a trip to my local grocery store involves a distinct routine. . I mourn their joy of education as they reach for a chance to grasp the short-lived benefits of an ever-changing economy. Were ending the fall semester with an invitation to teachers across the curriculum that we hope will be both accessible and fun for your students: Make a one-pager in response to any article, video, graph, photo essay or podcast published in The New York Times in 2022 (or early 2023). Since it first began, tens of thousands of students from all over the world have answered a specific set of questions in the form of short opinion essays. Just another hurdle to people already struggling. McDonald, a Woodrow Wilson High School junior, was among 11,202 middle school and high school students nationwide who submitted essays to the contest in the spring of 2021. Meanwhile, petitions and trustworthy donation pages can influence anything from one refugees hospital visit to national legislation. You might start by asking yourself the three questions at the top of this post and brainstorming a few answers. As each contest goes live, we will add a link on this page. Find more details below. Accessed April 12, 2022. Understanding why and what to do may help. Harvard Health Publishing. For this contest, we invite students ages 11 to 19 in middle school or high school to write an editorial. We need more time to digest the traumatic content in the news, which psychologically overwhelms us to the point of numbness. Even with the movies popularity, America doesnt even know the proper demonym to use for Madagascar. Synthetic animals were used for the first time at a high school in New Port Richey, Florida, in 2019. Here is our full unit on teaching argumentative writing. lacks the personnel to thoroughly investigate all incidents of environmental impropriety, allowing most crimes to continue unchecked. More than 100 men vied for the title of "man who most resembles author and former Key West . What We Teach about Race and Gender: Representation in Images and Text of Childrens Books. University of Chicago: Becker Friedman Institute. Research and gather evidence to bolster your argument, using at least one source published in The New York Times and at least one source from outside The Times. Muri Assuno / New York Daily News: 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner sentenced to 10 years in Belarus prison. 3 Dec. 2021. When saying yes to phone news notifications, you are signing up to be an informed citizen. We advocate change, but change must start with educating the community about the true epidemic several Asian American teens face today. Listen to the thousands of Ukrainians pleading for help, not the influencers selling you pins with the Ukrainian flag on them. Li, Yanming, Kangyin Lu, and Kaiyuan Wang. CHICAGO Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago lost her bid for a second term on Tuesday, a resounding defeat that reflected widespread dissatisfaction from . The West lives in its own bubble, and what we see outside the bubble is our choice. According to her, my outfit was violating the school dress code and was distracting to male students and teachers.. Read critical commentary by teenagers on a high school cafeteria, Breath of the Wild, Balenciagas new line and more. A staff entry (by multiple editors in the same organization) consists of eight to 10 headlines. Contest dates: Feb. 15-March 15, 2023. The editorial, titled "America's Lethal Politics," suggested a map distributed by Palin's PAC that featured stylized crosshairs over congressional districts, including Gifford's, contributed to. According to Susanne Babbel, a trauma recovery psychiatrist, when one encounters trauma-related stress we go into Fight, Flight, or Freeze mode before healing. 15 Sep 2019. 20 March 2022, Zhong, Raymond So Many Dimensions: A Drought Study Underlines the Complexity of Climate The New York Times 1 Dec. 2021. Chinas College Entry Test Is an Obsession. The New York Times, 12 June 2009. Now were inviting you to do the same. As the American Psychological Association reports, Asian Americans are three times less likely to reach out for professional help compared to whites, the difference made evident as only 8.6 percent of Asian Americans sought professional help compared to the 18 percent of the general population nationwide. In the uncommon case that it does open an investigation into environmental malfeasance, the E.P.A. Bursztynsky, Jessica, and Sarah Whitten. Here are this years rules and guidelines. Here are this years rules and guidelines. Anatomy of a Challenge: A Book Ban in Leander, Texas Presaged a Pattern of Challenges Nationwide. School Library Journal. As we have since 2019, were inviting students to write a short, powerful story about a meaningful experience from their lives, but this year theres a twist: they must do it in 100 words or fewer. And when David Hogg was 17, he cocreated the #NeverAgain movement to fight against gun violence. 20 June 2020. What writers moves did this student use that I might try to use to make my own piece stronger? Take the time to educate yourself. Surprisingly, the vociferous keyboard critics didnt mind the use of cartoons to promote national security. responding to requests for admission federal court; barnet council tax moving home; shanti devi cause of death; bts preference masterlist; upper echelon theory argues that quizlet For those contests that have run in the past, you can learn more now by clicking on the Rules and Guidelines for each, and taking a look at both the related unit and the work of previous student winners. In a global culture increasingly conscious of the many gender expressions, male stereotypes continue to dominate the way we perceive masculinity. Animal dissections have not adapted to the technological advances which make 3-D simulations feasible. My . 40% Dont Access Education in a Language They Understand. UNESCO, 19 Feb. 2016. Technology and the Shaping of News ConsumptionBy Yael Wellisch, age 18, Georgetown Day School, Washington, D.C. Janyala, Sreenivas. 7 May 2020. Step-by-step directions for telling a meaningful, interesting and short true story from your life with 25 mentor texts to help. Our Ninth Annual Student Editorial Contest,, A crowd at the 2018 Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City. Leander ISD Pulls 11 Books from Curriculum after Year-Long Review. KUT Radio, Austins NPR Station. We need artists with computer skills and writers with a knowledge of statistics. Yet, something so human has been stigmatized in the Asian American community for decades. When faced with the prospects and outcomes of a liberal arts education, I, as well as many of my peers, feel a sense of unease, as if the safer route would be a career with a well-trodden path to the work force a characteristic often prevalent in STEM fields due to their skills-based nature. English is essential in todays globalized work force, but language acquisition should be accumulative, not subtractive. Make an argument in 450 words or fewer about something that matters to you, andpersuade them that they should care, too. For those that are new or have been updated, we will post related resources before the contest begins. What are you waiting for? All contests except Summer Reading begin and end on Wednesdays. Noninclusive policies like these affect more than just Jewish students. What issues and topics do you know or care a lot about? Beyond that daily section, however, we have many more resources to help teachers and students plan for this contest: Our daily Student Opinion feature, a low-stakes opportunity to practice honing arguments for an audience. Runners-Up From Our 9th Annual Student Editorial Contest,, 40% Dont Access Education in a Language They Understand, The Returns to English-Language Skills in India, Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue. At a time when breaking out of ones filter bubble is more important than ever, we hope this contest encourages you to deepen your opinions by using multiple sources, ideally ones that offer a range of perspectives on your chosen issue. Here are the 18 runners-up in our Ninth Annual Student Editorial Contest. As the 2024 election approaches, it is high time we give a voice and a vote to 16- and 17- year olds who have become meaningful advocates for political change at the backbone of our society. To put it simply, right now we need both skills-based and liberal arts styles of education. We take evidence and allegations of plagiarism very seriously. Students need the opportunity to take action toward improving their health and helping the environment. Grynbaum, Michael M and Otterman, Sharon. A total of 4,689 people entered Canada illegally at Roxham in December, which is more than arrived there in all of 2021. Career exploration matters. Dvorak, Petula. To be clear, mental fortitude isnt a bad thing, but it shouldnt be confused with concealing heavy feelings. Start by choosing something you are genuinely interested in. 66, no. None of the boys had their yearbook photos altered not even the swim team, who posed in their Speedos with no shirts. China Targets Costly Tutoring Classes. As always, these essays offer a window into a generations views on the issues that concern them most whether problems like climate change and political dysfunction that affect us all, or teen-specific realities like school dress codes and growing up in todays internet culture. Books hold power to change or perpetuate inequalities in our society as, according to modern research, stories contribute to childrens understanding of roles they and others can and cannot occupy. Have a look. What can you show us that might help explain what its like to be a teenager right now? Though our version of this challenge allows students to write about any life experience, not just relationships, well be looking for the same quality of story as you can find in collections like this one. The stigma behind mental health ends with us. Update, Dec. 7: Winners have been announced! The American shopper has been ignorant for far too long. Cultural factors influencing the mental health of Asian Americans. The Western Journal of Medicine Vol. Establishing mother tongues in schools breaks classist associations regarding education and language. Bias and stereotypes impact us all. Yet, while female gender stereotypes have undoubtedly held people back documented widely in areas like the gender pay gap and unequal familial roles the negative effects of male gender stereotypes are less discussed. Published Mar 20, 2022. We ask that your editorial be original for this contest. Or it could be that, like Angela Mao and Ariane Lee, youre angry at how Americas teachers are underpaid, underappreciated and overworked. Numb from the news? Dress codes generally prohibit clothing revealing ones chest, shoulders and midriff, often regulating specific articles such as tank tops, skirts and shorts clothing that boys dont typically wear. Enhance your coding abilities and get valuable real-world feedback by participating in contests on LeetCode. Bernstein, Fred. At first glance, doesnt it seem like my school is enthusiastic about sustainable and healthy commuting? Memes and mental health, book bans and biking: Young people tell us about the issues that matter most to them. It sends a powerful message to our countrys minority communities: You are respected. Ended Apr 24, 2022. This censorship clearly exemplifies the concept of erasure, defined by The New York Times as a practice that renders certain people and groups invisible, applied to identity. Voting will only extend this practice. Heres What Beijing Should Do.By Zizhou Peng, age 18, St. Georges School, Middletown, R.I. After Beijing banned after-school tutoring last summer, I was relieved. 19 Sept. 2016. We provide a small window of time after that deadline to allow for technical difficulties. Mody, Anjali. Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword; . (Please note: Your title and list of sources are separate and do not count as part of your 450-word limit.). On top of Madagascars poor economy, climate change also impairs the country. 23 Feb. 2022, Katanich, Doloresz How climate change is turning once green Madagascar into a desert While it might be possible to write an essay for this contest that would upend the entire admissions system as we know it, 450 words are probably far too few to take on everything thats problematic about the process. Select an option below to learn more . What do I admire? Tell us what youre reading in The Times and why. 27 Feb. 2018. Before the yearbook photo scandal in Florida, the boys also participated in protests, wearing short skirts, dresses and shorts that would have been deemed inappropriate for girls and received no punishment. Reducing risks associated with Covid-19. Kramer, Elizabeth J et al. Overview of the New York Times Student Essay Contest 2021 marks the eighth year that this essay contest has been offered. We can stay informed while caring for ourselves. However, as Krishna highlights, while many of the European foods eventually migrated out of the [international] section, most of the foods from other parts remained.. Morris, Wesley. Having your work published on The Learning Network and being eligible to have your work published in the print New York Times. Student winners from 2020 discussing their work and sharing tips via video, audio and text: Ananya Udaygiri on How Animal Crossing Will Save the World and Abel John on Collar the Cat!. It may be easy to see this as an isolated example, but in the dozen countries that have given 16-year-olds the right to vote, it has become clear that when people begin voting earlier they develop a lifelong habit. In 2019, Bangladesh proclaimed its rivers to have the same legal reputes as sentient entities and appointed a team of environmental prosecutors the National River Conservation Commission to defend them, imposing prison sentences against offenders. Thats how weve arrived at the offerings we announce below, and we hope youll be as excited about them as we are. Born in Havana in 1943 to a Cuban family of mixed French, Spanish, Chinese and African heritage, Len has been based in the New York metropolitan area since emigrating to the United States in 1965, earning two . All of the resources on The Learning Network are free. Her essay was chosen among 16 runners-up, joining 10 winners and 26 honorable mentions. Natural Resource Robber Barons: The Case for Environmental PersonhoodBy Shane Stesner, age 17, Regis High School, New York, N.Y. Back It Up Shakespeare Skills-Based Learning Has Come to College.By Catherine Latimer, age 16, Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School, Portland, Ore. Lets face it.