Aqqush's army of 50,000 advanced and encircled Keserwan from four sides, and was confronted by an estimated 4,000 infantrymen on the Shiites' behalf. In the Bekaa, the illustrious Murtada family of Sayyid descent served as deputies of Baalbek throughout most of the period, and were named supervisors of the newly endowed Alid shrine of Sayyidah Zaynab near Damascus in 1366. But Sunni bitterness toward Hezbollah runs deeper. As haplogroup J1 finds its putative origins in the Arabian peninsula, this likely means that the lineage was introduced by Arabs beginning at the time of the 7th century Muslim conquest of the Levant and has persisted among the Muslim population ever since. During the post-independence decades between 1943 and 1990, Shiites had the highest fertility rate (3.8) of all communities. [17], Some of the primary accounts for Lebanon are relayed by Al-Maqdisi (c. 966985) and Nasir Khusraw. "[48] This meant that the Shiite Ja'fari jurisprudence or madhhab was legally recognized as an official madhhab, and held judicial and political power on multiple levels. A . gip cc bn hiu r hn v cch xem cu l ti trang ny th mi ngi nn c hng dn y nh. Lebanon-Syria: lacking a treaty or other documentation describing the boundary, portions of the Lebanon-Syria boundary are unclear with several sections in dispute; in March 2021, Syria signed a contract with a Russian company for oil and gas exploration in a maritime area Lebanon claims as its own based on a 2011 map sent to the UN Nu bn mun chi l tng ngy hay nui lu di hn th ch cn click chn vo nhng ng link m chng ti phn loi theo tng mc trang ch sau ko xung l s thy c nhng con s m chuyn gia cht sn ri. Once empowered by the authority of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri since the end of the Lebanese Civil war in 1990, after his assassination in 2005 the Sunni community in Lebanon was left leaderless, with no backbone, and getting gradually alienated from political power. [84] Other haplogroups present among Lebanese Shia include E1b1b (17%), G-M201 (10%), R1b, and T-L206 occurring at smaller, but significant rates. In social terms, Tripoli and Tyre experienced a drastic upheaval with the crusader conquests. Sunnis dont accept the imams. The Shiite zu'ama also believed their fortune would best be achieved within the newly founded Lebanese state. [36], In the 19th century, Lebanon saw dramatic changes when missionaries started establishing schools throughout the country. Many Southerners went to Syria to participate, whereas in the Beqaa Valley battle spread to the Qalamoun Mountains and Akroum, where according to eye-witness accounts Shiites took more than 400 rifles and fifty horses as booty from French forces. Though perhaps somewhat better established in neighbouring Syria, where the faith founded one of its first da'wah outposts in the city of Salamiyah (the supposed resting place of the Imam Isma'il) in the 8th century, it has been present in what is now Lebanon for centuries. [36] Resistance subsided following the French campaign, and Adham Khanjar and his men continued their sabotage missions until an unsuccessful assassination attempt on French High Commissioner Henri Gouraud, which led to Khanjar's execution in 1923.[40]. [53], In addition, the Shia Twelvers in Lebanon have close links to the Syrian Shia Twelvers. You can subscribe to "The Monthly" magazine by calling : 01-983008/9. What are some Afghan last names? All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. What does 222 mean in Bible? The Sunnis recognize the first four caliphs as the Prophet Muhammad's rightful successors . Officially, the country's policy has been to host them until the war in the . [28] Almost a century later, the Harfushes gave shelter to Haydar Shihab and provided him with 2,500 troops to carry out the Battle of Ain Dara, which resulted in Haydar Shihab's decisive victory. Historian Max Weiss underlines how "sectarian claims were increasingly bound up with the institutionalization of Shi'i difference. Lebanese Alawites live mostly in the Jabal Mohsen neighbourhood of Tripoli, and in 10 villages in the Akkar region,[59][60][61] and are mainly represented by the Arab Democratic Party. [30] Bab al-Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen clashes between pro-Syrian Alawites and anti-Syrian Sunnis have haunted Tripoli for decades.[62]. Many Muslims, seemingly predominantly Shiites, were killed or departed for the interior, who were replaced by tens of thousands of Franks through several decades. This deeply esoteric group became known as the Druze, who in belief, practice, and history have long since become distinct from Isma'ilis proper. At the best of times, the Alawites are regarded by Sunnis as heretics; at times of tension, when thousands of Sunnis in Syria are being killed, they are regarded as the enemy. Correction, March 7: The original version of this piece stated that Sunni clerics never wear black turbans, and that Sunnis pray with their hands up toward their chests. It is the name of the founder of Islam, and extremely common throughout the Muslim religion. Lebanese peoples health at stake due to the inability to afford hospital Lebanese peoples health at stake! Unlike the Druze, the Shiite emirs were regularly denounced for their religious identity and persecuted as Qizilbash heretics per Ebussuud Efendi's definitions. This marker found in many inhabitants of Lebanon, regardless of religion, signals pre-Arab descendants, although not exclusively. Maronites, Rum Christians, Protestant Christians etc. You might also get some idea of which sect an Iraqi belongs to from his family name. The Twelver Shia Salih ibn Mirdas rose against the Fatimids in a similar manner, and by 1025 managed to conquer most of Syria, western Iraq and parts of Lebanon. Very religious families might decorate their homes with religious posters or signs specific to their sect. All rights reserved. However, a small minority of them are Alawites and Ismaili. There are Shiite and Sunni regions and neighborhoods in Iraq, and members of small communities may know the religious affiliations of their neighbors. However, in a country that had last census in 1932, it is difficult to have correct population estimates. It had expanded over the next few decades from an ailing relic to the largest glass manufacturer in the Levant, with 300 locally hired workers producing around 220,000 tons of glass per day. Nassif became Sheikh around 1749 with the blooming of the cotton industry in Jabal Amel, and was surrounded by the Shihabis and Zahir al-Umar. / shia surnames in pakistan. This tradition makes it more likely that a man named Ali, Hassan, or Hussein would be a Shiite. You can also tell a Sunni from a Shiite based on where he goes to pray: Locals would know the affiliation of each mosque, and outsiders may be able to tell by reading the banners or inscriptions. [13] Qarmatian influence may have also played a role when the latter gained foothold in neighboring Homs before the Abbasids kicked them out in 903. 280 Maronite members registered in Akkar (Andaqt, Meniara), Beirut (Mazraa)Jbeil (Qartaba Shmaliyeh), Zahle (Midan Charqi), Zgharta (Daraya) and Batroun. The Monthly is published on a quarterly basis by Information International, a leading Beirut-based research and consultancy firm. [9], During Roman rule, Aramaic became the lingua franca of the entire Levant and Lebanon, replacing spoken Phoenician on the coast, while Greek was used as language of administration, education and trading. [75] A study done by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1985 put the numbers of Shias at 41% of the population (919,000 of 2,228,000). [10] On the other hand, Jabal Amel was inhabited by Banu Amilah, its namesake, who have particular importance for the Lebanese Shia for adopting and nurturing Shi'ism in the southern population. Lebanese Sunni cleric 'killed by family members' Security forces find Sheikh Ahmad Rifai, known for his opposition to Hezbollah, with gunshot wounds Tripoli, Lebanon. Israeli vision and strategy nowadays is reduced to three goals: to maintain peace and tranquility along the Lebanese-Israeli border, which has been respected by both sides for the past 11 years;. Shia Twelvers in Lebanon refers to the Shia Muslim Twelver community with a significant presence all over Lebanon including the Mount Lebanon (Keserwan, Byblos), the North (Batroun), the South, the Beqaa, Baabda District coastal areas and Beirut. [45] According to historian Elizabeth Thompson, private schools were part of "constant negotiations" between citizen and the French authorities in Lebanon, specifically regarding the hierarchical distribution of social capital along religious communal lines. Among the factors contributing to the recent surge of Sunni extremism in Lebanon, the most prominent is perhaps the growing Sunni resentment of Hezbollah, especially after the Shiite movement in May 2013 officially announced its military involvement in Syria, in support of Bashar al-Assad. [28][34] This grande scurit that Nassif and Zahir imposed on the region best manifested when Ali Bey al-Kabir of Egypt requested Nassif's help to put down the rebellion at Cairo in 1773, or when he was sought by nomadic tribes in the Syro-Jordanian desert for help.[28]. lebanese sunni surnamesmichelle fleury ancestry. Sunni Islam in Lebanon has a history of more than a millennium. 38. In 1767, Zahir attempted to extend his authority to Shiite villages, but was defeated in battle and captured, eventually entering into an alliance with Nassif and the Shiites. [13], Most of Jabal Amel regained its autonomy under Husam ad-Din Bechara, a presumably local Shiite officer of Saladin who participated in the capture of Jabal Amel and became its lord from 1187 until 1200. Despite taking part in Ali Janbulad's rebellion, Yunus later emerged as one of the Ottomans' favorite intermediaries, and his influence extended into the decisions of the Sublime Porte and the Janissaries. The last census in Lebanon in 1932 put the numbers of Shias at 19.6% of the population (154,208 of 785,543). With the resurgence of Safavid power, the Harfush emirs began to seek an extension of their power to the strategic Machghara, in the southernmost reaches of the Bekaa valley, with a view of securing contact with their fellow Shiites in Jabal Amel. Despite signing a letter offering submission to Selim I in 1516, the Harfushes' initial relationship with their new masters seems to have been problematic when the governor of Syria, Janbirdi al-Ghazali, executed Shia chief Ibn Harfush as a rebel in 1518, contemporarily evicting them from the deputyship of Baalbek. [28], Zahir's military potential was significantly boosted by the backing of 10,000 Shiite fighters, noted by a French consul as "excellent fighters",[28] who aided him against the sieges and assaults of the governors of Damascus, and participated in fifteen subsequent campaigns against his foes. lebanese sunni surnames. The Iturean Kingdom of Chalcis became vassal state of the Romans after they consolidated their rule over most of the Levant in 64 BC, and at their peak they managed to impose control on much of the Phoenician coast and Galilee including southern Lebanon, until the Romans fully incorporated them in 92 CE. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. * True Religion Brand Jeans general counsel Deborah Greaves says fake jeans often smell funny because of the way they're shipped to the U.S. Note that the following percentages are estimates only. As a result of his policies, Shiites held a meeting at Chehour village to organise guerrilla attacks against him, which continued throughout his rule. In the Levant, the Qarmatians were ordered to be stamped out by the ruling Fatimid, themselves Isma'ilis and from whom the lineage of the modern Nizari Aga Khan is claimed to descend. What are some of the most common family names in Lebanon? Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. February 27, 2023 . Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) [13] The deep crisis of the Abbasid dynasty during the decade-long Anarchy at Samarra (c. 861870), the rise of breakaway and autonomous regimes in the provinces, the large-scale Zanj Rebellion (c. 869883), the establishment of Qarmatian Isma'ilis in 899 in Syria,[16] and the rise of the Twelver Shiite Hamdanids in northern Syria in 930 who transformed Aleppo into a Shia hub,[15] all acted catalysts for the further rise of Shiism. According to the CIA World Factbook, Shia Muslims constituted an estimated 31% of Lebanon's population in 2022.[1]. [49] The institutionalization of Shia Islam during this period provoked discussions between Shiite scholars and clergy about how Shiite orthodoxy should be defined. There are over fifteen different officially recognised religious sects in Lebanon. This angered the French, who encouraged an unsuccessful assassination attempt against him. [47], Sayyid Abdul-Husayn Sharafeddine believed that the only way to ward off foreign political influence was to establish modern schools while maintaining Islamic teachings. While General Myers was meeting with officers and enlisted men there, I was free to walk around the base, and eventu ally I wandered into the command center, where my eye was immedi ately caught by a large flat-screen TV. Some settled in the mountains of Lebanon, while others settled further north along the coastal ridges in Syria,[64] where the Alawites had earlier taken refugeand where their brethren in the Assassins were cultivating a fearsome reputation as they staved off armies of Crusaders and Sunnis alike for many years. [36] The insurgents managed to temporarily conquer the Tebnine citadel in 1783, and the period witnessed swift uprisings in Tyre and Chehour in 17841785. At some times, the Shiites also fought the Druze, who at Jbaa attacked and wounded their religious chief who was sheltering a Christian refugee, and proceeded to loot his home. [14] According to Husayn Mroue, Shiism was one option among many for the communities of Jabal Amel, but for them, a positive and inviting dialectical relationship between the theological construct of Imamism and its social milieu gave precedence to the Shiite possibility. A man named Omar, Abu Bakr, or Yazid would almost certainly be a Sunni, since these names correspond to the opponents of the first imams and the major villains of Shiite history. Reuters Jamie Prentis Feb 27, 2023 Listen In English Listen in Arabic This name is based on the Arabic word Muhammad, meaning praiseworthy. [9], Sunni Muslims and Alawites have been in conflict with each other for centuries. It is important to note that most villages and towns in Lebanon today have Aramaic names, reflecting this heritage.