Here is a sample conversation using Argentinian Spanish slang: Como va?(How are you?) } color: #ffffff; Have you thought about visiting Guatemala? .plyr--audio .plyr__control[aria-expanded=true] { Mucha gente quiere la papa pelada y que otro siembre para cosechar nosotros. For example, if someone tried to overcharge you on a job or at the market, you would call that person achucho. button.plyr__control:hover{ Cipotes is also used in Guatemala in the eastern departments. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; } It is used as a bad word when you feel pain, stressed, or going through a hard time. Aguas! controls:[ }); .plyr--full-ui input[type=range]{ background: #00896e; You might also hear the word in a greeting likeQu tal, cerote? (Whats up,dude?) Chapn / Chapina This is the unofficial Spanish word for a person from Guatemala. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. What does a Panamanian mean when he says, Nos sali la bruja. As you may see, there are many reasons why you should know .plyr__control[data-plyr="play"]{ That literally means he is hanging like a sausage in the store. What nerve! used in different Spanish-speaking cultures. Cookies Policy. Thats why these days few are willing to do it. .plyr--audio .plyr__control[aria-expanded=true] { Using family members or close relatives as a part of swearing phrases is considered one of the most offensive Portuguese insults. We want you to spend the best time of your life with us, if you have any questions contact us, we are here to help you. background: #00896e; Perhaps theyve picked up a new way of saying, Whats up? or Thats cool.. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; If the word merda isnt hard enough to express your anger, frustration, or surprise, adding a puta next to the merda may be satisfied. Others say it goes back much further to pre-Columbian times when indigenous people held meetings called huanacaxtle which sounds like guanacaste. what do any of these words mean?? 'play', 'progress', 'mute', 'volume', ], So, if you are a Portuguese student, you should be familiar with Portuguese curse words. After all, native speakers tend to use more informal words and phrases when in relaxed company. Playing around with new words is a great way to practice and develop your Spanish speaking skills. The same idea can be shortenedto est colgado. Well, thats not good.). As we mentioned, the word foda can be used as a part of an expression and used like that; it means go f*ck yourself. It is also one of the most commonly used curse phrases in Brazilian Portuguese. I remember only using cerote once and that was when chanting Otto cerote, te vas a it al bote! as a kid at a protest HAHAHA. Camilo le est echando los perros a Mara. After all, native speakers tend to use more informal words and phrases when in relaxed company. See that thing over there? Ves esta vaina alla? Much likechunchein Costa Rica. It merely means so, so. The meaning of this word is dirty or nasty.. What is cuss word? Lo tuzi Translation: Old head English equivalent: Old geezer Heres a list of twenty words and phrases to get you started. Aguas would be the plural of Agua. It means everything and nothing. #c5dd0d; } Pero mira como ests todo seco, seguro que ests comiendo bien? Do you have any special Central American Spanish words or phrases to add to this list? background: #c5dd0d; } Youll find Spanish slang words around the globe, as well as common expressions used in different Spanish-speaking cultures. You can call your best friend a cerote while talking to him, or referring to him. .plyr__menu__container .plyr__control[role=menuitemradio][aria-checked=true]::before { The idea? Of course, its literal translation is water, but when you hear it spoken loudly it means that danger is approaching. The literal meaning of burro is Donkey. background: #c5dd0d; } In fact, there are many different curse phrases in Portuguese that include the word merda., Literally, the phrase in English means let yourself of s*its.It is another way of saying cut the crap or stop the bullshit.. Youll also make your experience abroad much more authentic. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. background: #c5dd0d;} amzn_assoc_region = "US"; And sometimes Im confused by Australian words. Burra: This comes from burro (mule) and is the word Guatemalans use for bus. It comes from an old 19th century Honduran general called Florencio Xatruch. 10 Brutal Guatemalan Spanish Curse Words You Need To Know To Survive In Guatemala! Pura vida describes the Costa Rican mindset of being chilled out. Lets all hope that Camilo isnt barking up the wrong tree. Lets dive in. When a person is upset, he may throw his hat down in disgust. This one is pretty easy. 'play', 'progress', 'mute', 'volume', ], We can say that it is a synonym for the word puta., Interestingly, during carnival seasons, men dressed up as women, looking sexually attractive, and people call them piranhas., The word porra can be translated as s*it, but theres a slight difference between this word and merda. COmparing these two words, porra is softer than merda.. It is no surprise, then, that chilero usually has nothing to do with mouth-burning of any kind. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; "PUCHICA" is a Guatemalan slang word that we use every day. With a few lessons under your belt, you will be all set to impress your Spanish-speaking friends. To help you pick up some words here and there, weve provided a handy guide. ya me agarraste de tu puerquito?, When I asked Antonio to do me one more favor, he responded angrily: What! They call themselves Ticos/Ticas in honour of the national habit of adding a diminutive suffix to words to denote affection and cuteness. Some of these words are used in most, or all, Spanish-speaking countries, like chocolate and aguacate ("avocado"), and some are only used in Mexico and most Central American countries, like Guatemala and El Salvador. Burra volcanic iceland epic trip Meet our Local Insider Hanna how long have you been a guide? To walk a long way, for quite a long time. } If you need a Portuguese phrase, the meaning of the word has likely to replace the English what the f*ck, this is the one. } color: #c5dd0d; } Alguien me dio el trabajo equivocado y no sabia. (Someone gave me the wrong job to do and I didnt know it was wrong.) you scared me coming out from there, Hoy tengo que remar al trabajo I have to walk to work today. Because Mexico is just across the border from the U.S., you might even hear some Mexican Spanish slang used in the states among native speakers. If you are planning to visit some of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries, we have a proposal for you. The verb cuajar means to coagulate, or to solidify. This form of address is likely a shortened form of muchachos and means you guys, but it encompasses much more than that. Pues estaba en la olla en mi trabajo. ( Well I was in a bad situation at my job.) Look at English. Ever peel a stack of potatoes? const players199639 = Plyr.setup('.player199639', { Therefore, this sentence would sound like Porra'' mano!. You can call a friend shute or an enemy the same way It depends of the context and the tone you use of course. Guatemalan Spanish (Spanish: Espaol guatemalteco) is the national variant of Spanish spoken in the Central American country of Guatemala. If you want to use the Portuguese phrase, you use it alone, without adding other words to form a broader sentence. Does the song blasting from the clubhave you dancing in the street? In these languages dos que tres means some. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; They prefer to have everything handed to them on a plate. Piss off It simply means pushing someone away from your personal space. Ayer, me asaltaron en laburracuando iba de regreso a mi casa. Primo means cousin in Spanish but many use mopri, often shortened down to mop as another way of saying mae. So here is a list of the top 10 most commonly used Guatemalan slang words: 1. .plyr__time, .plyr__time--duration{ background: #c5dd0d;} Te dije que te das bola. (You dont say. Slang for a thing, and it can be applied to anything really. But it just happens that in Guatemala, theyalso say burra when talking about a bus. Yesterday, I was assaulted on the bus when I was on my way back home., Your browser does not support the audio element. Catracho is the nickname for Hondureos (Hondurans). The two as are only separated by a micropause, represented by an apostrophe. .plyr__control--overlaid:hover { - Careful crossing the Street, remember! background: #c5dd0d; } Estuve aguja todo el semestre y pude sacar buenas notas - I had to focus and get prepared the entire semester and I could get good grades 2) Arrecho To get to work, I have to catch two buses.. Guatemalans. Ever heard of rubbernecking delays? But in El Salvador, it means goodbye. personalized lessons. .plyr--audio .plyr__control[aria-expanded=true] { Fuck It means fornication under the consent of the king. background: #c5dd0d; } It comes from the name of an old shoe they used to wear there. In Guatemala and El Salvador, indefinite articles are commonly placed before a possessive pronoun, as in una mi tacita de caf lit. Ok! Noombre! Every hunter values his hounds. This construction was occasional in Old Spanish and still found in Judaeo-Spanish, but its frequency in El Salvador and Guatemala is due to similar constructions being found in various Mayan languages. Mejor mandemos a Enrique. Boy, thats a really beautiful jacket! But its nothing whatsoever to do with anything in English. Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here? } So the only time chucho doesnt mean dog, is when you are talking about changing a tire or mechanics. When a politician had the audacity to ask a poor street vendor for a discount on a very small item, the seller retorted: Chish! button.plyr__control:hover{ No conozco mucho vatos que vivan por ac I dont know too many young people that live around here, Vea, que ayer estuvo la polica preguntando por ese seor Hey, the police was asking about him yesterday. I have some money to spare, want to grab a bite? Get used to hearing it because it ends many conversations and means, quite simply, for sure., This is a biggie that means whats going on is spot onand that youre in agreement with a situation, that something is right or correct or that its all good.. Or whatever word you use for what comes out when you go for a number two. background: #c5dd0d; } The meaning of the word has likely been taken from English. They're Guatemalan slang, cerote! #c5dd0d; }, Le quiero regalar un chucho a mi hijo para navidad Perhaps theyve picked up a new way of saying, Whats up? or Thats cool., Much like you may hear different slang words in California than you would hear in Texas, the same goes for. background: #c5dd0d; } You can read them first and at the very end of this post, you can check out a video of the ten words being used by a Guatemalan who appeared in our addicting Gritty Spanish learning audios! .plyr__control--overlaid:hover { More often than not, youll hear one of them referred to as aburra(from the wordburromeaning donkey), but this is actually the word for any type of bus, chicken or otherwise. amzn_assoc_asins = "B096SV8SJG"; It basically means cool or nice as an adjective. Here are some examples: So if youre learning Spanish by the book, you may find it difficult when you try to communicate with native speakers in casual settings. In the same way today every school and every company has its bootlickers. I am aware that a good number of the buses arent running. For that reason, if someone says, Me hice un queso, it means he went out of his way to please. Portuguese tutors. Seguramente l te va a entender muy rpido porque es bien chispudo. background: #c5dd0d; } But anyone who speaks Spanish knows what I mean. amzn_assoc_asins = "1857333489"; .plyr__control--overlaid:hover { color: #ffffff; Subscribe for exclusive city guides, travel videos, trip giveaways and more! Im going to take a nap while the baby sleeps. .plyr--full-ui input[type=range] { I thought she was working.) .plyr--full-ui input[type=range]{ Guati. background: #c5dd0d; } We had problems creating your account. No spam! When you hear que sopa? in Panama, you hear whats up? or whats going on? What theyve done is alter the phrase que paso? to reverse the word paso (pa-so) to sopa (so-pa). With a few lessons under your belt, you will be all set to impress your Spanish-speaking friends. Marco is a snake and I dont trust him. Sometimes, this. | Official Page, 10 Ways to Speak CostaRicanSpanish Slang, Guatemalan Spanish | Speak like a Native! While verga (pronounced like 'burger') is a generic slang term for 'penis', it also features in some regularly used phrases, the first of which is vales verga. Just say this. La fresa. (Oh, you know. Much, cundo creen que terminaremos este proyecto? But all of those countries had a few (or a lot) of languages before that, so it was natural that every one of them started mixing up their languages with the Spanish language, resulting in quite big variations of the language in every different republic.